

单词 同化
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Vedda〕A member of the earliest people of Sri Lanka, originally forest-dwelling hunters but now almost completely assimilated into the modern Singhalese population.维达人:斯里兰卡最古老的民族的一员,原先是居住在森林中的猎人,但现在已几乎全部被现代的僧伽罗人所同化美国传统〔acculturate〕To cause (a society, for example) to change by the process of acculturation.使受同化:通过同化的过程而使(社会)变化美国传统〔acculturate〕To change or be modified by acculturation.变化,受同化美国传统〔assimilate into〕America has assimilated millions of immigrants into its way of life.美国已将成千上万的移民同化了。21世纪英汉〔assimilate〕A few have assimilated easily into the system they once rebelled against.少数人很容易地被他们曾反抗过的制度同化了。英汉大词典〔assimilate〕French Jews generally had been assimilated into the nation's culture.法裔犹太人已经被这个国家的文化同化了。柯林斯高阶〔assimilate〕Linguistics To alter (a sound) by assimilation.【语言学】 同化(一声音)美国传统〔assimilate〕Schools were used to assimilate the children of immigrants.学校被用来同化这些移民子女。韦氏高阶〔assimilate〕The few English people who are in the region have been assimilated into French culture.该地区不多的几个英国人已全为法国文化所同化。英汉大词典〔assimilate〕The sound “m” often assimilates before a following “n”.“m”音常被后面的“n”音同化。英汉大词典〔assimilate〕There is every sign that new Asian-Americans are just as willing to assimilate.种种迹象表明, 新入籍美国的亚洲人也很乐意被同化。外研社新世纪〔assimilate〕To absorb (immigrants or a culturally distinct group) into the prevailing culture.把(移民或文化出色的群体)同化到盛行的文化中美国传统〔assimilationism〕A policy of furthering cultural or racial assimilation.民族同化论:一种加强文化或种族同化的政策美国传统〔assimilation〕Assimilation for them was impossible.对他们来说, 同化是不可能的。外研社新世纪〔assimilation〕Physiology The conversion of nutriments into living tissue; constructive metabolism.【生理学】 同化作用:把营养结构转变成活组织;组织性新陈代谢美国传统〔assimilation〕The act or process of assimilating.同化:吸收的行为或过程美国传统〔assimilation〕The assimilation of ethnic Germans in the US was accelerated by the two world wars.两次世界大战加速了美国对德国移民的民族同化。剑桥高阶〔assimilation〕The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture.同化:少数人群体逐渐接受盛行的文化的风俗和态度的过程美国传统〔assimilation〕The state of being assimilated.同化:处于被同化的状态美国传统〔assimilation〕The “d” in “grandpa” has been lost by assimilation to “p”.“grandpa”中的“d”因受“p”的同化而不发音。英汉大词典〔assimilative〕Marked by or causing assimilation.同化的:表明或使同化的美国传统〔culture〕Newcomers to the company are soon assimilated into the culture.新来的员工很快就为企业文化所同化。牛津搭配〔digestion〕Assimilation of ideas or information; understanding.领悟:将意见或信息同化吸收;理解美国传统〔digest〕To absorb or assimilate mentally.领会:心理上吸收或同化美国传统〔endomorphism〕Geology A change within an intrusive igneous rock caused by the assimilation of portions of the surrounding rock.【地质学】 内变质作用:由于周围岩石同化作用而在侵入火成岩内部产生的变化美国传统〔flavorist〕One whose profession is blending artificially isolated chemicals to create the taste and smell of a particular food.调味专家:职业为人工混合各种不同化学物质以生成特定食品的味道和气味的人美国传统〔homeomorphism〕Chemistry A close similarity in the crystal forms of unlike compounds.【化学】 同质异晶:不同化合物组成的晶体在形状上的极其类似美国传统〔identity function〕The function whose output is identical to its input.同化功能:输入及输出完全相同的功能美国传统〔integrate〕Psychology To bring about the integration of (personality traits).【心理学】 同化:导致(性格特点)的融合美国传统〔integration〕Psychology The organization of the psychological or social traits and tendencies of a personality into a harmonious whole.【心理学】 同化:将心里和社会特点及不同的个性趋向溶合成一和谐的整体美国传统〔intussusception〕Biology Assimilation of new substances into the existing components of living tissue.【生物学】 摄取:新物质与活体组织已存成份的同化作用美国传统〔isoenzyme〕Any of the chemically distinct forms of an enzyme that perform the same biochemical function.同工酶,同功酶:具有相同的生化功能的一种酶的不同化学形式中的任一种美国传统〔malassimilation〕Incomplete or imperfect assimilation of nutrients by the body.同化不良:身体同化营养不全面或不完美美国传统〔osmosis〕The 19th century was marked by an osmosis between business and the landed aristocracy.19世纪的特点是商界和地主贵族的互相同化。外研社新世纪〔rearrangement〕As students of chemistry know, even small rearrangements of a molecule's structure can produce a compound that acts differently.学化学的学生都知道,分子结构哪怕有很小的变动,都会产生新的引起不同化学反应的化合物。剑桥高阶〔socialize〕You may have been socialized to do as you are told.也许你已经被同化了——让你做什么,你就做什么。柯林斯高阶〔steatolysis〕Digestive emulsification of fats before absorption and assimilation.脂肪分解:脂肪被吸收同化前的消化乳化作用美国传统〔stope〕Some rocks are stoped and assimilated more readily than others.有些岩块较另一些岩块更易受顶蚀作用而被同化。英汉大词典〔take〕Living with the minorities, he took on their dress and manners.与少数民族生活在一起,他在服装和举止行动方面都同化了。英汉大词典America has assimilated millions of immigrants. 美国同化了千百万移民。译典通Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life. 有些外国人容易被我们的生活方式同化。译典通The assimilation of ethnic Germans in the US was accelerated by the two world wars.两次世界大战加速了德国移民在美国的同化。剑桥国际The laws of the defeated country were assimilated to those of the stronger country. 战败国的法律被强国的法律所同化。译典通You shouldn't expect immigrants to assimilate into an alien culture immediately.你不能期望移民一下子同化于一种异文化。剑桥国际




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