

单词 同侧
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔helicoid cyme〕An inflorescence coiled in a bud like a snail shell and expanded superficially, as on a raceme with the flowers on one side.螺旋聚伞花序:一种花序,似蜗牛壳状盘旋在花蕾之中,外部能扩张,如所有花都生长在同侧的总状花序之上美国传统〔ipsilateral〕Located on or affecting the same side of the body.身体同侧的:处于或影响着身体的同侧的美国传统〔overreach〕To strike the front part of a hind foot against the rear or side part of a forefoot or foreleg on the same side of the body. Used of a horse.马后蹄踢前蹄:后蹄的前部踢身体同侧的前蹄或前肢的后部侧部,用于指马美国传统〔pace〕A gait of a horse in which both feet on one side leave and return to the ground together.溜蹄:马同侧两腿同时离地和落地的一种步态美国传统




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