

单词 含糊其辞
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVOID〕When we asked him where his wife was, O'Hare suddenly became evasive. 我们问到他的妻子在哪里时,奥黑尔顿时变得含糊其辞。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕He was rather vague about the reasons why he never finished school. 他对自己没有完成学业的理由含糊其辞。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕Officials were vague about the number of weapons that were uncovered. 查获的武器数量有多少,官员们含糊其辞。朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕It's a waste of time issuing vague threats about imposing sanctions -- we should send in the army. 一再含糊其辞地威胁要实施制裁是在浪费时间—我们应该派军队去。朗文写作活用〔coy〕Both companies are being coy about the merger deal.两家公司都对并购交易含糊其辞。韦氏高阶〔coy〕He gave a coy answer.他给了个含糊其辞的回答。韦氏高阶〔equivocal〕He responded to reporters' questions with equivocal answers.他含糊其辞地回答了记者们的提问。韦氏高阶〔equivocate〕His answers were filled with evasions and equivocations.他的回答要么回避问题,要么含糊其辞词。韦氏高阶〔equivocate〕The applicant seemed to be equivocating when we asked him about his last job.当我们问到那位申请人上一份工作的时候,他有些含糊其辞。韦氏高阶〔equivocate〕When asked directly for her position on disarmament, the candidate only equivocated.当候选人被直接问到有关她对裁军的态度时,她只是含糊其辞。21世纪英汉〔flannel〕He flannelled about 'addressing issues'.他含糊其辞地说要“处理问题”。外研社新世纪〔gabble〕Take your time and don't gabble!说话从容些,不要急急忙忙,不要含糊其辞!21世纪英汉〔half-truth〕I'm tired of all these half-truths—I want to know the real story.这些含糊其辞的话我听够了——我想知道真实情况。韦氏高阶〔noncommittal〕I received a noncommittal letter in return.我收到了一封含糊其辞的回信。英汉大词典〔noncommittal〕She would only give noncommittal answers about her plans.当被问到自己的计划时她总是含糊其辞。韦氏高阶〔prevaricate〕British ministers continued to prevaricate.英国的部长们继续含糊其辞。外研社新世纪〔secretively〕He was evasive, to the point of secretiveness.他含糊其辞,让人觉得有意隐瞒。柯林斯高阶〔shuffle〕Don't shuffle, give a definite answer.别含糊其辞,给一个明确的答复。英汉大词典〔vague〕They were vague and evasive about their backgrounds.他们对各自的经历含糊其辞。英汉大词典He answered openly and honestly without hesitation or equivocation.他磊落诚实地回答,没有犹豫不决或含糊其辞。剑桥国际Her speech was deliberately ambiguous to avoid offending either side.她的演讲故意含糊其辞,以免冒犯任何一方。剑桥国际I asked him what the plans were, but he only replied in vague terms.我问他计划如何,但他只是含糊其辞地应答了一下。剑桥国际She accused the minister of equivocating, claiming that he had deliberately avoided telling the public how bad the problem really was.她指责部长含糊其辞,声称他有意避不告诉公众问题真正糟糕的程度。剑桥国际She was suitably vague (= intentionally not exact in a way that is approved of) about just what this cash would be spent on.她有意地对如何花费这笔现金含糊其辞。剑桥国际The President has been waffling on this issue, probably because he is still uncertain about what to do.总统一直在这个问题上含糊其辞,大概是因为他还拿不定主意该怎么做。剑桥国际Their report is studiously vague (= intentionally not exact) on future economic prospects.他们的报告故意在将来的经济前景方面含糊其辞。剑桥国际We wish to remove any ambiguity (=confusion) concerning our demands.我们希望对我们的要求不要含糊其辞。剑桥国际When asked a difficult question on TV or radio, she gives herself time to think with some preliminary waffle.当电视台或广播电台问她一个困难的问题时,她就用些含糊其辞的话给自己留时间思考。剑桥国际




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