

单词 在意
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Young children are highly adaptable -- I'm sure they won't mind moving to a different area. 小孩子适应能力极强—我肯定他们不会在意搬到别的地方去住。朗文写作活用〔DON'T CARE〕He's not very fussy about his appearance, is he? 他对自己的外表不很在意,是不是?朗文写作活用〔DON'T CARE〕Honestly, I don't mind whether Linda comes with us or not. 老实说,我并不在意琳达是不是跟我们一起去。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Thanks to today's victory they are level with their main rivals, AC Milan, at the top of the Italian league. 由于今天所取得的胜利,他们与主要对手AC米兰队的积分相同,在意大利联赛中并列榜首。朗文写作活用〔Florentine〕Of or relating to the style of art and architecture that flourished in Florence, Italy, during the Renaissance.佛罗伦萨式的:文艺复兴时期有关于在意大利佛罗伦萨兴起的艺术风格和建筑风格的美国传统〔abstraction〕Preoccupation; absent-mindedness.心不在焉;不在意美国传统〔antinomianism〕The belief that moral laws are relative in meaning and application as opposed to fixed or universal.反律法主义:认为道德准则在意义上和实践上都是相对的,并不是固定的和普遍适用的美国传统〔bird〕Frank is that rare bird, a prison cook who cares about food.弗兰克是这么一种少见的人——在意食物的监狱厨师。外研社新世纪〔blow〕Let's take a taxi and blow(= never mind)the expense.我们乘出租车吧,别在意费用。牛津高阶〔bothered〕Never bother about people's opinions.不要在意人们的看法。柯林斯高阶〔bothered〕That kind of jealousy doesn't bother me.那种嫉妒我并不在意。柯林斯高阶〔care〕She's never cared very much about her appearance.她对自己的外表从不很在意。剑桥高阶〔casual〕He's an easy-going, friendly young man with a casual sort of attitude towards money.他是个随和、友善的年轻人, 对金钱不怎么在意。外研社新世纪〔coach〕Beckenbauer coached the West Germans to success in the World Cup final in Italy.贝肯鲍尔执教西德队,带领他们在意大利世界杯决赛中获胜。柯林斯高阶〔damn〕He doesn't give a damn what people think about him.他一点也不在意人们对他的看法。韦氏高阶〔decrease〕Because of the injury, some decrease in mobility is to be expected.因为有伤,身体移动不太方便是在意料之中。韦氏高阶〔discourtesy〕She had overlooked such discourtesies in the past.此类粗鲁的言行她早就不在意了。外研社新世纪〔disengaged〕He had a disengaged look in his eyes.他的目光中有一种不在意的神色。英汉大词典〔douse〕Douse the pasta with olive oil.把橄榄油浇在意大利面上。外研社新世纪〔draw〕Egypt drew two of their matches in Italy.埃及在意大利收获了两场平局。柯林斯高阶〔drizzle〕Serve the pasta with a drizzle of olive oil.上桌时,在意大利面上淋些橄榄油。剑桥高阶〔fawn〕She doesn't seem to mind being fawned on by her fans.粉丝对她阿谀奉承,她似乎并不在意。韦氏高阶〔feeling〕She ignored the queasy feeling in her stomach.她没有在意那种恶心反胃的感觉。牛津搭配〔finish〕I took a long holiday in Italy and finished up in Rome.我在意大利度了个长假,最后一站是罗马。朗文当代〔flourish〕Painting flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century.在意大利,绘画在15世纪达到顶峰。21世纪英汉〔flourish〕Painting flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century.15世纪绘画在意大利达到顶峰。英汉大词典〔following〕The band has a huge following in Italy.这个乐队在意大利有一大批热心的观众。牛津高阶〔forget〕A: I'm sorry I broke your teapot. B: Forget it.甲:对不起,我打碎了你的茶壶。乙:不必在意。英汉大词典〔hearsay〕I wouldn't take any notice of it – it's just hearsay.我不会在意,这只不过是传闻而已。朗文当代〔heart〕If someone says something critical I take it to heart.如果有人提出批评, 我会很在意。外研社新世纪〔hear〕I've heard it said that they met in Italy.我听说他们是在意大利相识的。朗文当代〔heyday〕In the heyday of big cars nobody cared how much gas cost.在宽大型轿车盛行的日子,没人在意要花多少油费。韦氏高阶〔home〕She was born in Italy, but she's made Charleston her home .她出生在意大利,却在查尔斯顿安了家。朗文当代〔ideological〕There are some fairly profound ideological disagreements within the movement.该运动内部在意识形态上存在一些比较严重的分歧。剑桥高阶〔if〕What would happen to your family if you were to die in an accident? 要是你在意外事故中身亡,你的家人会怎么样呢?朗文当代〔if〕You don't seem to care if I'm tired.你好像不在意我是不是很累。朗文当代〔imply〕The presence of stairs in the ruins implies an upper floor.废墟中楼梯的存在意味着上面曾有一层楼。麦克米伦高阶〔indifferent〕Alice tried to act indifferent about the incident.艾丽斯努力做出一副对这一事件毫不在意的样子。牛津搭配〔inroads〕In Italy, as elsewhere, television has made deep inroads into cinema.在意大利,跟在别处一样,电视严重影响了电影市场,夺走了大批观众。柯林斯高阶〔in〕The words are similar but there is a difference in meaning.这些单词很相似,但在意思上有差别。麦克米伦高阶〔joe sixpack〕Joe Sixpack doesn't care about that.那个壮实的家伙不在意那事。牛津高阶〔jot〕Rain pelted down, but I did not give a jot.大雨滂沱, 但我毫不在意。外研社新世纪〔kill〕They weren't bothered – in fact they were killing themselves laughing.他们并不在意,事实上他们还笑得要死呢。朗文当代〔kind〕Greg was working on some kind of deal in Italy.格雷格正在意大利做某种生意。朗文当代〔last〕He spent his last days in Italy.他在意大利度过他的晚年。英汉大词典〔make little of sth〕He made little of his ordeal.他对自己的不愉快经历没太在意。剑桥高阶〔matter〕I don't know, and for that matter, I don't care.我不知道,因此,我也并不在意。英汉大词典〔might〕The drivers, as you might imagine, didn't care much for that.和想象中一样, 司机们对此并不太在意。外研社新世纪〔mind〕He didn't mind that other people in the village thought him odd.他不在意村里人认为他古怪。朗文当代〔mind〕I used to laugh at him, but he never paid any mind.我常常嘲笑他,但他从不在意。英汉大词典〔mind〕I wouldn't have minded if she'd asked me first.如果她先问了我,我就不会在意了。朗文当代〔mind〕Never mind your mistake: it wasn't serious.别在意你的错误:那并不严重。韦氏高阶〔mind〕Nobody really minded much about what happened to them.没人真正在意他们的遭遇。牛津搭配〔mind〕They had thought the boys wouldn't mind sharing; as it turned out, they minded very much.他们原以为这些男孩子不会介意跟他人合用,可结果却发现他们十分在意。牛津搭配〔misjudge〕She now realizes that she misjudged him.她现在意识到她错看了他。牛津高阶〔not care/give a sod〕She doesn't care a sod about her reputation.她一点都不在意自己的名声。剑桥高阶〔obsess〕She used to obsess about her weight.她过去总是过分在意自己的体重。剑桥高阶〔organizational〕The police now recognise that big organisational changes are needed.警方现在意识到需要进行大幅度的机构调整。柯林斯高阶〔parent〕When you become a parent the things you once cared about seem to have less value.一旦你为人父母,你曾经在意的那些事情就显得不那么重要了。柯林斯高阶〔pay〕He's not paying attention.他没在意。外研社新世纪〔photographer〕She didn't think much of the photographers snapping away at her.她不太在意摄影师们冲着她啪啪地拍照。牛津搭配〔quality〕He's not interested in quality. All he cares about is making money.他对高质量毫不在意,一心只想赚钱。剑桥高阶〔regardless〕He crushed the bloom with regardless tread.他毫不在意一脚践踏了鲜花。英汉大词典〔send〕Not helping these people will send the message that we don't care.不帮助这些人将表明我们并不在意。麦克米伦高阶〔sensitively〕Young people are very sensitive about their appearance.年轻人对外表很在意。柯林斯高阶〔sensual〕He is elegant, sensual, conscious of his body.他优雅、性感,很在意自己的身材。剑桥高阶〔serious〕My sister is serious about her grades.我妹妹很在意她的学习成绩。韦氏高阶〔shake〕Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet? 在意大利,人们见面时握手吗?牛津高阶〔slaughter〕The annual slaughter of wildlife in Italy is horrific.在意大利,每年大量捕杀野生动物的现象令人震惊。柯林斯高阶〔sometimes〕Sometimes, Grandma would tell us stories about her childhood in Italy.有时候,祖母会跟我们讲讲她在意大利时的童年故事。朗文当代〔so〕Frescoes are so familiar a feature of Italian churches that it is easy to take them for granted.壁画在意大利教堂里是司空见惯的,以至于人们往往会视而不见。柯林斯高阶〔spot〕Becka was very self-conscious about her spots.贝卡很在意她的粉刺。朗文当代〔sprinkle〕She topped the pasta with a sprinkle of parsley.她在意大利面上撒了点欧芹。韦氏高阶〔stupidity〕I now realize the stupidity of that statement.我现在意识到了那种说法的愚蠢之处。牛津搭配〔sublimely〕Mrs Trollope was sublimely uninterested in what she herself wore.特罗洛普夫人丝毫不在意自己穿什么衣服。柯林斯高阶〔talk〕To address someone orally with no regard for or interest in the person's reaction or response.直接表达意见而不顾他人的反应:口头上对某人讲话而对其反应或回应并不在意或没有兴趣美国传统〔that〕That he said no is not surprising.他说不,这在意料之中。韦氏高阶〔then〕We lived in France and then Italy before coming back to England.我们在返回英格兰之前,先住在法国,后来住在意大利。牛津高阶〔there〕There is usually felt to be a difference in meaning between them.人们通常感到它们之间在意义上有区别。英汉大词典〔this〕I bought these shoes in Italy.我在意大利买的这双鞋子。麦克米伦高阶〔tolerant〕People in Italy are more tolerant of children in public places than in Britain.与英国相比,在意大利人们对小孩在公共场所活动更为宽容。剑桥高阶〔tour〕We met on a coach tour in Italy.我们是在意大利乘长途客车旅游时相识的。朗文当代〔unconcerned〕Paul was unconcerned about what he had done.保罗对自己的所作所为毫不在意。外研社新世纪〔unfussy〕He's unfussy about which grievances he exploits.他对自己加以利用的是哪种不满情绪并不是特别在意。外研社新世纪〔untypical〕It is not untypical of girls of her age to be concerned about their appearance.她那般年纪的女孩子一般都很在意外表。剑桥高阶〔wash〕He doesn't mind what people say. All the criticism seems to have washed over him.人们的议论他全不在意,所有的批评对他似乎都是耳边风。 英汉大词典〔whit〕I don't care a whit.我一点儿也不在意。外研社新世纪〔whole〕We spent the whole summer in Italy that year.那年我们整个夏天都呆在意大利。柯林斯高阶After months of trying she finally made contact with him in Italy.经过几个月的努力她最终在意大利和他取得了联系。剑桥国际He seems completely oblivious to the problems he's caused and just merrily continues along his way.他似乎对他造成的结果毫不在意,只是不顾后果地继续他的老路。剑桥国际I don't give a sod (about) what Margaret said, I can't finish it today.我才不在意玛格丽特说什么,这活我今天是完成不了的。剑桥国际I realize now that my response was an overreaction.我现在意识到我的反应太强烈了。剑桥国际It was while I was in Italy that I got a telegram telling me that my brother had collapsed and was seriously ill.我在意大利时收到一封电报,告诉我哥哥病倒了,而且情况很严重。剑桥国际Never mind all these fancy phrases--just tell us the plain facts.不要在意使用什么华丽的辞藻,就告诉我们简单的事实。剑桥国际She was always bragging about her cottage in Italy.她总是夸耀她在意大利的别墅。剑桥国际The car manufacturer had a quasi-monopoly position in the Italian market.这家汽车制造商在意大利市场上具有准垄断地位。牛津商务The president was very jealous of his personal power, and was suspicious of all of his advisors.总统非常在意自己的个人权力,对他的顾问都存有疑心。剑桥国际We had a wonderful time in Italy last summer.我们夏天在意大利过得相当愉快。剑桥国际We're just discovering the delights of (= how enjoyable it is) being retired.我们正在意识到退休的乐趣。剑桥国际While I was in Italy I went to see Alessandro.在意大利的时候,我去看了亚历山德罗。剑桥国际




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