

单词 在德国
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ancestral〕the family's ancestral home in southern Germany. 这个家族在德国南部的祖居柯林斯高阶〔ancestral〕the family's ancestral home in southern Germany这个家族在德国南部的祖居外研社新世纪〔degree〕doctors with German, French and English degrees 分别在德国、法国和英国获得博士学位的人们英汉大词典〔distributor〕a distributor for the German market 产品在德国市场的经销商牛津搭配〔ethnic〕ethnic Albanians living in Germany 生活在德国的阿尔巴尼亚族人牛津高阶〔exhilarating〕in the exhilarating days of German unification. 在德国实现统一的那些振奋人心的日子里柯林斯高阶〔exhilarating〕in the exhilarating days of German unification在德国实现统一的那些振奋人心的日子里外研社新世纪〔frontier〕people living on the German frontier 居住在德国边境地区的人牛津搭配〔importance〕the symbolic importance of iron in German culture 铁在德国文化中重要的象征意义牛津搭配〔soldier〕soldiers serving in Germany 在德国服役的军人牛津搭配〔station〕the British forces stationed in Germany驻扎在德国的英国军队外研社新世纪




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