

单词 和通
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KILL〕This is a backward and cruel society, in which people are executed for homosexuality and adultery. 这是个落后、残暴的社会,其人民会因同性恋和通奸被处死。朗文写作活用〔RECORD〕The system can log the date and length of calls made by company employees. 这套系统可以记录公司员工打电话的日期和通话时间。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕Each region has one organization controlling buses and operating its commuter trains. 每个地区都有一个管理公共汽车和通勤列车的机构。朗文写作活用〔Thermit〕A trademark used for a welding and incendiary mixture of fine aluminum powder with a metallic oxide, usually iron, that when ignited yields an intense heat.铝热剂:一种商标,用于一种由铝粉和通常是铁的金属氧化物焊接和点燃的混合物,当点燃后产生强热美国传统〔after〕Average personal income, after taxes and inflation, is down six percent.由于纳税和通货膨胀,个人平均收入下降了6%。英汉大词典〔angle of incidence〕The angle formed by a ray incident on a surface and a perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence.入射角:平面上的入射线和通过入射点与平面垂直的线所形成的角美国传统〔angle of reflection〕The angle formed by a reflected ray and a perpendicular to the surface at the point of reflection.反射角:由反射线和通过反射点与平面垂直的线所形成的角美国传统〔angle of refraction〕The angle formed by a refracted ray and a perpendicular to the refracting surface at the point of refraction.折射角:由折射线和通过折射点与折射面垂直的线所形成的角美国传统〔banana oil〕A liquid mixture of amyl acetate and usually nitrocellulose, having a bananalike odor and used as a solvent or flavoring agent.香蕉油:由醋酸戊酯和通常为硝化纤维素组成的混合物,有类似香蕉的气味,用作溶剂或调味剂美国传统〔callboard〕A bulletin board backstage in a theater for posting instructions and notices.公告板:戏院后台的布告板,用于张贴指示和通知美国传统〔conjunction〕The conjunction of computers and communications is perhaps the most important aspect of information technology.计算机和通讯的结合可能是信息技术最重要的方面。麦克米伦高阶〔countinghouse〕A building, room, or office in which a business firm carries on operations such as accounting and correspondence.会计室,存帐室:商业公司进行如结帐和通信等业务的建筑物、房间或办公室美国传统〔custom〕We went into the arrivals lounge for passport and customs clearance.我们进到入境大厅检查护照和通关。文馨英汉〔dealings〕They have extensive dealings with firms such as General Electric and Merrill Lynch.他们和通用电气、美林等公司有广泛的商业往来。外研社新世纪〔diplomatic immunity〕The exemption from taxation and ordinary processes of law afforded to diplomatic personnel in a foreign country.外交豁免权:外交人员在外国被赋予的税收和通常法律程序的豁免权利美国传统〔director's chair〕A light, folding armchair having a plastic, wooden, or metal frame and a back and seat usually made of canvas.导演椅,轻便扶手折椅:一种轻便扶手折椅,有塑料、木头或金属制的框架,和通常由帆布制成的座美国传统〔disgrace〕The condition of being strongly and generally disapproved.失宠;失势:处于强烈的和通常不赞同的状态美国传统〔duct〕Most office buildings have dozens of air ducts and vents.大多数办公楼都有很多通风管道和通风口。剑桥高阶〔formality〕They are whisked through the immigration and customs formalities in a matter of minutes.给他们办理入境和通关手续只用了短短几分钟时间。柯林斯高阶〔for〕John gave me a tie for Christmas, as usual.和通常一样,约翰送了我一条领带作为圣诞礼物。麦克米伦高阶〔image〕The display juxtaposed images from serious and popular art.这次展览将严肃艺术和通俗艺术的图片并列展出。牛津搭配〔inversely proportional〕The study indicates that the unemployment rate and inflation are inversely proportional.研究表明,失业率和通货膨胀呈反比关系。韦氏高阶〔itemize〕We asked for an itemized bill, listing all our phone calls and how long they were.我们要了一份明细账单,上面列有我们打过的所有电话和通话时间。剑桥高阶〔keep back〕He kept back the smoke by covering gaps in the doors and air vents.他遮住门的缝隙和通风口以防烟雾进屋。外研社新世纪〔key〕Pensions are keyed to the rate of inflation.养老金是和通货膨胀率挂钩的。朗文当代〔miscegenation〕Anti-miscegenation laws prohibiting interracial sex and marriage predate the Declaration of Independence by more than a century.在独立宣言发表一个世纪前,就有反异族性关系和通婚的法律。剑桥高阶〔nibble away〕Your nest egg will be nibbled away by tax and inflation.你的储备金会被税收和通货膨胀蚕食掉。外研社新世纪〔photometer〕An instrument for measuring a property of light, especially luminous intensity or flux.光度计:用来测量光的性质、尤其是光的强度和通量的仪器美国传统〔plinth〕The base block at the intersection of the baseboard and the vertical trim around an opening.勒脚:在踢脚板和通道周围竖直的镶边装饰相交处的底板美国传统〔polyp〕A coelenterate, such as a hydra or coral, having a cylindrical body and an oral opening usually surrounded by tentacles.水螅型珊瑚虫,水螅虫:一种有柱状身体和通常被触角包围的口部开口的腔肠动物,比如水螅或珊瑚虫美国传统〔pop〕Her music combines funk and pop.她的音乐结合了乡土爵士乐和通俗音乐两种风格。麦克米伦高阶〔protest〕Workers are protesting against high unemployment and inflation.工人们正在抗议高失业率和通货膨胀。麦克米伦高阶〔rental〕The phone bill gives a breakdown of the cost of the line rental and of calls.电话账单列出了线路租金和通话费用的明细。牛津搭配〔saxophone〕A woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece and a usually curved conical metal tube, including soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone sizes.萨克斯管:一种木管乐器,带有单簧管的簧长嘴子和通常弯曲的圆锥形金属管,包括最高音、中音、次中音和上低音导型号美国传统〔semiclassical〕Of, relating to, or being a work that in style or form falls between the classical and popular genres.半古典的:某件在风格或形式上介于古典和通俗类型之间的作品的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔step〕Prices usually keep in step with inflation.物价通常和通货膨胀保持一致。麦克米伦高阶〔tend〕They tend to buy cheap processed foods like canned chicken and macaroni.他们往往会买便宜的加工食品,像鸡肉罐头和通心粉之类的。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕Interest rates are tied to the rate of inflation.利率和通货膨胀率紧密联系在一起。朗文当代〔tie〕Pay increases are tied to inflation.提高工资和通货膨胀紧密相关。牛津高阶〔vociferous〕These adjectives all mean conspicuously and usually offensively loud.这些形容词都有引人注目地和通常令人讨厌地大的意思。美国传统In many ways the new economy is the old economy transformed by information and communication technologies.在许多方面,新经济是由旧经济通过信息和通讯技术转化而来的。牛津商务Most office buildings have dozens of air ducts and vents.多数办公楼都有许许多多的管道和通风口。剑桥国际Office Supplies and General Stationer 办公用品和通用文具公司剑桥国际The 1970s witnessed the first of the pop-star's dalliances with Buddhism and mysticism. [C] 1970 年代,流行歌曲的明星们首次短暂地对佛教和通灵论表示出兴趣。剑桥国际The hill was honeycombed with passages and chambers.小山上布满了洞穴和通道。剑桥国际Toyota's diversification into housing and telecommunications 丰田进入住房和通讯领域的业务多样化牛津商务We asked for an itemized bill, listing all our phone calls and how long they were.我们要一份记载详细的账单,列出我们打过的所有电话和通话时间。剑桥国际




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