

单词 和文
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ART/CULTURE〕art and culture 艺术和文化朗文写作活用〔Asiatic〕his placid Asiatic face他那温和文静的亚洲人脸庞外研社新世纪〔READ〕a society struggling to overcome poverty and illiteracy 正在努力克服贫穷和文盲的社会朗文写作活用〔academy〕the American Academy of Arts and Letters 美国艺术和文学学会朗文当代〔attainment〕appreciation of your high talents and literary attainments对你的高超才华和文学成就的赞赏外研社新世纪〔bibliography〕an extensive bibliography of books and articles 包括大量书籍和文章的书目牛津搭配〔break〕break down the traditional barrier between language and literature 扫除语言和文学之间传统的障碍英汉大词典〔chaotic〕a chaotic mass of books and papers 乱七八糟的一堆书和文件纸张英汉大词典〔classic〕classics The languages and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. Used withthe. classics 语言,文学:古希腊和古罗马的语言和文学。与the 连用 美国传统〔committee〕the Committee for Out-of-School Education and Cultural Development 校外教育和文化发展委员会英汉大词典〔culturally〕the sponsorship of sports and cultural events by tobacco companies. 烟草公司对体育赛事和文化活动的赞助柯林斯高阶〔cultural〕an improved understanding of ethnic and cultural diversity 对民族和文化多样性认识的提高麦克米伦高阶〔cultural〕economic, social and cultural factors 经济、社会和文化因素牛津高阶〔cultural〕programs to promote diversity and cultural awareness within the industry推动行业内多样性和文化意识的计划外研社新世纪〔cultural〕respect for racial and cultural identity 对种族和文化认同的尊重麦克米伦高阶〔cultural〕the sponsorship of sports and cultural events by tobacco companies烟草公司对体育和文化活动的赞助外研社新世纪〔cultural〕the very real historical and cultural differences between our two societies 我们两种社会之间非常现实的历史和文化差异朗文当代〔culture〕a country containing many language and culture groups 包括许多语言和文化群体的国家牛津搭配〔culture〕societies that share the same language and culture 有着共同的语言和文化的社会麦克米伦高阶〔decency〕the threat of rampant materialism to common decency and enlightened values. 物欲横流对起码的行为准则和文明的价值观所构成的威胁柯林斯高阶〔declassifiable〕to declassify secret information and document对机密情报和文件销密[参较classification]21世纪英汉〔evolve〕evolve social, political, and literary philosophies 逐步发展社会哲学、政治哲学和文艺哲学英汉大词典〔exchange〕a series of sporting and cultural exchanges with Seoul. 和首尔之间的一系列体育和文化交流柯林斯高阶〔exchange〕trade and cultural exchanges with China 与中国的贸易和文化交流牛津高阶〔fabricate〕to fabricate a signature and document伪造签名和文件21世纪英汉〔immersion〕my immersion in black music and culture 我对黑人音乐和文化的潜心研究朗文当代〔indissoluble〕the indissoluble link between language and culture 语言和文化的紧密关系朗文当代〔inextricable〕the inextricable connection between language and culture 语言和文化之间密不可分的联系朗文当代〔liberal arts〕the sciences and the liberal arts 理科和文科韦氏高阶〔linguistic〕linguistic and cultural barriers 语言和文化上的障碍牛津高阶〔mores〕the mores and culture of the Japanese 日本人的风俗和文化剑桥高阶〔much〕a much admired writer 一位深受仰慕的作家 This use is mainly found in formal and literary English. 这种用法主要见于正式和文学用语中。朗文当代〔parallel〕a parallel between economic and cultural advancement 经济发展和文化进步之间的同步性牛津搭配〔patchwork〕a patchwork of different styles and cultures 不同风格和文化的拼合牛津高阶〔prognosticate〕urban architectural renewal that prognosticates a social and cultural renaissance. 预示社会和文化复兴的城市建筑的翻新美国传统〔race〕people of different races and cultures 不同种族和文化的人牛津搭配〔radically〕two large groups of people with radically different beliefs and cultures. 信仰和文化上存在根本差异的两大群体柯林斯高阶〔rich〕the region's rich history and culture 这个地区丰富多彩的历史和文化牛津高阶〔sociocultural〕a sociocultural change 社会和文化的变化英汉大词典legal and cultural barriers to labour mobility 劳动力流动的法律和文化障碍牛津商务




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