

单词 和数
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DVD〕The film is now out on video and DVD.这部电影现在已经出了录像带和数字影碟。朗文当代〔EXAMINE〕Airlines have increased their scrutiny of the size and amount of carry-on luggage. 航空公司对随身携带的行李的大小和数量加强了检查。朗文写作活用〔FIND〕I took the opportunity to dig out a few facts and figures about this remote island. 我利用这次机会找出了有关这座远方岛屿的一些资料和数据。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕Pioneering research shows that the experiences of childhood help form the brain's circuits for music and maths, language and emotion. 一些开创性研究发现,童年的经历帮助开发大脑中音乐和数学、语言和情感的区域。朗文写作活用〔NUMBER〕On a cheque, write the amount in words and in figures. 支票上的金额要同时写上文字大写和数字。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕His parents sent him to Moscow to study physics, chemistry, and mathematics. 他父母送他到莫斯科学习物理、化学和数学。朗文写作活用〔WET〕The dam burst, swamping the valley and hundreds of homes. 大坝决堤,淹没了山谷和数百户人家。朗文写作活用〔ability〕The test measures verbal and mathematical ability.这种测试考查的是语言能力和数学能力。朗文当代〔abundance〕The various species differ mainly in size and abundance.各种物种主要在规模和数量上有所不同。外研社新世纪〔achievement〕The test measures children's achievements in reading, spelling and maths.这项测验评估小孩子在阅读、拼写和数学方面的成绩。朗文当代〔advance〕Hindu science made great advances in astronomy and mathematics.印度科学界在天文学和数学方面取得了巨大的进步。牛津搭配〔affiliation〕The group has affiliations with several organizations abroad.该团体和数个国外组织有联系。剑桥高阶〔amplifiable〕She amplified on her remarks with drawings and figures.她通过图画和数字进一步阐发她的话。21世纪英汉〔application〕We received training on a number of spreadsheet and database applications.我们在一些电子表格和数据库应用软件方面接受过培训。朗文当代〔armed〕She came to the meeting armed with all the facts and figures to prove us wrong.她带着能证明我们错误的所有事实和数据来参加会议。朗文当代〔assiduous〕They were assiduous in their search for all the latest facts and figures.他们用心搜集了最新的事实和数据。韦氏高阶〔attendance〕Police with riot gear and several fire engines are in attendance.防暴警察和数辆消防车都到了。外研社新世纪〔attendance〕Police with riot gear and several fire engines are in attendance.防暴警察和数辆消防车都到了。柯林斯高阶〔catch up〕During the evenings, the school is used by kids who want to catch up on English and mathematics.晚上, 学校就是一些赶着补英语和数学的孩子们在用。外研社新世纪〔catch up〕During the evenings, the school is used by kids who want to catch up on English and mathematics.每到晚上,就有孩子来学校补习英语和数学。柯林斯高阶〔character〕Schools were created to teach reading and mathematics, not moral character.那时创办学校是为了教阅读和数学,而不是进行道德教育。朗文当代〔check〕The police are checking his fingerprints against their database.警察正把他的指纹和数据库里的进行核对。麦克米伦高阶〔code〕A system of signals used to represent letters or numbers in transmitting messages.电码:信息传送中用于代表字母和数字的符号系统美国传统〔copy〕Copy this sum down from the blackboard.从黑板上把这个和数抄下。英汉大词典〔cull sth from sth〕Here are a few facts and figures I culled from the reports the team produced.这是我从团队报告中挑选出来的一些资料和数据。剑桥高阶〔cytotaxonomy〕The classification of organisms based on cellular structure and function, especially on the structure and number of chromosomes.细胞分类学:在细胞结构和功能基础上的,特别是在染色体的结构和数量上的微生物的分类美国传统〔dress ... up〕She dressed up some of those facts and figures.她美化某些事实和数字。21世纪英汉〔drilling〕The teacher runs them through a drill — the days of the week, the weather and some counting.老师带他们做了反复练习:一周中每一天的叫法、天气和数数。柯林斯高阶〔dullness〕He can dull your senses with facts and figures.他会用事实和数据蒙蔽你的理智。柯林斯高阶〔dull〕He dulls your senses with facts and figures.他会用事实和数据蒙蔽你的理智。外研社新世纪〔eye chart〕A chart of letters and figures of various sizes, used to test visual acuity.视力表:有大小不一的字母和数字的一种表,用来检查视力美国传统〔fact〕His opponent swamped him with facts and figures.他的对手抛出精确的资料和数据,使他难以招架。柯林斯高阶〔fact〕The book is filled with interesting facts and figures.这本书有很多令人感兴趣的事实和数字。韦氏高阶〔figure〕Write the amount in both words and figures.请用文字和数字两种形式将数目写出来。剑桥高阶〔foundation〕The destruction of war and the death of millions of young people shook the foundations of Western idealism.战争的破坏和数百万年轻人的死亡动摇了西方理想主义的根基。柯林斯高阶〔garner〕The novel has garnered much praise and several awards.这部小说获得了很多赞誉和数个奖项。韦氏高阶〔grind ... into〕He's trying to grind a lot of facts and figures into his mind.他正设法把大量的事实和数据记住。21世纪英汉〔grind〕He's trying to grind a lot of facts and figures into his students' minds.他在拼命地把大量资料和数字灌进他学生脑子里去。英汉大词典〔hyperlink〕The database is fully hyperlinked both within the database and to thousands of external links.该数据库在其内部以及和数千个外部链接之间充分实现了超链接。柯林斯高阶〔impress〕We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us.我们和数名申请人进行了面谈,但都没有给我们留下什么印象。牛津高阶〔inflect〕Most adjectives in English do not inflect for gender or number.英语中大多数形容词没有性和数的屈折变化。韦氏高阶〔limit〕The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures.历史教学不能只限于日期和数字。牛津搭配〔line〕Who was it who came up with that famous line about "lies, damned lies and statistics?" “谎言,可恶的谎言和数据”这句名言是谁说的?剑桥高阶〔mathematics〕The study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities, using numbers and symbols.数学:运用数字和符号对量度、特质和数量关系进行的研究美国传统〔maths〕He taught science and maths.他教科学和数学这两门课。柯林斯高阶〔maths〕He taught science and maths.他曾教科学和数学。外研社新世纪〔meter〕A particular arrangement of words in poetry, such as iambic pentameter, determined by the kind and number of metrical units in a line.格律:诗歌中字词的特定安排,由一行诗中韵律单位的类型和数量而定,如抑扬格五音步诗行美国传统〔meter〕The rhythmic pattern of a stanza, determined by the kind and number of lines.韵律:一个诗节的韵律格式,由诗节中诗行的类型和数量而定美国传统〔minimal〕Smallest in amount or degree.最小的:在程度和数量上最小的美国传统〔minus〕A negative quantity.负数:一个负的值和数美国传统〔mode〕The arrangement or order of the propositions in a syllogism according to both quality and quantity.排序,论式:根据质量和数量安排或排列命题美国传统〔muddled up〕The laws led to confusion, muddle and years of delay.这些法律导致了困惑、混乱和数年的耽搁。柯林斯高阶〔on〕The movie is now available on video and DVD.这部电影现在有录像带和数码影碟两种。朗文当代〔or〕Students are asked to take another course in English, or science, or mathematics.要求学生在英语、自然科学和数学中再选一门课。柯林斯高阶〔overload〕He overloaded his essay with facts and figures.他的论文堆砌了太多的事实和数字。韦氏高阶〔packed〕Last week we gave away Issue One, packed with facts and figures.上周我们分发了第一期, 上面刊登了大量的事实和数据。外研社新世纪〔palindrome〕The word “dad” and the number “1881” are palindromes.单词dad和数字1881都是回文。韦氏高阶〔priority〕The school will give priority to science and maths.学校将优先发展科学和数学这两门学科。外研社新世纪〔province〕Computers were once the exclusive province of scientists and mathematicians.计算机一度为科学家和数学家专有。朗文当代〔pump〕It's difficult to pump facts and figures into tired students.把事实和数字硬灌输给疲惫的学生太难了。牛津高阶〔quantity〕The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.这份资料在质量和数量上都很有限。牛津高阶〔reel〕My head reeled with the facts and figures.我的脑子被一堆事实和数据搞得一片混乱美国传统〔regurgitate〕The speaker was just regurgitating facts and figures.那名演讲者只是照本宣科地罗列事实和数据。韦氏高阶〔relate to sb/sth〕Anything relating to maths is a complete mystery to me.和数学有关的任何东西对我来说都完全是天书。剑桥高阶〔report〕A large number of tables and figures appear in the report.报告中有大量的图表和数字。牛津搭配〔retention〕The patient showed good retention of facts and figures.这个病人对事情和数字有很好的记性。麦克米伦高阶〔specify〕Specify the color and quantity when you order.下单时要注明颜色和数量。韦氏高阶〔spell〕For many years sundials have cast their spell over scientists and mathematicians.多年来, 日晷一直让科学家和数学家为之着迷。外研社新世纪〔spell〕For many years sundials have cast their spell over scientists and mathematicians.多年来,日晷一直吸引着科学家和数学家们。柯林斯高阶〔stream〕Pupils are streamed for French and Maths.学生按能力分成法语组和数学组。牛津高阶〔subsume〕All the statistics have been subsumed under the general heading "Facts and Figures".所有统计数据都被归入“事实和数据”这一笼统标题下。剑桥高阶〔terminal〕The larger financial institutions have over 200 news and data terminals in their offices.比较大的金融机构的办公室有 200 多个新闻和数据终端。牛津搭配〔trade-off〕There has to be a trade-off between quality and quantity if we want to keep prices low.如果我们想要保持低价,必须在质量和数量之间求得平衡。朗文当代〔volley〕The visitor is hit with a volley of facts and figures.那位来访客人被问到一连串的事实和数字。英汉大词典A child should learn to think for herself and not merely spout facts and figures.孩子应当学会独立思考,而不仅仅是夸夸其谈事实和数字。剑桥国际Cable and DSL connections are much faster than a standard modem.有线宽带和数字用户线路的连接速度远远超过了标准调制解调器的速度。牛津商务Here are a few facts and figures I've culled from the week's papers.这是我从一周的报纸上收集来的事实和数据。剑桥国际In electronic calculator displays and digital watch read-outs, the digits are made up from diodes.在电子计算器和数字式手表数字读出屏上,数字是由二极管组成的。剑桥国际It's clear that the bean counters and the number crunchers don't have a clue about what's going on in the real world.很明显统计专家和数据统计员对现实世界发生的事毫不了解。剑桥国际Liquid crystal displays are used in calculators, portable computers and digital watches and clocks.液晶显示器被用于计算器、手提电脑和数字式手表、钟表上。剑桥国际She's taking Physics, Chemistry and Maths at A level (=doing these examinations).她正在参加物理、化学和数学的高级考试。剑桥国际The book would be more useful if it was interpretative, but instead it presents a lot of facts and figures without explaining them.这本书如果更具阐释性会更有用,但它只是提供了大量的事实和数字而未加以解释。剑桥国际The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.这份资料在质量和数量方面都很有限。牛津商务The retailer has exclusivity deals with several suppliers (= they do not supply others).这个零售商和数位供应商签有独家经销协议。牛津商务We need to increase the quality and quantity of science education in schools.我们需要提高中学里科学教育的质量和数量。剑桥国际Write the amount in both words and figures.分别用文字和数字写出这个数量。剑桥国际




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