

单词 坏名声
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISHONEST〕A few bent coppers can give the whole police force a bad name. 几个贪赃枉法的警察足以给整个警察部门带来坏名声。朗文写作活用〔EVERYONE〕All of our great leaders have had reputations for being difficult to work with. 我们所有伟大的领导人都有难打交道的坏名声。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕Teenagers tend to get a bad name for being moody. 青少年往往会被冠上情绪多变的坏名声。朗文写作活用〔black eye〕A dishonored reputation; a bad name.坏名声:被玷污的名声;恶名美国传统〔cloud〕He found it difficult to get a job because a cloud always hung over his reputation.由于他的洗刷不清的坏名声,他发现很难找到工作。英汉大词典〔counter〕The award is a useful counter to the bad publicity she previously had attracted.这个奖励对扭转她之前招致的坏名声很有用。外研社新世纪〔demon〕He had a reputation for being a demon with the gals.同女孩子打交道时他有恶棍的坏名声。英汉大词典〔dine〕Dora is notorious for dining off her colleagues.多拉有刮同事吃白食的坏名声。英汉大词典〔discredit〕Something damaging to one's reputation or stature.败坏名声的事,丧失名誉的事美国传统〔hang to〕A bad name will hang to him.他的坏名声是洗刷不掉的。21世纪英汉〔notorious〕The city is notorious for its traffic jams.这个城市因其交通堵塞而落下了坏名声。麦克米伦高阶〔stab〕This kind of stabbing in the back gives journalism a bad name.这种背后中伤给新闻业带来坏名声。英汉大词典〔tell against sb/sth〕His reputation as a troublemaker told against him when he tried to change his job.他惹是生非的坏名声在他想换工作的时候对他不利了。剑桥高阶〔victim〕She believes she is the victim of a media conspiracy to discredit her.她认为自己是媒体蓄意败坏名声的受害者。麦克米伦高阶He was arrested for drunkenness and the resultant publicity ruined his career. 他因酗酒被捕,结果这一坏名声毁了他的前程。译典通In/under no circumstances can we afford bad publicity.我们无论如何经受不起坏名声。剑桥国际The Hull team had a bad reputation for playing rough.赫尔队有一个动作粗野的坏名声。剑桥国际The hotel has a bad reputation.这家饭店有一个坏名声。剑桥国际Their actions gave British football a bad name in Europe at that time.他们的行为造成了英国足球当时在欧洲的坏名声。剑桥国际




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