

单词 在这个地区
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMMON〕Foxes are common in the area. 在这个地区狐狸很常见。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕It is possible to get malaria in this area, but the risk is pretty low. 在这个地区得疟疾的可能性是有的,但风险很低。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Environmentalists say that the area includes the habitats of at least 20 endangered species. 环保人士称,至少有20个濒危物种在这个地区生长栖息。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕Starving animals in the region are dying by the thousands. 在这个地区,动物成千成千地饿死。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕The two bank robbers got in line at a nearby fast-food restaurant, hoping to be inconspicuous as police flooded the area. 那两名银行劫匪站进附近一家快餐店的队伍里,希望在这个地区到处都是警察的时候不引起注意。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Constructing a highway in this area would present enormous difficulties. 在这个地区建造一条公路会有很大困难。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕We chose to live in this area because both New York and Boston are easily accessible from here. 我们选择住在这个地区,是因为从这里到纽约和波士顿都很方便。朗文写作活用〔abundant〕Cheap consumer goods are abundant (= exist in large amounts) in this part of the world.在这个地区,大量的低廉消费品充斥其间。剑桥高阶〔anywhere〕It's a short drive from anywhere in the region.在这个地区,开车去哪儿都很近。韦氏高阶〔attract〕The government is trying to attract industry to the area (= to persuade people to place their industry there).政府正在这个地区招商引资兴办工业。剑桥高阶〔a〕Among the towns of the area there is a Smithville, I believe.我想,在这个地区的城镇中有一个叫史密斯维尔的吧。英汉大词典〔billion〕This year, almost a billion birds will be processed in the region.今年将会有近10亿只禽类在这个地区加工。柯林斯高阶〔booby-trap〕Police were checking the area for booby traps.警察在这个地区探测饵雷。柯林斯高阶〔break〕They have started drilling for oil in the region, breaking an agreement made five years ago.他们违背了5年前签定的协议,开始在这个地区钻井采油。麦克米伦高阶〔campaign〕They are campaigning to save the area from building development.他们正开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。牛津高阶〔caravanning〕Camping and caravanning are popular in this area.在这个地区,野营和乘旅行拖车度假很流行。韦氏高阶〔cherry-pick〕The new schools were accused of cherry-picking the best students in the area. 有批评说这些新学校只在这个地区挑选最好的学生。剑桥高阶〔cost〕The cost of doing business in this area is high.在这个地区做生意的成本很高。韦氏高阶〔dispute〕Almost all the countries in this region are in dispute with each other.在这个地区,几乎所有国家之间都有争端。英汉大词典〔drill〕They are drilling for oil in the area.他们在这个地区钻井勘探石油。麦克米伦高阶〔drive〕This is the main factor driving investment in the area.这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。牛津高阶〔familiar〕He's a familiar figure in the neighbourhood.他在这个地区是大家熟悉的人物。牛津高阶〔family〕Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.有些家族在这个地区务农有几百年了。牛津高阶〔farm〕He has lived and farmed in the area for 46 years.他在这个地区务农, 已有46年了。外研社新世纪〔farm〕They've been farming in the area all their lives.他们终生都在这个地区经营农场。麦克米伦高阶〔flourish〕Wildlife seems to flourish in the area.野生动植物在这个地区似乎很兴盛。麦克米伦高阶〔fog〕Mist, fog, and snow are common in this area.薄雾、寒雾和雪在这个地区很常见。剑桥高阶〔gang〕Several gangs were operating in the area.好几个罪犯团伙在这个地区作案。朗文当代〔garrison〕The army's regiments spread over the area in small garrisons.这支部队的许多团都分成小的卫戍部队分散部署在这个地区。麦克米伦高阶〔garrison〕Troops are garrisoned in the area.部队在这个地区驻防。剑桥高阶〔headquarters〕Several companies have their headquarters in the area.有几家公司总部设在这个地区。牛津高阶〔immemorial〕My family has lived in this area from time immemorial(= for hundreds of years).我的家族在这个地区已经生活了不知有多少年了。牛津高阶〔in the works〕Plans are in the works for building three new schools in the area.在这个地区新建三所学校的计划正在筹备中。韦氏高阶〔indigenous〕There are several indigenous groups that still live in the area.仍有多个土著群体生活在这个地区。韦氏高阶〔infrequent〕Muggings are relatively infrequent in this area.在这个地区行凶抢劫事件相对少见。牛津高阶〔locality〕She needs a job in the locality.她需要在这个地区找一份工作。麦克米伦高阶〔local〕Do you live locally(= in this area)? 你住在这个地区吗?牛津高阶〔look〕We're looking around for a house in this area.我们正在这个地区四处找住房。牛津高阶〔lowland〕From the lowlands of the south to the rugged peaks in the north, this area has something for everyone.从南部的低洼平地到北部的险峻高山,在这个地区每个人都能找到自己喜欢的风景。剑桥高阶〔mass〕Western reports say that troops have been massing in the region since December.西方的报道说自十二月军队就集结在这个地区了。朗文当代〔militate〕Environmental factors militate against building the power station in this area.环境因素使发电站不能建在这个地区。朗文当代〔mine〕People still mine for coal in this area.人们依然在这个地区采煤。麦克米伦高阶〔mine〕Prospectors mined the region for diamonds.探矿者在这个地区开矿寻找钻石。韦氏高阶〔mobile〕People living in this area are less socially mobile.住在这个地区的人社会结构较少发生改变。麦克米伦高阶〔murder〕The murdered woman was well known in the area.被杀害的女人在这个地区很有名气。牛津高阶〔non-existent〕Wildlife is virtually non-existent in this area.野生动物在这个地区几乎不存在。麦克米伦高阶〔painlessly〕House-hunting is in fact relatively painless in this region.在这个地区找房子事实上相对比较容易。柯林斯高阶〔panoramic〕The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles.在这个地区的制高点能够看到洛杉矶的全景。柯林斯高阶〔plan〕The plan calls for massive investment in the region.该计划需要在这个地区大量投资。牛津搭配〔populate〕Immigrants began to populate the area in the late 19th century.*19世纪末,移民开始居住在这个地区。韦氏高阶〔price〕Property in the area is now fetching ridiculously high prices.现在这个地区房子的价格高得离谱。牛津搭配〔resident〕The area has always had a resident population of these birds.这些鸟一直栖息在这个地区。麦克米伦高阶〔scour〕The police are scouring the area for the missing child.警方在这个地区四处搜查,寻找失踪的孩子。剑桥高阶〔scout〕I wouldn't have time to scout the area for junk.我没空在这个地区找没用的东西。柯林斯高阶〔somewhere〕We have somewhere in the region of 500 fire-fighters in this area.在这个地区,我们有大约 500 名消防队员 。朗文当代〔sought-after〕In this region, the most sought-after consumer items are computers.在这个地区,最吃香的消费品是电脑。英汉大词典〔sound〕Drivers are not allowed to sound their horns in this district.在这个地区,驾驶人禁鸣喇叭。文馨英汉〔spirit〕The spirits of long-dead warriors seemed to haunt the area.死去很久的武士的幽灵似乎经常在这个地区出没。剑桥高阶〔street〕The police have been patrolling the streets in this area since the murder.自谋杀案发生以后,警察一直在这个地区的街道上巡逻。牛津搭配〔superlative〕Some superlative wines are made in this region.一些上好的葡萄酒就是在这个地区酿造的。柯林斯高阶〔surface〕Prejudice is never far beneath the surface (=often appears) in the region.在这个地区时时都有偏见。朗文当代〔trace〕The scientists found traces of human activity in the area.科学家们在这个地区找到了人类活动的遗迹。韦氏高阶〔virtual〕Finding a cheap place to rent is a virtual impossibility in this area.在这个地区几乎租不到便宜的房子。朗文当代〔virulent〕A particularly virulent strain of flu has recently claimed a number of lives in the region.一场有致命杀伤力的流感最近在这个地区夺去了许多人的生命。剑桥高阶〔wild〕These herbs grow wild in the area.在这个地区,这种草是野生的。剑桥高阶He said he hoped the president would agree to at least a token U.S. troop presence in the area.他说他希望总统至少会同意美国象征性地在这个地区驻留军队。剑桥国际Malaria exacts a heavy toll of illness and death in this region, especially among children.疟疾在这个地区,尤其在孩子们中间,造成了严重的疾病和死亡。剑桥国际Petty (=Unimportant) crime is common in this area, but fortunately there isn't much serious crime (=very violent crime or the stealing of things of great value).小偷小摸之类的现象在这个地区很常见,幸好严重的犯罪现象并不多。剑桥国际Police are trying to catch a child molester who is active in the area.警方正试图抓获一个在这个地区活动的猥亵儿童的人。剑桥国际The area has now been deemed safe.现在这个地区被认为是安全的。剑桥国际The chief problem we have in the area now is the spread of disease.目前我们在这个地区的首要问题是疾病的蔓延。剑桥国际The family has farmed in the area for generations.这个家族在这个地区世代务农。牛津商务The new law does not allow any retail outlets in this zone but the grandfather clause exempts existing retail outlets.新法规定在这个地区不允许开零售店,但祖父条款规定现有零售店可不受限制。牛津商务The plan to build a new road through the area is a burning issue in the community at the moment.目前,该社区的当务之急是在这个地区计划修一条新路。剑桥国际The police made door-to-door enquiries (= at every house) in the area after the murder.谋杀案发生后,警察在这个地区挨家挨户地询问。剑桥国际There just aren't any jobs going in this area.在这个地区几乎找不到工作。牛津商务There's a large black/white/Jewish community living in this area.在这个地区里有一个大的黑人/白人/犹太族社区。剑桥国际There's a real sense of community (=caring and friendly feeling) in this neighbourhood.在这个地区里有着真正的团体和友爱意识。剑桥国际Thieves have stolen over twenty cars in the area by forcing the doors open with a jemmy.窃贼用撬开车门的方法,在这个地区偷了20多辆汽车。剑桥国际This is a region in which outsiders are regarded with suspicion bordering on outright hostility.在这个地区,人们用接近于公开的敌意怀疑地看待外来人。剑桥国际To sheep farmers in the area, the wolf is a mortal enemy.在这个地区对牧羊的牧场主来说,狼是死敌。剑桥国际We have offices dotted about/all over the region.我们的办事处分布在这个地区。剑桥国际Yesterday's announcement brings to twelve the number of British servicemen (= men in the armed forces) killed on active service in this region.昨天发表的公告说在这个地区的军事行动中有12名英国军人殉职。剑桥国际




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