

单词 吉祥
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Billiken〕Some airmen won't go up without the moral support from some Billiken.有些飞行员没有吉祥小玩偶的精神支持是不肯起飞的。英汉大词典〔LUCKY〕She wears his wedding ring on a chain around her neck, as a lucky charm. 她把他的结婚戒指用链子穿起来戴在脖子上,作为吉祥饰物。朗文写作活用〔auspicious〕Red is the most auspicious of colours in China.在中国红色是最吉祥的颜色。外研社新世纪〔charm〕He keeps a horseshoe as a good luck charm.他把一块马蹄铁带在身边作为吉祥护身符。韦氏高阶〔horseshoe〕She was wearing the lucky horseshoe he'd given her.她戴着他送的马蹄铁吉祥物。外研社新世纪〔horseshoe〕The bride was presented with a lucky silver horseshoe.有人送了新娘一个银马掌吉祥物作为礼品。英汉大词典〔ill-boding〕Portending evil; inauspicious.昭示邪恶的;不吉祥的美国传统〔lucky〕He did not have on his other lucky charm, a pair of green socks.他没把另一件吉祥物,一双绿色的袜子,穿在脚上。柯林斯高阶〔mascot〕A person, an animal, or an object believed to bring good luck, especially one kept as the symbol of an organization such as a sports team.吉祥物,吉祥符:相信能够带来好运气的人、动物或物件,尤指用作体育运动队等某个组织的标志符美国传统〔mascot〕Our school had a mascot known as Freddy Bird.我们学校有一个名叫“弗雷迪小鸟”的吉祥物。外研社新世纪〔mascot〕Our school had a mascot known as Freddy Bird.我们学校有一个名叫“弗雷迪小鸟”的吉祥物。柯林斯高阶〔mascot〕Rocky the Raccoon, the team mascot 浣熊罗基,该队的吉祥物朗文当代〔mascot〕The Olympic Games always have an official mascot.每届奥运会总会有一个官方吉祥物。剑桥高阶〔mascot〕The team had a mountain lion as their mascot.那支球队把美洲狮作为他们的吉祥物。韦氏高阶〔mascot〕The team's mascot is a giant swan.这个队的吉祥物是只大天鹅。牛津高阶〔mascot〕Zakumi—the official mascot of the 2010 FIFA World Cup *2010 年世界杯足球赛的指定吉祥物 — 扎库米牛津高阶〔on〕A: What about a glass of sherry to celebrate the auspicious occasion? B: I'm on, Peter. 甲:来一杯雪利酒庆祝一下这吉祥的时刻怎么样? 乙:彼得,我参加。 英汉大词典〔think〕In China bats are thought of as being very lucky.在中国,蝙蝠被视为吉祥物。柯林斯高阶〔toward〕Favoring success or a good outcome; propitious.成功有望的:有利于成功或好的结果的;吉祥的美国传统〔weird〕One's assigned lot or fortune, especially when evil.厄运:某人注定的运气或命运,尤指不吉祥的美国传统Accepting the job was a fortuitous (=good) move and her career blossomed.接受那份工作是个吉祥的一举,从此她的事业兴旺发达起来。剑桥国际I always carry my lucky penny. 我的吉祥钱币时刻不离身。译典通In some culture, a crow is associated with badness. 在某种文化中,乌鸦是不吉祥的象征。译典通Rome's mascot is a wolf, and Berlin's is a bear.罗马的吉祥物是狼,而柏林的则是熊。剑桥国际She always wears a lucky charm (= one that she thinks will cause good things to happen by chance) on a chain round her neck.她总在颈链上挂个吉祥物。剑桥国际She wears a charm that she thinks brings her (good) luck (= makes good things happen).她佩戴着自认能带来好运的吉祥物。剑桥国际That teddy bear has been his lucky mascot in every exam he's ever taken.那个玩具熊是他每次考试必带的吉祥物。剑桥国际The Democratic Party adopted the donkey as its mascot in the 1870s.在 19世纪70年代,民主党采用驴子作为吉祥物。剑桥国际The ruined house had a sinister appearance.那残毁的房子有不吉祥的外观。剑桥国际There was little to choose between all of the boats for hire so we took the one numbered 16 because it seemed like a lucky number.所有供租用的船都差不多,没什么可挑的,所以我们要了一只16号的,因为这似乎是个吉祥的号码。剑桥国际




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