

单词 妨碍
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ALTHOUGH〕when a particular fact does not prevent something from happening 某个事实并不妨碍某事发生朗文写作活用〔barrier〕behavioural and geographical barriers to hybridization 妨碍通婚的行为和地理因素英汉大词典〔bind ... over〕to bind someone over to keep the peace要某人具结不再妨碍治安21世纪英汉〔blanket〕to blanked out the radio programmes妨碍了广播节目的收听21世纪英汉〔block〕block traffic. 妨碍交通美国传统〔block〕blocking access to free health care 妨碍免费保健的实施韦氏高阶〔crimp〕put a crimp in a plan 妨碍计划的顺利进行英汉大词典〔dispatch〕both probably ultimately from Old Provençal empachar [to impede] 都可能最终源自 古普罗旺斯语 empachar [妨碍] 美国传统〔disturb〕disturb plant growth 妨碍植物生长英汉大词典〔disturb〕noise that disturbed my sleep. 妨碍我睡觉的噪音美国传统〔embarrass〕embarrass sb.'s freedom of movement 妨碍某人的行动自由英汉大词典〔encumber〕combre [hindrance] from Gaulish *comboros combre [妨碍] 源自 高卢语 *comboros 美国传统〔factor〕the contextual factors which operate to hinder understanding 妨碍理解的上下文因素牛津搭配〔hamper〕a swimmer hampered by clothing; 被衣服妨碍的游泳者;美国传统〔hamper〕hamper a person from getting elected 妨碍某人当选文馨英汉〔hamper〕hamper progress [development] 妨碍进步[发展]文馨英汉〔help〕a quality which will be a help rather than a hindrance to them一种对他们有帮助而不是妨碍的品质外研社新世纪〔hinder〕a political situation that hinders economic growth 妨碍经济发展的政治局面牛津高阶〔hinder〕factors which might help or hinder a child's progress at school 有可能促进或者妨碍孩子在学校发展的诸多因素牛津搭配〔hinder〕hinder is to hold back, as by delaying: Hinder 的意思是通过延迟的方法加以妨碍: 美国传统〔inhibit〕factors that inhibit the development of artistic talent 妨碍艺术才能发展的因素麦克米伦高阶〔interfere〕to interfere with the smooth running of something.妨碍某事的顺利进行。牛津同义词〔militate against〕to militate against the success of the plan妨碍计划的成功21世纪英汉〔obstruction〕the obstruction of justice 妨碍司法公正牛津高阶〔obstructive〕obstructive tactics 故意妨碍的策略朗文当代〔obstruct〕to obstruct the development of good relations between the two countries妨碍两国间友好关系的发展21世纪英汉〔obstruct〕wilfully obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty 蓄意妨碍警察执行任务牛津搭配〔performance〕a charge of hindering the police in the performance of their duty 妨碍警察履行职责的指控麦克米伦高阶〔pervert〕to pervert the course of justice.妨碍司法公正。牛津同义词〔progress〕facilitate (delay, impede, hinder) the progress of civilization 促进(延缓,阻碍,妨碍)文明的发展英汉大词典〔roadblock〕mental roadblocks that get in the way of success 妨碍成功的心理障碍朗文当代〔scotch〕to scotch one's plan妨碍某人计划的实施21世纪英汉〔shackle〕controls that might shackle business 会妨碍业务进展的控制英汉大词典〔slow〕to slow down somebody妨碍了某人的进步21世纪英汉〔stonewall〕to stonewall someone doing something妨碍某人做某事21世纪英汉〔traverse〕traverse sb.'s freedom 妨碍某人的自由英汉大词典〔violation〕violation of civil order 对社会治安的妨碍英汉大词典〔way〕in the way (of ...) 挡(…的)路;妨碍(…)文馨英汉〔way〕out of the [a person's] way 位于不妨碍(某人)之处文馨英汉




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