

单词 在火车上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕I met an old friend by chance on the train. 我在火车上与一位老朋友不期而遇。朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕There was a horrible moment when she thought she had left all her files on the train. 她以为自己把所有的文件都忘在火车上了,那会儿真可怕。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕I grabbed a little sleep on the train, but it wasn't enough. 我在火车上偷空睡了一会,但还是不够。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Reading on the train makes the journey go more quickly. 在火车上看书可以使旅程过得更快。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕After so long on the train, we couldn't wait to get out and stretch our legs. 在火车上坐了那么长时间,我们迫不及待地要出去散散步。朗文写作活用〔balk〕I balked at the prospect of spending four hours on a train with him.想到要与他一起在火车上度过4个小时,我心里就犯嘀咕。剑桥高阶〔bank〕I was banking on being able to get some coffee on the train.我指望在火车上能弄点咖啡喝喝。朗文当代〔bank〕I was banking on getting something to eat on the train.我指望在火车上能找到吃的。牛津高阶〔berth〕Three passengers can be berthed on the train.可以在火车上为3名乘客提供卧铺。21世纪英汉〔boring〕When we travel from coast to coast, we take a plane to avoid spending tedious days on the train.当从一个海滨旅行到另一个海滨时,我们乘坐飞机以避免在火车上打发无聊时光。美国传统〔bum〕A man pinched her bum on the train so she hit him.在火车上有个男子捏她屁股,她打了那人。牛津搭配〔butcher〕A vender, especially one on a train or in a theater.小贩:尤指在火车上或剧院里卖糖果的小贩美国传统〔careless〕It was careless of you to leave your umbrella in the train.你真不当心,把伞忘在火车上。英汉大词典〔case〕Nobody saw her on the train. In any case, she probably didn't have enough money for a ticket.谁也没有看到她在火车上。不管怎么说,她很可能没有足够的钱买票。麦克米伦高阶〔claim〕You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train.你可按你的保险索赔你遗忘在火车上的大衣。牛津高阶〔comic〕She bought a comic to read on the train.她买了一本连环画册,准备在火车上看。牛津同义词〔daylight〕A girl was attacked on a train in broad daylight.光天化日之下,一个女孩在火车上遭到了袭击。柯林斯高阶〔doze〕I had a doze on the train.我在火车上打了个盹儿。牛津高阶〔doze〕I just dozed on the train.我在火车上处于半睡状态。21世纪英汉〔encounter〕I did not see him again, except for a brief encounter on a train.除了有一次在火车上短暂相遇,我没再看见过他。牛津搭配〔excusing〕He had not slept in two days, excusing catnaps during the train ride.除了在火车上打过几次盹以外,他有两天没有睡觉了。英汉大词典〔fall〕I had fallen into conversation with a man on the train.在火车上我和一个男人攀谈起来。牛津高阶〔feel ... up〕The girl complained to the police that the man had been feeling her up on the train.姑娘向警方控诉那个男子在火车上一直在调戏她。21世纪英汉〔fetch〕I fell asleep on the train and fetched up in Glasgow.我在火车上睡着了,竟然到了格拉斯哥。朗文当代〔find〕We fell asleep on the train and woke up to find ourselves in Calais.我们在火车上睡着了,醒来时发现已经到了加来。剑桥高阶〔flash〕The man was arrested for flashing a woman on a train.那名男子因在火车上向一名妇女露阴而遭到逮捕。外研社新世纪〔glance〕He stole a sidelong glance at the young woman sitting next to him on the train.在火车上他偷偷地瞟了一眼坐在身旁的年轻女子。牛津搭配〔have a problem with sth/sb〕I have a real problem with people who use their mobile phones on the train.我对那些在火车上打手机的人非常反感。剑桥高阶〔leave behind〕Make sure you haven't left anything behind on the train.一定不要把东西落在火车上。外研社新世纪〔meet〕I met her on the train.我在火车上遇到她。文馨英汉〔on〕I'm on the train.我在火车上。外研社新世纪〔piggyback〕By or relating to a method of transportation in which truck trailers are carried on trains, or cars on specially designed trucks.背负,肩扛:运输的一种方式,其中货车挂车载在火车上,或卡车载在特殊设计的货车上;或与之有关的美国传统〔pile〕The farmer piles a cart with straw.农民在火车上装满稻草。21世纪英汉〔reason〕She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train.她断定准是把包落在火车上了。牛津高阶〔sandwich sb/sth between sb/sth〕On the train I was sandwiched between two very large men.在火车上,我被两个大块头夹在中间。剑桥高阶〔self-same〕This was the self-same woman I'd met on the train.这就是我在火车上遇到过的同一个女人。英汉大词典〔self-same〕This was the self-same woman I'd met on the train.这正是我在火车上遇到的那名女子。外研社新世纪〔shuteye〕You look exhausted! Try to get some shuteye on the train.你看起来很疲惫!尽量在火车上睡一会儿吧。剑桥高阶〔snatch〕I managed to snatch an hour's sleep on the train.我在火车上抓紧时间睡了一小时。朗文当代〔spin sth out〕Somehow, she managed to spin her story out so that it took her the whole train journey to tell it.她想办法把故事拉长,这样她在火车上的时间都花在讲故事上了。剑桥高阶〔stoke〕I'm stoking in the train.我在火车上做司炉工。21世纪英汉〔train〕We slept on the train.我们在火车上睡了觉。韦氏高阶〔until〕Stay on the train until you get to Birmingham.在到达伯明翰之前,留在火车上。英汉大词典A four-hour train journey offered ample opportunity for reflection.在火车上四个小时的旅程给人以足够的机会来思考。剑桥国际I balked at the prospect of spending four hours on a train with him.我不愿意和他在火车上一起呆四小时。剑桥国际I listened to him recount an anecdote/story/tale about a woman he'd met on a train.我听他讲述关于他在火车上遇到的妇女的轶事/故事。剑桥国际I read a brief extract of his new novel on the train and it has rather whetted my appetite for it.我在火车上读了他的新小说的一个简短摘录,它激起了我的强烈兴趣。剑桥国际I stopped at the station bookstall to get a magazine to read on the train.我停下在车站书亭买了一本杂志准备在火车上读。剑桥国际I took a book with me to read on the train.我带了本书在火车上读。剑桥国际I'm not tired--I catnapped on the train.我不累----我在火车上睡过一会儿了。剑桥国际On the train I was sandwiched between two very large men.在火车上我被夹在两个大个子中间。剑桥国际Portable computers make it possible for you to do your computing on a train or plane, or in a hotel room.便携式电脑使你能在火车上,飞机上或在饭店房间里进行计算。剑桥国际Several rumrunners were arrested in the train. 几个私酒贩子在火车上被捕了。译典通She was suddenly struck by the thought that she'd left her book on the train.她突然想起把书忘在火车上了。剑桥国际The gypsy musician on the train had a captive audience (=group of people who have to watch and listen because they cannot leave).吉普赛音乐家在火车上吸引了许多听众。剑桥国际There was a really strange man sitting next to me on the train.在火车上有一个很古怪的人坐在我旁边。剑桥国际When I told him about leaving my suitcase on the train, he was unsympathetic and just said I should have been insured.当我告诉他我的手提箱遗留在火车上了时, 他无动于衷, 只是说我早该买个保险。剑桥国际Where trains cross the frontier, customs and passport control (= the examining of travellers’passports) are handled on board.火车经过边境处,海关和护照检查在火车上执行。剑桥国际You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train.你可以根据你购买的保险索赔在火车上遗失的大衣。牛津商务You look exhausted! Try to get some shuteye on the train.你看上去精疲力竭!在火车上你可以阖睡一会儿。剑桥国际You should stay on the train until Manchester and then change.你应该一直呆在火车上, 直到曼彻斯特, 然后再换车。剑桥国际




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