

单词 含义
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MEANING〕the meaning of something 某事的含义朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕to be the most basic meaning of a statement 某一陈述的最基本含义朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕when something has a meaning that is not directly stated 某事有某种未直接说明的含义朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕to understand the meaning of something in a particular way 以某一方式理解某事物的含义朗文写作活用〔absorb〕absorb the full meaning of a remark 吃透一句话的全部含义英汉大词典〔absorb〕to absorb its meaning理解其含义21世纪英汉〔all-round〕convert an utterance to an all-round throat-clearing 含义不明地一清嗓把要说的话咽下去英汉大词典〔catchall〕a catchall phrase/term 含义甚广的短语/术语韦氏高阶〔connotation〕the derogatory connotation of the term 'diva' diva (名媛)一词的贬损含义牛津搭配〔connotation〕the negative connotations attached to the word 'academic' 单词 academic (学术气)带有的负面含义牛津搭配〔connotation〕words that today have religious connotations 如今有了宗教含义的词语牛津搭配〔darkness〕the darkness of certain passages in an article 文章某些段落含义的模糊不清英汉大词典〔digest〕digest political realities 揣摸政治现实的含义英汉大词典〔distinguishable〕an essay with a meaning that is not distinguishable 一篇含义不明的文章英汉大词典〔gradation〕subtle gradations of color/meaning 颜色的各个细微层次;含义的微小差别韦氏高阶〔g〕or Also gwel- To throw, reach, with further meaning to pierce. 或 也作 gwel- 投掷, 延伸, 和附加的含义:穿透.美国传统〔inhere〕the meaning which inheres in words 词语中的含义牛津高阶〔inner〕the inner meaning of a poem. 一首诗的深层含义美国传统〔layer〕a poem with several layers of meaning. 有多层含义的诗歌美国传统〔layer〕the layers of meaning in the poem 这首诗不同层次的含义牛津高阶〔meager〕a small, meager woman); in a less specific senseit implies an insufficiency of what is needed for completeness or richness: 一个瘦小的女人); 在略广的含义上,它指是的缺乏所需求的完整或丰富: 美国传统〔meaning〕a poem with subtle shades of meaning 难以琢磨含义的诗作韦氏高阶〔miss〕completely missed the point of the film. 完全没有理解这部电影的含义所在美国传统〔negative〕the strongly negative implications of these survey results 这些调查结果极其负面的含义牛津搭配〔nuance〕subtle nuances of meaning 含义的细微差别朗文当代〔pervert〕an attempt to pervert the meaning of an innocent story 企图曲解一个单纯故事的含义麦克米伦高阶〔recover〕recover the meaning of the hieroglyphics 破解象形文字的含义英汉大词典〔reverse〕reversed the paintings for a more satisfying effect. Toinvert is basically to turn something upside down or inside out, but the term may imply placing something in a reverse order: 倒转绘画品以得到更满意的效果。 Invert 基本含义是指把某物倒置或里面转到外面, 但此词可能意指以相反顺序放置某物: 美国传统〔sense〕in the biblical/religious/legal sense of the word 这个词在《圣经》里的意思;这个词的宗教含义/法律意义韦氏高阶〔shade〕a word with various shades of meaning () 一个有多层含义的单词牛津搭配〔shading〕the nuances and intricate shadings of diplomatic messages. 外交辞令的微妙、复杂、隐晦的含义柯林斯高阶〔shading〕the nuances and intricate shadings of diplomatic messages外交辞令的微妙、复杂、隐晦的含义外研社新世纪〔significance〕the significance of the words that refer to the bread Christ shares with his disciples 关于耶稣基督分给门徒的饼的福音含义朗文当代〔strained〕a strained meaning. 过分的含义美国传统〔string〕a gift with no strings attached. 一份没有任何附加含义的礼物美国传统〔subtle〕a subtle difference in meaning between the words 词语之间含义的微妙差异韦氏高阶〔take〕couldn't take in the meaning of the word. 不能够理解这个词的含义美国传统〔underlying〕an underlying meaning 内在的含义英汉大词典〔voguish〕the voguish meanings of these terms 这些术语一时通用的含义英汉大词典〔wrest〕wrest the meaning from an obscure poem. 从一首晦涩的诗里汲取含义美国传统




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