

单词 吠叫
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAR〕Dogs were barking somewhere in the distance. 远处什么地方狗在吠叫。朗文写作活用〔attention〕The postman exposed himself to the uncivil attentions of the dog.邮递员遭到那条狗凶恶的吠叫。英汉大词典〔at〕The dog barked at her.狗朝她吠叫。英汉大词典〔bark at〕The dog barked at the jogger.狗朝着行人吠叫。21世纪英汉〔barker〕One, such as a dog, that makes a bark or a barking sound.会吠叫的动物:发出吠叫或类似声音的动物,如狗美国传统〔bark〕A dog barked at a seagull.一条狗对着一只海鸥吠叫。外研社新世纪〔bark〕A small dog barked at a seagull he was chasing.小狗对着它正在追赶的一只海鸥吠叫。柯林斯高阶〔bark〕That dog always barks at strangers.那条狗总是对陌生人吠叫。文馨英汉〔bark〕The dog gave a loud bark.那条狗大声地吠叫。牛津搭配〔bark〕The dog gave a sudden bark.那条狗突然吠叫一下。文馨英汉〔basenji〕A dog of a breed originally from Africa, having a short, smooth, reddish-brown coat and characterized by the absence of a bark.猴面犬,巴辛吉狗:一种非洲种狗,有一层栗棕色,短而光滑的毛皮,特点是很少吠叫美国传统〔bay at〕The hounds were baying at the box.猎狗群对着狐狸吠叫。21世纪英汉〔bay〕A deep, prolonged bark, such as the sound made by hounds.吠叫声;咆哮声:大声连续的狗吠声,如猎犬发出的声音美国传统〔bay〕Dogs usually bay at strangers.狗通常会对陌生人(连续)吠叫。文馨英汉〔bay〕In full bay the hounds followed the trail.那群猎犬大声吠叫着循迹追猎。英汉大词典〔bay〕To utter a deep, prolonged bark.发出大声连续的吠叫美国传统〔challenge〕To begin barking upon picking up the scent. Used of hunting dogs.吠叫:猎犬嗅到兽迹时发出吠叫。用于猎狗美国传统〔come〕A dog started barking and lights came on in the house.一条狗开始吠叫,屋里的灯亮了起来。朗文当代〔cry〕The hounds were in full cry after the hare.那群猎狗吠叫着追赶野兔。英汉大词典〔dismay〕To his dismay, the dog suddenly barked.使他惊愕的是,狗突然吠叫起来。英汉大词典〔distant〕Distant dogs barked.远处有狗吠叫。英汉大词典〔dog〕Out on the street, a dog began to bark.在外面的街道上,一条狗吠叫起来。麦克米伦高阶〔fang〕The dog growled and bared its fangs.那条狗露出犬齿低声吠叫。剑桥高阶〔gamut〕Its snarls ran the gamut from pain to terror.牠的吠叫涵盖从痛苦到惊恐的所有各种声音。文馨英汉〔give〕The dog gave loud barks.狗大声吠叫。英汉大词典〔incessant〕The neighbors were bothered by the dog's incessant barking.那只狗不停地吠叫让邻居们感到很烦。韦氏高阶〔irritate〕They were irritated by the sound of the dog barking.他们被狗的吠叫声搞得很心烦。外研社新世纪〔noisily〕The dog barked noisily.那只狗闹人地吠叫韦氏高阶〔paw〕He barked timidly and pawed the door.它胆怯地吠叫着, 爪子扒着门。外研社新世纪〔pick up〕The dogs picked up the scent and started to bark.这些狗嗅到了气味,开始吠叫起来。韦氏高阶〔quieten〕The barking dogs quietened (down) when they recognized me.认出我来后,那些吠叫的狗安静了下来。剑桥高阶〔quiet〕The barking dogs quieted when they recognized me.认出我来后,那些吠叫的狗安静了下来。剑桥高阶〔snarl〕The dog snarled at him.那条狗向他狺狺吠叫。文馨英汉〔throttle〕The thief throttled the dog to keep it from barking.那贼掐住了狗的脖子不让它吠叫。英汉大词典〔throw back〕The dog threw his head back and barked sharply.那只狗把头向后一扬,发出刺耳的吠叫。21世纪英汉〔whine〕He could hear her dog barking and whining in the background.他能听到她的狗在远处吠叫、哀嚎。外研社新世纪〔whine〕He could hear her dog barking and whining in the background.他能听见她的狗在暗处吠叫、哀嚎。柯林斯高阶〔yelp〕The dog yelped in pain.那只狗痛苦地吠叫。韦氏高阶Dogs sometimes bay at the moon. 狗有时会朝著月亮吠叫。译典通The barking dogs quietened when they recognized me.认出我来后,那些吠叫的狗静了下来。剑桥国际The hounds were baying as they drew closer to the fox.猎犬一边吠叫一边向狐狸接近。剑桥国际The watchdog scared away the thief by barking. 看门狗大声吠叫吓走了窃贼。译典通




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