

单词 商业广告
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LAST〕The media campaign features four commercials that will run for eight weeks. 这次在媒体上的宣传活动将推出四个商业广告,为期八周。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The new advertisement will be broadcast alongside AMV's two existing commercials during prime time viewing. 这则新广告将在黄金时段和AMV已有的两则商业广告一起播出。朗文写作活用〔break ... up〕Television commercials during a dramatic presentation break up the continuity of effect.戏剧播放期间电视商业广告打破了效果的连贯性。21世纪英汉〔cable〕They ran commercials on cable systems across the country.他们在全国的有线电视网上投放商业广告。柯林斯高阶〔graduate〕From commercials she quickly graduated to television shows.她很快就从拍商业广告上升到拍电视节目。柯林斯高阶〔interruption〕I wish it were possible to watch television without all the commercial interruptions.但愿我可以在看电视时不被所有这些商业广告打断。韦氏高阶〔knock〕One of the knocks against television is that there are too many commercials.对电视的批评之一就是商业广告太多。韦氏高阶〔lard into〕They larded many commercials into a ten-minute period before the soap opera.他们在肥皂剧前的十分钟内插播了许多商业广告。21世纪英汉〔lard〕All of the commercials are larded into a short period after the news.所有的商业广告都插在新闻节目以后的短时间内播映。英汉大词典〔lead ... astray〕The teenage viewers are easily led astray by these commercials.年轻观众很容易被这些商业广告引入歧途。21世纪英汉〔mar〕The scenic beauty of this region was marred by commercial signs.商业广告牌使该地区优美的风景大为减色。英汉大词典〔pack〕Geraldine O'Leary is ahead of the pack for the commercial director's job.杰拉尔丁•奥利里是商业广告导演一职的头号人选。外研社新世纪〔plug〕Informal A favorable public mention of a commercial product, business, or performance, especially when broadcast.【非正式用语】 商业广告:一种商业产品、一个企业或一场表演的公开的有利称赞,尤其是在广播时美国传统〔prostitution〕Writing commercials was a prostitution of his talents.撰写商业广告是对他才华的糟蹋。韦氏高阶〔reach〕The company is using TV commercials to reach a bigger audience.公司正在利用电视商业广告赢得更多观众的关注。韦氏高阶〔residual〕Often residuals A payment made to a performer, writer, or director for each repeat showing of a recorded television show or commercial. 常作 residuals 追加酬金:录制的电视节目或商业广告每次重映时向演员、作家或导演支付的酬金美国传统〔sell out〕Many of the band's fans accused them of selling out when they started appearing in television commercials.当这个乐队出现在电视商业广告中时,许多粉丝指责他们背弃原则。韦氏高阶〔sellout〕Angry fans called him a sellout when he started appearing in television commercials.当他开始出现在电视商业广告中时,愤怒的粉丝们指责他是个背叛者。韦氏高阶〔spoof〕The show successfully spoofs the TV programs and commercials.这场表演通过模仿成功地讽刺了那些电视节目和商业广告。英汉大词典〔stone dead〕The wrong music can kill a commercial stone dead.不合适的音乐会把一则商业广告彻底毁掉。朗文当代〔sustaining program〕A radio or television program that is supported by the station or network on which it appears and that has no commercial announcements.非营业性节目:由所播放节目的电台或电视网支持且不播放商业广告的广播或电视节目美国传统〔vulgar〕He wore vulgar commercialized spectacles.他戴着俗气的商业广告眼镜。英汉大词典〔way〕Ibegan making TV commercials as a way into television.我开始制作电视商业广告,想借此进入电视行业。麦克米伦高阶Every other TV commercial is a sell for a car.每两个电视商业广告中就有一个是推销汽车的。牛津商务The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials. 那档电视节目插进的商业广告太多了,不断被打断。译典通The media plan included the placement of ten TV commercials and five print ads.媒体计划安排投放 10 个电视商业广告和 5 个平面广告。牛津商务There are some very whacky, creative commercials on TV that people actually like to watch.电视中有些非常古怪新奇的商业广告,可实际上它们很受人们喜欢。剑桥国际These commercials are just warmed-over imitations of earlier TV ads.这些商业广告只是早些时候电视广告的翻版。剑桥国际We produced a 30-minute infomercial for our new range of products.我们为新产品系列制作了 30 分钟的商业广告片。牛津商务




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