

单词 商业化
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blanket〕Commercial books blanket the market.商业化的图书充斥市场。21世纪英汉〔categorical〕He gave a categorical assurance that the crops would not be grown commercially.他做出明确保证, 这些作物不会进行商业化种植。外研社新世纪〔commercialization〕Federal agencies should commercialize research.各个联邦机构应该把研究商业化。柯林斯高阶〔commercialization〕It isn't wise to commercialize sport.把体育运动商业化并不明智。21世纪英汉〔commercialization〕It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honored name should be commercialized in such a manner.一个著名的、令人尊敬的名字被人用得如此商业化,似乎太让人遗憾了。柯林斯高阶〔commercialization〕Rock'n'roll has become so commercialized and safe since punk.自朋克乐之后,摇滚乐已经变得太商业化、太保守了。柯林斯高阶〔commercialized〕One always thinks of Majorca as being very commercialized.人们一向认为马略卡是非常商业化的。外研社新世纪〔commercialized〕Rock'n'roll has become so commercialized and safe since punk.摇滚乐自朋克风格之后已经变得如此商业化和保守了。外研社新世纪〔commercialize〕Christmas has become so commercialized.圣诞节现已变得非常商业化了。朗文当代〔commercialize〕Federal agencies should commercialize research.联邦机构应该把研究商业化。外研社新世纪〔commercialize〕It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honored name should be commercialized in such a manner.一个著名的、令人尊敬的名字就这样商业化了, 似乎太让人遗憾了。外研社新世纪〔commercialize〕She hates to see Christmas commercialized.她不愿看到圣诞节被商业化。韦氏高阶〔commercialize〕Some space launches will be commercialized to help pay for more space research.一些太空发射将会商业化,以帮助支付更多太空研究的费用。朗文当代〔commercialize〕The beach resort has been commercialized and has none of its original charm.这个海滩旅游胜地已被商业化,完全失去了原有的魅力。韦氏高阶〔commercialize〕Their music has become very commercialized in recent years.他们的音乐近几年非常商业化了。牛津高阶〔commercialize〕To apply methods of business to for profit.使商业化:采用以利润为目的的商业方法美国传统〔commercially〕British Rail has indeed become more commercial over the past decade.过去10年来,英国铁路确实变得更加商业化了。柯林斯高阶〔commercially〕There's a feeling among a lot of people that music has become too commercial.很多人都觉得音乐变得过于商业化了。柯林斯高阶〔commercial〕British Rail has indeed become more commercial over the past decade.英国铁路公司在过去的十年间确实变得更加商业化了。外研社新世纪〔commercial〕Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests.商业化的森林开采所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们忧心忡忡。外研社新世纪〔commercial〕Their more recent music is far too commercial.他们最近的音乐过分商业化了。牛津高阶〔commercial〕Their music has become very commercial.他们的音乐已变得非常商业化。朗文当代〔commercial〕Their music is too commercial.他们的音乐太商业化了。韦氏高阶〔commercial〕Their music is very commercial.他们的音乐非常商业化。外研社新世纪〔commodify〕Do we really want to commodify our water supply? 我们真的想让供水商业化吗?韦氏高阶〔detergent〕Handmade soap is softer than commercial detergent bars.手工肥皂比商业化生产的洗涤皂要软。外研社新世纪〔encroachment〕It's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine.这是医学受到商业化侵蚀的一个迹象。外研社新世纪〔encroachment〕It's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine.这是医药界被逐渐商业化的一个的征兆。柯林斯高阶〔high〕Commercialisation has given many sports a higher profile.商业化已经让多项体育运动有了更高的公众关注度。柯林斯高阶〔homogenize〕Automation, commercial television, and instant foods have made America into a homogenized society.自动化、商业化电视和方便食品已使美国成为一个由多样向单一发展的社会。英汉大词典〔indie〕One, such as a studio or producer, that is unaffiliated with a larger or more commercial organization.独立制片者:与大型或更商业化的组织无连带关系的个体,例如一间工作室或是一位制片家美国传统〔mass〕His music is commercial. It is aimed at the masses.他的音乐走商业化路线,针对的是一般大众。柯林斯高阶〔meet〕Efforts to commercialise the Russian space programme have met with little success.为使俄罗斯太空项目走向商业化而作出的种种努力几乎没有取得什么成功。柯林斯高阶〔operate〕The laboratory is still owned by the government but is now commercially operated.这个实验室仍为政府所有,但现在实行商业化运作。牛津搭配〔poultry〕Most poultry farmers have to rely on commercially manufactured feeds.多数饲养家禽的农场主不得不依赖商业化生产的饲料。柯林斯高阶〔resemble〕Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour.有些商业化养殖的鹿肉味道和牛肉很相似。柯林斯高阶〔safe〕Rock'n'roll has become so commercialised and safe since punk.摇滚乐自从朋克乐以后就已经过于商业化而缺乏新意了。柯林斯高阶〔satire〕The commercial side of the Christmas season is an easy target for satire.圣诞季商业化的一面很容易招来讥讽。柯林斯高阶〔should〕It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honored name should be commercialized in such a manner.一个杰出而受人尊敬的名人竟被这样商业化了,真让人感到遗憾。柯林斯高阶〔voyeuristic〕We as a society are growing more commercial and voyeuristic all the time.我们的社会正变得越来越商业化,更好打探别人隐私。柯林斯高阶〔voyeuristic〕We, as a society, are growing more commercial and voyeuristic all the time.我们这个社会正变得越来越商业化, 越来越爱窥探他人隐私。外研社新世纪It's a pity Christmas has become so commercialized (=involved with buying and selling).令人遗憾的是圣诞节变得如此商业化了。剑桥国际The commercialization of football has turned it from a sport into a business.足球运动的商业化把它从一项运动变成了一种买卖。剑桥国际The drug is still being tested and will not go into commercial production for at least two years.这种药物仍然在试验中,至少二年内不会进行商业化生产。剑桥国际Their music has become very commercialized in recent years.他们的音乐近几年已经变得非常商业化了。牛津商务




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