

单词 合股
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔disincorporate〕They disincorporated the corporate company.他们解散了该合股公司。21世纪英汉〔firm〕A commercial partnership of two or more persons, especially when unincorporated.合股:尤指在没被合并时的两个或更多人的商业合伙美国传统〔joint stock〕Stock or capital funds of a company held jointly or in common by its owners.合资,合股:由投资者或股东联合拥有或共同拥有一家公司的股票或资金美国传统〔load〕To increase (an insurance premium or a mutual fund share price) by adding expenses or sale costs.溢价于:通过增加费用或销售价格来提高(保险费或合股投资的股价)美国传统〔open-end investment company〕A mutual fund.开发投资公司:合股投资公司美国传统He's a partner in an insurance company/a law firm.他是一家保险公司/律师行的合股人。剑桥国际My business was most successful when I formed a good partnership with someone else. 当我与别人建立了良好的合股关系时,我的生意最兴旺发达。译典通She founded the business in 2001, with Chris Smith, her friend and business partner.2001 年她和朋友兼商业合股人克丽丝 • 史密斯创办了这家企业。牛津商务She has a share portfolio worth about £25, 000.她有价值25, 000 英镑的组合股票投资。剑桥国际She's gone into partnership with an ex-colleague of hers to start manufacturing mugs.她和一个过去的同事合股开始生产杯子。剑桥国际The two companies have entered into partnership for their mutual protection. 这两家公司为了他们的共同利益而合股。译典通




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