

单词 坠入
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dido〕The founder and queen of Carthage, who fell in love with Aeneas and killed herself when he abandoned her.传说中的迦太基女王:迦太基的创建者和王后,与埃涅阿斯坠入情网,在被抛弃后自杀美国传统〔FALL〕The aeroplane's engines failed and it plunged into the ocean. 飞机发动机失灵,坠入了大海。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕Parts of the satellite crashed into the sea. 卫星的有些部分坠入了大海。朗文写作活用〔Ikaria〕An island of southeast Greece in the Aegean Sea west of Samos. According to Greek legend, Icarus plummeted into the sea near the island.伊卡里亚岛:位于希腊东南部、爱琴海中萨摩岛以西的一个岛屿。据希腊传说,伊卡罗斯就是在该岛附近坠入大海的美国传统〔SURFACE〕The cliff face was starting to crumble into the sea. 悬崖表面开始崩塌,碎石坠入大海。朗文写作活用〔abyss〕She was pulled down into an abyss of despair.她坠入了绝望的深渊。韦氏高阶〔burgeon〕Love burgeoned between them.他们双双迅速坠入爱河。剑桥高阶〔compare〕I can only compare the experience to falling in love.我只能把这段经历比作坠入爱河。柯林斯高阶〔crash〕Amazingly, he survived when his plane crashed into the sea.令人吃惊的是,他的飞机坠入海里时他居然没死。麦克米伦高阶〔crumble into〕The cliffs were estimated to be crumbling into the sea at the rate of 10ft an hour.据估计, 那处悬崖以每小时10英尺的速度坍塌坠入大海。外研社新世纪〔crumble〕The cliffs were estimated to be crumbling into the sea at the rate of 10ft an hour.预计那处悬崖会以每小时10英尺的速度坍塌坠入大海。柯林斯高阶〔dawn〕People have been falling in love since the dawn of time.自天地初开以来,人们就一直在坠入爱河。朗文当代〔disengage〕We saw the booster rockets disengage and fall into the sea.我们看到火箭助推器脱落后坠入大海。牛津高阶〔disintegrate〕The plane disintegrated as it fell into the sea.飞机坠入大海时解体了。牛津高阶〔face〕The cliff face was starting to crumble into the sea.崖面开始崩裂坠入大海。朗文当代〔fall in love〕They met and fell madly in love.他们相遇并疯狂地坠入爱河。剑桥高阶〔first〕The plane plunged its nose first into the river.飞机机头朝下坠入水中。英汉大词典〔heart〕You often find you lose your heart and gain very little in exchange.你经常会发现自己坠入爱河, 却得不到什么回报。外研社新世纪〔hopelessly〕Janet is hopelessly in love(=very much in love).珍妮特坠入情网,不能自拔。麦克米伦高阶〔hopelessly〕They met at university and fell hopelessly in love.他们在上大学时相遇并不可救药地坠入爱河。剑桥高阶〔instantly〕They instantly fell in love.他们立即坠入爱河。韦氏高阶〔involved〕They quickly became romantically involved.他们迅速坠入情网。韦氏高阶〔love〕She's in love with Paul.她和保罗坠入情网。外研社新世纪〔meaning〕Falling in love gave meaning to his life.坠入爱河让他的生命有了意义。牛津搭配〔now〕I spoke just now of being in love.我刚才说起坠入爱河的事。柯林斯高阶〔ocean〕The plane hit the ocean several miles offshore.飞机在距离海岸数英里处坠入大海。牛津高阶〔pilot〕The pilot bailed out as the aircraft crashed into the ocean.飞机坠入大海,飞行员跳伞了。牛津搭配〔plummet〕The car plummeted to the bottom of the canyon.这辆车坠入了峡谷谷底。韦氏高阶〔plummet〕The satellite plummeted into/toward the ocean.卫星坠入海中。韦氏高阶〔relationship〕People don't fall in love anymore, they have relationships.人们现在不再坠入情网,而是仅仅保持肉体关系。英汉大词典〔submerge〕She was submerged in love.她已深深坠入了爱河。21世纪英汉〔subtilization〕I'm sorry to say your explanation subtilizes me.真遗憾,你的解释更令我如坠入五里雾中。21世纪英汉〔tumble〕She tumbled into love.她坠入了爱河。21世纪英汉〔weather〕The plane crashed into the sea in adverse weather conditions.由于天气恶劣,飞机坠入了大海。牛津搭配〔wham〕Then I met someone and wham, bam, I was completely in love.然后我遇上了一个人, 嘭的一下, 我就坠入了爱河。外研社新世纪〔wham〕Then I met someone and wham, bam, I was completely in love.然后我遇上了一个人,嘭的一下,我就坠入了爱河。柯林斯高阶Falling in love is the easy part, but staying in love is the hard part.坠入爱河是容易的,但保持那份爱心却是艰难的。剑桥国际He was killed in a climbing accident when a rope broke and he fell in to an abyss.在一次登山事故中,一根绳子断裂,他坠入深渊丧生。剑桥国际It was written in the stars that they would meet and fall in love.他们是命中注定要相遇,并坠入爱河的。剑桥国际The car went out of control on a bend and plunged over the cliff.在拐弯处轿车失去控制坠入山崖。剑桥国际The plane got out of control and crashed into the sea. 飞机失控,坠入大海。译典通The space capsule came down in the Pacific Ocean.宇宙飞船坠入了太平洋。剑桥国际You can tell he's got it bad because he can't concentrate on his work and he talks about her all the time.我可以肯定他已深深坠入爱河,因为他无法专心工作,而且老是谈起她。剑桥国际




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