

单词 地形
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕The American continent's geography severely limited the lines of attack.美洲大陆的地形严重限制了进攻路线。柯林斯高阶〔ATV〕ATVs have one seat, no roof, and three or four large wheels.全地形汽车〔单座,敞篷,有三四个大轮子〕朗文当代〔HOLE〕The landscape was a series of mountains, chasms, canyons and valleys. 那里的地形山峦起伏、峡谷纵横。朗文写作活用〔LAND/GROUND〕Boots are the best footwear on rough terrain. 在崎岖复杂的地形上行走,穿靴子最好。朗文写作活用〔LAND/GROUND〕The terrain on the island varies quite a bit. 岛上地形多变。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕A topographical map shows the contours of the earth's surface. 地形图显示地表轮廓。朗文写作活用〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕The army uses satellites to help soldiers navigate unfamiliar terrain. 军队利用卫星给士兵在不熟悉的地形上导航。朗文写作活用〔alidade〕A topographic surveying and mapping instrument used for determining directions, consisting of a telescope and attached parts.照准仪:用来确定方向的地形测量和绘图工具,包括望远镜和其它附件美国传统〔amphitheater〕A level area surrounded by upward sloping ground.圆形凹地:陡坡地形所围住的一片平地美国传统〔arm〕Police linked arms around the Queen.警察在女王周围臂挽臂地形成保护圈。英汉大词典〔banded〕Having bands or stripes of contrasting color or texture.有条纹的:颜色或质地形成对照鲜明的条纹的美国传统〔bank〕The highway banks sharply on this curve.高速公路在这个弯曲处明显地形成从内侧至外侧向上倾斜的弯道。21世纪英汉〔bowl〕A bowl-shaped topographic depression.盆地:碗状地形凹陷美国传统〔break〕Geology A marked change in topography such as a fault or deep valley.【地质学】 断层:地形上的显著变化,如断层,深谷美国传统〔brooding〕Ireland's brooding landscape 爱尔兰的险要地形牛津高阶〔cockhorse〕A horse added to a team of horses to assist a wagon through high water or over difficult terrain.马车之后的额外的马:加入一小组马的一匹马,帮助四轮运货马车通过深水或越过困难地形.美国传统〔contour〕To build (a road, for example) to follow the contour of the land.依地形建造:循着地面等高线修筑(如公路等)美国传统〔defence〕The terrain gave little scope for defence.这种地形无法防御。外研社新世纪〔deteriorate〕The war has deteriorated the situation in the region.战争使当地形势恶化。21世纪英汉〔difficult〕The terrain was difficult.地形崎岖难行。英汉大词典〔face〕The appearance and geologic surface features of an area of land; topography.地表特征:某一区域陆地表面和有几何形状的表面;地形美国传统〔familiarity〕The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.敌方总是会占据熟悉崎岖地形的优势。外研社新世纪〔familiar〕The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.敌人一直都占有熟悉丘陵地形的优势。柯林斯高阶〔form〕The map shows the configuration of the North American continent, with its mountains, rivers, and plains.地图描绘出北美大陆的地形以及它的山脉、河流和平原。美国传统〔fortified wine〕Wine, such as sherry, to which alcohol, usually in the form of grape brandy, has been added.加度葡萄酒:通常以葡萄白兰地形式加以酒精的酒,如雪利酒等美国传统〔function〕The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate.这里的低温是地形与气候同时作用的结果。剑桥高阶〔geographically〕It is geographically more diverse than any other continent.它在地形地貌上比其他任何大陆都更具多样性。外研社新世纪〔geographic〕Concerning the topography of a specific region.某地的地质情况:有关特殊地区地形学的美国传统〔geography〕Housing development is limited by the geography of the valley.住房的建造受到山谷地形的限制。麦克米伦高阶〔geography〕The physical characteristics, especially the surface features, of an area.地形,地貌:某一地区的自然特征,尤指地表特点美国传统〔geomorphology〕The study of the evolution and configuration of landforms.地貌学:对地形发展和结构进行的研究美国传统〔glaciology〕The scientific study of glaciers and their effects on the landscape.冰川学:关于冰川以及它们对地形的影响的科学研究美国传统〔greenway〕A corridor of undeveloped land, as along a river or between urban centers, that is reserved for recreational use or environmental preservation.绿色走廊:沿河或在两个城市中心区之间的由未开发土地形成的走廊,为市民休闲娱乐或环境保护而保留美国传统〔ground〕The landscape is a mixture of open ground and woodland.这里的地形既有空地又有林地。朗文当代〔hypsography〕A representation or description of the earth's topologic features above sea level, as on a map.地形起伏图:在地图上的高于海平面的地志的表现和描述美国传统〔land〕Surveyors mapped out the lie of the land.测量员测绘出地形。牛津同义词〔lay of the land〕She knew the lay of the land from hiking through it daily.每天在此徒步旅行,她了解这里的地形。韦氏高阶〔lay〕Thanks to the lay of the land the area is superb biking terrain.拜地形所赐, 这一地区特别适合骑车。外研社新世纪〔lay〕The lay of the ground blocked the view of the sea.地形阻隔了视线使人无法看见大海。英汉大词典〔lie〕The actual site of a city is determined by the natural lie of the land.城市的实际位置是由地形决定的。外研社新世纪〔lie〕The lie of the land and natural waterways made it relatively easy to build canals.这片土地的地形和天然水系使修建运河变得相对容易。外研社新世纪〔matrix〕Something resembling such an array, as in the regular formation of elements into columns and rows.矩阵元素:类似矩形的事物,如元素有规则地形成列或行美国传统〔mature〕Geology Having reached maximum development of form. Used of streams and landforms.【地质学】 壮年的,成熟的:达到发展的最高形式。用于指河流和地形美国传统〔observance〕The smoke and topography would not have helped in his observance of the enemy.烟雾和地形是不会对他观察敌人动静有什么帮助的。外研社新世纪〔old〕Having become simpler in form and of lower relief. Used of a landform.地形起伏缓和的:较为简单的、起伏较平的。用于形容地形美国传统〔plane table〕A portable surveying instrument consisting essentially of a drawing board and a ruler mounted on a tripod and used to sight and map topographical details.平板仪:一种便携式观测仪器,主要包括安放在三脚架上的绘图板和一把直尺,用于观测和绘制地形详图美国传统〔prominent〕The rugged red ridges are a prominent feature of the landscape.起伏的红色山脊是该地形的一个显著特征。麦克米伦高阶〔quadrangle〕The area of land shown on one atlas sheet charted by the U.S. Geological Survey.标准地形图上的一方格:由美国地理测绘局发行的地图册上标出的一块陆地美国传统〔reconnoitre〕They stopped and began to reconnoitre the terrain.他们停下来,开始勘测地形。21世纪英汉〔rejuvenate〕To develop youthful topographic features in (a previously leveled area).使更生:(在原先平坦了的区域)引发新的地形地物美国传统〔rhythm〕These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds, especially in music, speech, or verse.当这些名词意为有规律地形式化的重读与非重读音节的降低和升高时,尤其在音乐、演说或韵文中,它们有所区别。美国传统〔ridge〕The land ridges northward.地形向北隆起。英汉大词典〔rover〕A crewed or uncrewed vehicle, used especially in exploring the terrain of a planet and its satellites.飞行器:尤指用于探测行星及其卫星上地形的载人或未载人的飞行器美国传统〔rule〕The mountainous terrain rules out most forms of agriculture.多山的地形使大多数农耕形式都无法采用。朗文当代〔sand table〕A table on which a relief model of terrain is built out of sand for the study of military maneuvers.军用沙盘:一种用于军事研究的硬砂做成的地形断面模型台子美国传统〔scout〕We went ahead to scout out the lie of the land.我们先一步出发,去侦察地形。牛津高阶〔scrambler〕A motorcycle with thick ridged tires and strong suspension, designed for riding and racing across rough terrain.越野车:有厚边的车轮和结实悬架的一种摩托车,设计用于骑过和竞赛时翻越崎岖地形美国传统〔scramble〕An arduous hike or climb over rough terrain.爬行:费力的跋涉或者爬过崎岖的地形美国传统〔spy〕Sartene volunteered to go to London to spy out the land.萨丁自告奋勇去伦敦察看地形。外研社新世纪〔stature〕Geomorphology has now achieved full stature as a branch of geology.地形学现在已经获得了地质学分支学科的正式地位。牛津搭配〔steep〕The terrain is often deceptively steep (= steeper than you expect).地形的陡峭程度常常出乎意料。牛津搭配〔stranger〕Strangers to the area tend to expect the landscape to be completely flat.到这个地区的外地人常会以为这里的地形是完全平坦的。麦克米伦高阶〔terrain〕The commander had made a detailed study of the terrain.指挥官对地形作了缜密的调查。英汉大词典〔terrain〕We hiked through a variety of terrains.我们徒步穿越了各种不同的地形。韦氏高阶〔three-wheeler〕A vehicle having three wheels, as a small, all-terrain motor vehicle.三轮车:适于所有地形地貌的有三个轮的小型机动车美国传统〔topographer〕One who is skilled in topography.地形学者:精通地形学的人美国传统〔topography〕The map shows the topography of the island.这张地图标示了这座岛的地形。韦氏高阶〔topography〕The surveying of the features of a place or region.地形测量:对某地或地区地面状况的调查美国传统〔topography〕The topography of the river's basin has changed significantly since the floods.该河流域的地形自洪水以来发生了显著变化。柯林斯高阶〔topology〕Topographic study of a given place, especially the history of a region as indicated by its topography.地志学:对某地区的地形、地貌等进行的研究,特别指根据地志对该地历史的研究美国传统〔trimetrogon〕A system of aerial photography in which one vertical and two oblique photographs are simultaneously taken for use in topographic mapping.三镜头航空测绘系统:一种航空测绘系统,用于地形绘图中,可同时拍摄一张竖直的和两张倾斜的照片美国传统〔vary〕The terrain varies as you climb higher.你越往高处攀爬,地形也随之产生变化。韦氏高阶Before we activate our paratroopers, we must be familiar with the topography of the drop zone. 在我们动用空降部队之前,一定要熟悉降落地点的地形地貌。译典通By no stretch of the imagination could he be seriously described as an artist.任凭如何异想天开,他也不能被严肃地形容为艺术家。剑桥国际He climbed a tall tree to try and find out the lie of the land.他爬到一颗大树上去察看地形。剑桥国际He made a careful study of the geography of the province. 他仔细研究了该省的地形。译典通It's a gently rolling landscape, without any high hills.这里的地形起伏不大,没有什么高山。剑桥国际The car handles particularly well on rough terrain.这种汽车特别能应付崎岖的地形。剑桥国际The land is flat and marshy before rising to a spine of low hills. 这一带地形平坦而多沼泽,再往远去地势隆起,形成矮山陵地。译典通The lay of the ground hindered my view of the sea. 地形挡住了我的视线,使我看不见大海。译典通The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate.地形和气候共同造成了这里的低温。剑桥国际The resort is one of the most popular Swiss destinations for skiers who demand extensive and challenging ski terrain.该度假胜地是滑雪者最喜爱的瑞士滑雪地之一,渴望广阔而富有挑战性地形的滑雪者常去那里。剑桥国际We drove around the area where our new house is to spy out the land.我们在我们新房子周围的地区开了一圈,查看一下地形。剑桥国际When you think of Switzerland's features, you think of mountains.当你想起瑞士的地形特征时,就会想到山。剑桥国际




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