

单词 地学
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔choir〕a massed choir of local schoolchildren 由本地学童组成的大合唱团牛津搭配〔closing〕the closing of the local school 当地学校的关闭牛津高阶〔closing〕the closing of the local school/hospital 当地学校/医院的关闭韦氏高阶〔fund〕a charity event to raise funds for local schools 为当地学校筹集资金的慈善活动牛津搭配〔persevere〕persevere in one's studies 锲而不舍地学习英汉大词典〔pick〕picked up French very quickly. 很快地学起法语来美国传统〔push〕push a child to study harder. 鞭策这孩子更努力地学习美国传统〔root and branch〕a root and branch overhaul of local schools 对当地学校的彻底整顿韦氏高阶〔rote〕learn by rote 死记硬背地学习 英汉大词典〔rote〕learn by rote. 死记硬背地学习美国传统〔rote〕to learn by rote 死记硬背地学习牛津高阶〔serious〕engaged in serious drinking; made a serious attempt to learn how to ski backward; serious study of Italian. 沉溺于饮酒;认真地试图学会怎样向后滑雪;认真地学习意大利语美国传统〔shiftless〕studied in a shiftless way. 得过目过地学习美国传统〔singleness〕study with singleness of mind 专心一致地学习英汉大词典〔slog〕a student's weary slog through Cicero; a slog through miles of jungle. 学生勉强地学习西塞罗学说;长时间疲惫地穿过数里远的丛林美国传统




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