

单词 地基
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕A careful inspection showed cracks in the foundation of the building. 经过一番仔细的检查,发现大楼地基有裂缝。朗文写作活用〔DIG〕Workers had already begun excavating the foundations for the house. 工人们已经开始为房子挖掘地基了。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕The workmen were already digging out the foundations for the building. 工人们已经在挖大楼的地基。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕The building's foundation has shifted, which is why there are cracks in the plaster. 建筑的地基移动了,所以灰泥上出现了裂缝。朗文写作活用〔bed〕The railway was built on a bed of solid rock.铁路建在硬石地基上。剑桥高阶〔break〕The foundation of the house cracked during the earthquake.地震时那幢房子的地基裂开了。美国传统〔concrete〕Downstairs, the builders have dug and concreted the foundations of a new supporting wall.楼下, 建筑工人们已经挖开并用混凝土浇筑了一面新支承墙的地基。外研社新世纪〔date〕The foundations are Roman, but the rest of the building is of more recent date.建筑的地基是罗马时建的,其余部分的建筑年代要更近些。牛津搭配〔dig〕The first step in building a house is to dig the foundation.建房子的第一步是挖地基。韦氏高阶〔excavate〕The ground was excavated for a foundation.地面被挖空作为地基。21世纪英汉〔firm〕A concrete foundation was poured after digging down to firm ground.挖到坚实的地面后浇水泥地基。朗文当代〔footstone〕A marking stone placed at the foot of a grave.基石:一块建在地基处有标志的石头美国传统〔foundation〕Concrete foundations have been laid.已铺设了混凝土地基。牛津搭配〔foundation〕How long will it take to finish digging the foundations? 挖地基要用多长时间?麦克米伦高阶〔foundation〕It took the builders three weeks to lay the foundations .建筑工人花了三星期的时间打地基。朗文当代〔foundation〕The builders are now beginning to lay the foundations of the new school.建筑工人正开始给新校舍打地基。牛津高阶〔foundation〕The earthquake shook the foundations of the house.地震动摇了那幢房子的地基。朗文当代〔foundation〕The explosion shook the foundations of the houses nearby.爆炸震撼了附近房屋的地基。牛津高阶〔foundation〕The foundations will have to be reinforced to prevent the house from sinking further into the ground.地基必须进行加固以防房屋继续下陷。剑桥高阶〔foundation〕The inspector discovered a crack in the house's foundation.检查员在这座房屋的地基上发现了一道裂纹。韦氏高阶〔foundation〕The thunder seemed to shake the very foundations of the building.雷鸣似乎把房子的地基都撼动了。牛津搭配〔foundation〕They had dug too deep and undermined the foundations of the house.他们挖得太深,破坏了房子的地基。牛津搭配〔give〕The foundations are giving.地基在下沉。英汉大词典〔grillage〕A network or frame of timber or steel serving as a foundation, usually on ground that is wet or soft.格排垛,格床:用木头或钢铁制成的构架或网状物,当地面潮湿或太软时做为地基美国传统〔lay〕The foundations of the house are being laid today.今天正在给房子打地基。牛津高阶〔lay〕The plan is to lay (= build) the foundations for the new apartments in October.按照计划新公寓将于10月打地基。剑桥高阶〔lay〕When will they lay the foundation for the addition? 他们什么时候为扩建房屋打地基?韦氏高阶〔level〕The first stage of construction is to level the ground and lay the foundation.建筑的第一步是进行地面平整和打地基。外研社新世纪〔locate〕Tribal lands are primarily located in remote rural regions.部族土地基本上都处在偏远的乡村地区。牛津搭配〔premise〕Land and the buildings on it.房屋及地基:土地及在其上的建筑美国传统〔remedial〕Some remedial work needs to be done on the foundations.地基需要做些补救工作。朗文当代〔repose〕The foundations repose upon rock.地基安在岩石上。文馨英汉〔rest〕The house rests on a concrete foundation.房子建在混凝土地基上。韦氏高阶〔riprap〕A loose assemblage of broken stones erected in water or on soft ground as a foundation.乱石基,乱石扶墙:碎石块的松散堆集、或作为地基树立于水中或松软的土地上美国传统〔riprap〕The broken stones used for such a foundation.乱石,碎石:用作这种地基的碎石美国传统〔roadbed〕The foundation and surface of a road.公路地基和公路路面美国传统〔roadbed〕The foundation upon which the ties, rails, and ballast of a railroad are laid.路基:其上可铺铁道的枕木、铁轨和道碴的地基美国传统〔rubble〕Brick rubble is useful as the base for paths and patios.碎砖石可以用来铺路基和庭院地基。柯林斯高阶〔sap〕The foundations have been sapped away by termites.地基被白蚁挖掉了。文馨英汉〔settle〕The foundation of the house has settled a little.这房子的地基有点下陷了。韦氏高阶〔set〕Gates should be hung on sturdy posts set well into the ground.大门应该装在地基牢固的柱子上。朗文当代〔shaky〕The building's foundations are rather shaky, and it could collapse at any time.这座建筑的地基很不稳固,随时可能会倒塌。剑桥高阶〔shovel〕She dug the foundation with a pick and shovel.她用镐和平锹挖地基。柯林斯高阶〔shovel〕She dug the foundation with a pick and shovel.她用镐头和铁锹挖地基。外研社新世纪〔sink〕The foundations have sunk.地基已经下陷了。21世纪英汉〔sink〕The foundations of the building are starting to sink.楼房的地基开始下陷。牛津高阶〔sink〕The foundations suddenly sank in.地基突然下降。文馨英汉〔sink〕The tower has sunk about fifteen centimeters.那座塔(的地基)下陷约十五公分。文馨英汉〔sink〕When they came to build the southern spire the foundations began to sink.他们建南边的塔尖时,地基就开始下沉了。柯林斯高阶〔sink〕When they came to build the southern spire, the foundations began to sink.当他们最后建造南边的塔尖时, 地基开始下陷了。外研社新世纪〔smart rock〕A ground-based projectile that can be launched to destroy warheads or missiles.反弹火箭:一种能发射来摧毁弹头或导弹的地基弹美国传统〔spile〕A post used as a foundation; a pile.用作地基的桩;柱美国传统〔stable〕If the foundations of the house aren't stable, collapse is possible.如果房子的地基不稳,就有可能倒塌。剑桥高阶〔stereobate〕The foundation of a stone building, its top course sometimes being a stylobate.台基:石头建筑物的地基;基上部常为柱列基座美国传统〔stumble across/on/upon sth/sb〕Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new building.工人们在挖一栋新楼的地基时偶然发现了那幅镶嵌画。剑桥高阶〔subbasement〕A floor beneath a main basement of a building.次地下室:建筑物主要地基的下层面美国传统〔subgrade〕The level layer of rock or earth upon which the foundation of a road or railway is laid.路基,地基:在其上铺设路的基础或铁路道碴的岩石或泥土的水平层美国传统〔subsidence〕A surveyor said that the problems were caused by subsidence and the house needed to be underpinned.一名勘测员说是地面下陷导致了这些问题出现,房子需要加固地基。柯林斯高阶〔subside〕The foundations of the building have subsided.该建筑的地基已下沉了。21世纪英汉〔subside〕Weak foundations caused the house to subside.由于地基不实,房子出现下陷。牛津高阶〔superstructure〕The foundations are finished and work has now begun on building the superstructure of the new library.新图书馆的地基已经打好,现在已经开始修建上部结构了。剑桥高阶〔survey〕In more than 30 years of surveying he has never yet known a building to collapse because of subsidence.他做房屋评估工作都30多年了,还从未听说过哪一座房子由于地基下陷而倒塌的。柯林斯高阶〔tumble down〕If the foundations are flawed the house will come tumbling down.如果地基不牢,房子将会倒塌。柯林斯高阶〔underpin〕When restoring the building, the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations.修复这座建筑物时,首先要做的是沿着地基给外墙增加木支撑。剑桥高阶〔weaken〕The explosion had weakened the building's foundations.爆炸松动了这座楼房的地基。牛津高阶Subsidence in such an old house can lead to instability in the foundations.这么旧的一栋房子下陷会造成其地基不稳。剑桥国际The building is on a premium site.这幢大楼建在优质地基上。剑桥国际The building's foundations are rather shaky (= not firm or strong), and it could collapse at any time.这座建筑物的地基非常不稳固,随时可能倒塌。剑桥国际The cathedral is built on foundations made of granite.这座大教堂是在花岗石地基上建造的。剑桥国际The design of the house has been dictated by the small size and irregular shape of the plot of land on which it is being built.这栋房子地基面积小、形状不规则,这决定了它的设计。剑桥国际The foundation of the house is built from rubble overlaid with concrete.房子的地基是用铺着混凝土的碎石造的。剑桥国际The foundations are finished and work has now begun on building the superstructure of the new library.新图书馆的地基已打好,现已开始地面上部结构的施工。剑桥国际The foundations will have to be reinforced to prevent the house from sinking further into ground.要使房子不再进一步往下沉降,地基必须要加固。剑桥国际They loved the house, but were not sure of the firmness of its foundation. 他们很喜欢这个房子,可是对房子地基的坚固性没有把握。译典通They plan to excavate a large hole before putting in the foundations. 他们计划打地基前先挖个大洞。译典通We used a sheet of hardboard to make a base for the toy farm.我们用一张硬纤维板做玩具农场的地基。剑桥国际When restoring the building, the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations.修复这座建筑物时, 首先要做的是沿着地基给外墙增添木支撑。剑桥国际Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new building.建筑工人在挖掘一幢新大楼的地基时偶然发现了那镶嵌画。剑桥国际




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