

单词 地域
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHARACTER〕The islanders are proud of their strong regional identity. 岛上的居民以其强烈的地域特色而自豪。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕After they left Kathmandu they would be travelling through unknown territory. 他们离开加德满都后要穿越不为人知的地域。朗文写作活用〔area〕Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.飞机失事残骸散落在一个广阔地域。牛津高阶〔attribution〕The act of attributing, especially of establishing a particular person, place, or time as the creator, provenance, or era of a work of art.归属:指归属的行为,尤指将一艺术作品的创作者、地域或时代归属为一特定人物、地点或时间美国传统〔biogeochemistry〕The study of the relationship between the geochemistry of a region and the animal and plant life in that region.生物化学:研究一个地域的地球化学与该地域动植物生命之间关系的学科美国传统〔champaign〕A stretch of level and open country; a plain.原野:一片平川和开旷的地域;平原美国传统〔comparable〕The regional variation in Australian accent is not in any way comparable to that found in the UK or US.澳大利亚口音的地域差异与英国或美国的根本没法比较。牛津搭配〔concentrated〕The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.移民群体在地域上非常集中。牛津搭配〔corridor〕A place in which powerful leaders work and rule.统治地域:有权的领导们工作和统治的地方美国传统〔cosmopolitan〕The influx of exotic people is providing a cosmopolitan outlook to American life.异邦人的涌入正在给美国生活带来一种超越民族和地域的广阔眼界。英汉大词典〔dangerous territory〕The goal of the expedition is to map unexplored/uncharted territory.远征的目的是勘测未探索过/地图上未标明的地域。韦氏高阶〔distance〕These immigrants face problems of physical distance.这些移民面临着地域隔阂的问题。牛津搭配〔distribution〕They studied the geographical distribution of the disease.他们研究了这种疾病的地域分布情况。牛津高阶〔district〕A division of an area, as for administrative purposes.地区,行政区:一个地域的分支,如为了管理的目的美国传统〔east〕The region of the United States east of the Allegheny Mountains and north of the Mason-Dixon Line.美国东部各州:美国阿勒格尼山的东面及梅森-狄克森南北分界线以北的地域美国传统〔epiphytotic〕Of, relating to, or characterized by a sudden or abnormally destructive outbreak of a plant disease, usually over an extended geographic area.植物流行病的:关于或以植物突然病害或反常的破坏性发作为特征的,通常发生在开阔的地域美国传统〔explore〕They were sent to explore unknown regions of Africa.他们被派去勘查非洲的未知地域。韦氏高阶〔faerie〕The land or realm of the fairies.仙境:想象中的地域或王国美国传统〔four-wheeler〕A small, all-terrain motor vehicle seating one person and having four wheels with large tires.四轮出租马车:一种适合于各种地域、能载一个人、安有四个大轮胎的轮子的小型机车美国传统〔green〕Green A supporter of a social and political movement that espouses global environmental protection, bioregionalism, social responsibility, and nonviolence. Green 绿色和平主义者:信奉全球环境保护、生物地域主义、社会责任感和非暴力的社会政治运动的支持者美国传统〔jurisdiction〕The territorial range of authority or control.管辖区域:管辖或控制的地域美国传统〔land〕A tract that may be owned, together with everything growing or constructed on it.地域:包含生长于其上的所有的东西或建筑的一片土地美国传统〔mongrel〕The new house was a mongrel, with a mix of styles from different times and places.这栋新房子是个大杂烩,融合了不同时代和地域的风格。韦氏高阶〔panhandle〕Often Panhandle A narrow strip of territory projecting from a larger, broader area, as in Alaska, Idaho, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia. 常作 Panhandle 柄状狭长地带:从比较广阔的地域突出去的狭窄的一个条带,如阿拉斯加州、爱达荷州、俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州和西弗吉尼亚美国传统〔rain〕The volcano erupted, raining hot ash over a wide area.火山喷发,将炽热的火山灰洒落在一大片地域上。牛津高阶〔range〕The area or sphere in which an activity takes place.界限:活动发生的地域或范围美国传统〔reach〕The business is looking at ways to extend its geographic reach.该企业正在寻求地域性扩张的途径。牛津搭配〔record〕The geographical spread of the industry in the 16th century is hard to ascertain, for much of it is poorly recorded.这个行业在 16 世纪的地域分布很难界定,因为与此有关的记录很不详细。牛津搭配〔reflect〕The exhibition is designed to reflect the diversity of the nation and its regions.这次展览旨在反映这个国家民族和地域的多样性。牛津搭配〔regional〕It is not surprising to find regional variations in unemployment.发现失业现象存在地域性差别并不奇怪。麦克米伦高阶〔sea〕They landed in an area called the Sea of Tranquillity.他们那次着陆在一片叫做“宁静海”的地域。外研社新世纪〔spatial〕The growth of home ownership has been both socially and spatially uneven.住宅拥有人数的增长在社会阶层和地域上分布不均。柯林斯高阶〔spread〕The current survey will have a wider geographical spread.当前的调查将在更广泛的地域范围内进行。牛津搭配〔square〕A rectangular space enclosed by streets and occupied by buildings; a block.街区:被街道包围或者被建筑占据的方形地域;房屋区美国传统〔statehooder〕One who is in favor of granting statehood to a particular territory or region.拥护州地位者:赞成予一特定地域或地区享有州地位者美国传统〔strip〕A long narrow region of land or body of water.带:狭长的地域或水域美国传统〔strip〕Construction began only after the tract had been denuded of trees.只有当这一地域的树木被清除干净时才能开始建造。美国传统〔submarket〕A geographic, economic, or specialized subdivision of a market.分市场:一市场在地域上、经济上或专门供应某产品的分市场美国传统〔sustain〕The parameters within which life can be sustained on Earth are extraordinarily narrow.地球上生命可以存活下来的地域范围是非常狭小的。柯林斯高阶〔theoretical〕Britain's control of the territory remained largely theoretical.在很大程度上,英国只是理论上占有该地域。麦克米伦高阶〔topical〕Medicine Of or applied to an isolated or localized area of the body.【医学】 局部的:身体某一孤立或地域化的地方的;用于身体某一局部的美国传统〔topical〕Of or belonging to a particular location or place; local.局部的:某一特定部位或地方的;属于这一特定部位或地方的;地域的美国传统〔turf〕A geographical area; a territory.地区,地域:地理上的区域;地区美国传统〔under〕We'll leave most of the area under grass.我们会让这个地域大面积长草。外研社新世纪〔unknown〕How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?柯林斯高阶〔unknown〕It was a perilous expedition through unknown territory.这是一次穿越未知地域的危险之旅。外研社新世纪〔vary〕Voting patterns vary geographically.选举模式因地域而有所不同。牛津搭配〔vortex〕A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area, especially a whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything near it toward its center.漩涡:在一定地域内液体的螺旋状运动,尤指把附近各种东西吸向其中心的螺旋水流或空气美国传统〔watershed〕The region draining into a river, river system, or other body of water.流域:将水排入某河流、水系或其它水体的地域美国传统〔world〕In today's globalized world, telecommunications have broken down boundaries.在今日这个全球化的社会里,电信已经打破了地域局限。牛津搭配〔zenith〕At the zenith of its power, Rome ruled all the known world.罗马在其势力登峰造极时期曾统治了当时世界上的全部已知地域。英汉大词典〔zoogeography〕The biological study of the geographic distribution of animals, especially the causes and effects of such distribution.动物地理学:对动物的地域划分进行的生物学研究,特别是这种划分的原因和影响美国传统This area is sacred to the Apaches.这一地域被阿帕切族人视作神圣。剑桥国际




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