

单词 地名
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Celtiberian〕The language of this people, known from place and personal names and from inscriptions.凯尔伊比利亚语:从地名、人名及铭文上所了解的这个民族的语言美国传统〔DRAW〕The children traced the map of France and then wrote in the names of the places they had visited. 孩子们映描了法国地图,并写上他们到过的地名。朗文写作活用〔Faliscan〕The language of this people, closely related to Latin and known from place and personal names and from inscriptions.法利希语:与拉丁文相近,由其地名、人名和碑文得知的法利希语言美国传统〔NAME〕In this part of the US many of the place names are of French origin. 美国这一地区的许多地名都源自法语。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕Las Vegas has a growing reputation as an entertainment and vacation spot. 拉斯韦加斯作为一个娱乐度假地名声越来越响。朗文写作活用〔back matter〕A list of geographical names appears in the back matter of the dictionary.词典后面附有地名表。韦氏高阶〔gazetteer〕A geographic dictionary or index.地名辞典:地理学的辞典或索引美国传统〔index〕All places mentioned in the book will be indexed.凡本书提及的地名都将编入索引。英汉大词典〔index〕An alphabetized list of names, places, and subjects treated in a printed work, giving the page or pages on which each item is mentioned.索引:按字母顺序排列的人名、地名和印刷品内容名称,并在每个后面注上页码美国传统〔memory〕His memory is preserved in a number of place names.许多地方以他的名字作地名, 以永远纪念他。外研社新世纪〔misnomer〕An error in naming a person or place.叫错名称:在叫某人名字或某一地名时犯的错误美国传统〔name〕The place takes its name from the Old English personal name 'Catta'.该地的地名取自古英语中的人名“卡塔”。牛津搭配〔notable〕Elected by local notables for nine years Senators lack the democratic legitimacy of members of the National Assembly.由当地名流选出、任职9年的参议员缺少国民议会议员的民主合法性。柯林斯高阶〔peerage〕Her father proudly rubbed shoulders with local gentry and even members of the peerage.她的父亲以结交当地名流甚至贵族成员为骄傲。外研社新世纪〔place name〕Many of the area's place names come from Native American languages.这一地区的许多地名源于美洲土著居民语言。韦氏高阶〔place name〕Many of the place names are Scottish in origin.这些地名许多源于苏格兰。朗文当代〔place name〕York and Toledo are place names.约克和托莱多是地名。剑桥高阶〔toponymy〕The place names of a region or language.地名:某地区或某语言的名字美国传统〔toponymy〕The study of such place names.地名学:对这些地名的研究美国传统〔toponym〕A place name.地名美国传统〔translate〕The Welsh name translates as ‘Land's End’.这个威尔士语的地名可译成“兰兹角”。牛津高阶〔transliterate〕On the road signs, the Greek place names have been transliterated into the Roman alphabet.在路牌上,希腊地名被音译成了拉丁字母。剑桥高阶〔type-site〕An archaeological site regarded as definitively characteristic of a particular culture and whose name is often applied to the culture.古遗址:被认为具有特定文化定义性的古遗址,其地名常常被用于这种文化中美国传统〔worthy〕The schools were set up and governed by local worthies.学校由当地名流兴建,并由他们管理着。麦克米伦高阶A number of local personalities were present at the meeting. 一些当地名人出席了会议。译典通On the road signs, the Greek place names have been transliterated into the Latin alphabet, sometimes in several different ways.在路牌上,希腊地名用拉丁字母译出,有时候以几种不同的方法译出。剑桥国际York and Toledo are place names.约克和托莱多是地名。剑桥国际You can consult a dictionary of place names. 你可以查地名字典。译典通




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