

单词 吝啬
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(as) ... as hell〕She's really quite unpleasant about other people and she's as mean as hell.她对待他人很不友好,并且还吝啬得要命。剑桥高阶〔CHARACTER〕Ralph can be very mean sometimes. It's one of his less endearing characteristics. 拉尔夫有时非常吝啬。这是他不太讨人喜欢的性格特点之一。朗文写作活用〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕He's so mean, he won't even buy his wife a birthday present. 他真是吝啬,连给妻子买件生日礼物都不肯。朗文写作活用〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕I'm not going out with those cheapskates again - they didn't buy a drink all night! 我再也不会跟那些吝啬鬼出去了一他们整个晚上连杯饮料都不买!朗文写作活用〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕Joe is such a tightwad that he won't even buy his own newspaper. 乔真是个吝啬鬼,甚至连自己要看的报纸都不愿买。朗文写作活用〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕My uncle was a terrible miser - he would walk in lashing rain rather than pay a bus fare. 我叔叔是个吝啬得要命的人一下着倾盆大雨他还宁愿走路而不肯花钱乘公共汽车。朗文写作活用〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕Unfortunately we have a penny-pinching local government that spends as little as possible on parks and sports facilities. 不幸的是,我们的地方政府很吝啬,在公园和体育设施方面总是尽量少花钱。朗文写作活用〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕We waited for the old skinflint to find his wallet and pay us our money. 我们等着那老吝啬鬼找到他的钱包,然后把钱付给我们。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕Thurmond is as mean in his dotage as he was in his younger days. 到了晚年,瑟蒙德的吝啬也不减当年。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕It's no use asking him - he's too stingy to give money to charity. 问他要是没有用的—他吝啬得很,不会捐钱做慈善的。朗文写作活用〔Scrooge〕A mean-spirited miserly person; a skinflint.吝啬鬼:心胸狭窄的吝啬鬼;守财奴美国传统〔Scrooge〕His boss is a real Scrooge who never gives people raises.他的老板可真是个吝啬鬼,从不给涨工资。韦氏高阶〔Scrooge〕What a bunch of Scrooges.真是一群吝啬鬼。柯林斯高阶〔adhesive〕Despite the change in his disposition, his reputation for meanness proved more adhesive than he deserved.尽管他性情有了改变, 吝啬的恶名却久久摆脱不了。外研社新世纪〔ascription〕The ascription of selfishness to a miser is justified.把自私看作吝啬鬼的属性是有理由的。英汉大词典〔capital〕She is mean with a capital M.她真的很吝啬。外研社新世纪〔chary〕Provincial governments are notoriously chary with grants.省级政府对拨款吝啬得出了名。外研社新世纪〔cheapskate〕A stingy person; a miser.吝啬:吝啬小气的人;守财奴美国传统〔cheapskate〕My dad's such a cheapskate that he cuts his hair himself.我爸爸真是个吝啬鬼,连他的头发都自己剪。剑桥高阶〔cheap〕Don't be cheap—buy good quality tires for your car.别那么吝啬,要给你的汽车买质量好的轮胎。韦氏高阶〔cheap〕He's the cheapest man in town; he's never bought his friends a drink.他是城里最吝啬的人,从未替朋友买过一杯酒。英汉大词典〔cheap〕Stingy; miserly.吝啬的;小气的美国传统〔cheese-paring〕Miserly; stingy.吝啬;小气美国传统〔cheese-paring〕Stinginess; parsimony.吝啬小气;极度节俭美国传统〔chintzy〕The boss is chintzy about raises.老板对加薪吝啬得很。韦氏高阶〔close〕Giving or spending with reluctance; stingy.小气的,吝啬的:不情愿给予的或花费的;吝啬的美国传统〔close〕She's always been very close with her money.她用钱总是很吝啬。牛津高阶〔close〕You won't get a penny out of Jack – he's very close with his money.你别想从杰克那里得到一分钱,他这人对钱吝啬得很。朗文当代〔deep down (inside)〕He might look like a mean old man, but deep down inside he is a very kind person.也许他表面上像个吝啬的老头,但在内心深处,他是个很善良的人。韦氏高阶〔for〕He is notorious for parsimony.他以吝啬出名。英汉大词典〔generously〕He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge.他从不吝啬与人分享自己渊博的知识。柯林斯高阶〔himself〕His wife is as stingy as himself.他的妻子和他本人一样吝啬。英汉大词典〔hunks〕A disagreeable and often miserly person.守财奴:让人无法认同且通常为吝啬的人美国传统〔illiberal〕Archaic Ungenerous, mean, or stingy.【古语】 吝啬的,小气的,低下的美国传统〔loosen〕After the death of his stingy wife, Bill loosened up a great deal.比尔在吝啬的妻子死后用钱大方多了。英汉大词典〔meanie〕A malicious or petty person.刻薄鬼,吝啬鬼美国传统〔meanly〕The provision of welfare is administered too meanly.福利分配得太吝啬了。外研社新世纪〔meanness〕The quality or state of being selfish or stingy.自私,吝啬:自私或吝啬的品质或状况美国传统〔mean〕He's a little mean when it comes to spending money on the children.在孩子身上花钱他有点儿吝啬。牛津搭配〔mean〕He's a mean man who never gives presents to anyone.他是个吝啬的人,从不送人礼物。韦氏高阶〔mean〕He's too mean to buy a present for his wife.他很吝啬,给他妻子买件礼物都不肯。朗文当代〔mean〕It was supposed to be garlic bread, but they'd been a bit mean with the garlic.应该是蒜香面包,但他们用蒜很吝啬。朗文当代〔mean〕Miserly; stingy.自私的;吝啬的美国传统〔mean〕My landlord's very mean with the heating - it's only on for two hours each day.我的房东对使用暖气很吝啬——每天只开两个小时。剑桥高阶〔mean〕She's always been mean with money.她在花钱方面总是非常吝啬。牛津高阶〔mingy〕Why don't you give him some of yours, you mingy thing? 为什么不把你的给他一些,你这个吝啬鬼?麦克米伦高阶〔miserly〕He is miserly with both his time and his money.他对时间和金钱都很吝啬。柯林斯高阶〔miserly〕He is miserly with both his time and his money.他对自己的时间与金钱都很吝啬。外研社新世纪〔miser〕Wanting to show everyone that I'm no miser, I paid up with a smile.为了向所有人证明我不是吝啬鬼, 我面带微笑地付清了欠款。外研社新世纪〔nature〕It is his nature to be miserly.他生性吝啬。英汉大词典〔near〕Stingy; parsimonious.吝啬的;小气的美国传统〔never〕A: What do you think?The old miser has given five pounds to the fund. B: Never! 甲:你倒是怎么想的? 那个老吝啬鬼还为基金捐了5镑钱。乙:这不可能!英汉大词典〔niggardly〕Officials say the EU, which is supposed to provide most of the food needs, is being particularly niggardly.据官员们称, 本该满足大部分粮食需求的欧盟其实一直都很吝啬。外研社新世纪〔niggardly〕They dealt very niggardly with people who deserved much better.这些人的待遇本应好得多, 但他们却对这些人非常吝啬。外研社新世纪〔niggard〕A stingy, grasping person; a miser.吝啬的人;小气鬼美国传统〔niggard〕Stingy; miserly.吝啬的;小气的美国传统〔parsimony〕The charity was surprised by the parsimony of some larger corporations.这个慈善团体对一些较大型公司的吝啬感到吃惊。韦氏高阶〔parsimony〕Unusual or excessive frugality; extreme economy or stinginess.过度节俭,吝啬:不寻常的或过度的节俭;极端的节约或吝啬美国传统〔penny-pincher〕Her roommate was a real penny-pincher.她的室友是个吝啬鬼。韦氏高阶〔penny-pinching〕I'm not putting up with this penny-pinching attitude any longer.我再也不能忍受这种吝啬的态度了。外研社新世纪〔penny-pinch〕He is a miser,and has penny-pinched himself out of several millions of US dollars.他是个吝啬鬼,剋扣自己而攒下数百万美元。21世纪英汉〔pettiness〕The government, in a moment of extreme pettiness, had deprived them of their pensions.政府出于一时极端的吝啬,剥夺了他们的年金。英汉大词典〔piker〕A person regarded as petty or stingy.胆小鬼,可怜虫:被认为胆小或吝啬的人美国传统〔pinchpenny〕A penny pincher.吝啬鬼美国传统〔pinchpenny〕Unwilling to give or spend money; penny-pinching.吝啬的,过分节俭的:不情愿给钱或花钱的;过分吝啬的美国传统〔pinch〕To be thrifty or miserly.吝啬的:过于节俭或吝啬的美国传统〔run〕Stinginess seems to run in that family.那一家好象一直很吝啬美国传统〔screw〕A stingy or crafty bargainer.吝啬鬼:吝啬鬼或精明的讨价还价者美国传统〔scrimp〕To be excessively sparing with or of.对…吝啬或克扣美国传统〔skimpy〕Unduly thrifty; niggardly.吝啬的:不适当地节省的;小气的美国传统〔skimp〕To be stingy or very thrifty.吝啬或非常节俭美国传统〔skinflint〕One who is very reluctant to spend money; a miser.吝啬鬼:非常不愿花钱的人;吝啬鬼美国传统〔skinflint〕She is a penny-pinching skinflint.她是个一毛不拔的吝啬鬼。韦氏高阶〔stiff〕A person who tips poorly.吝啬鬼:小费给得少的人美国传统〔stingy〕She practices economy without being stingy.她奉行一种的不吝啬的节俭方式。美国传统〔stingy〕The West is stingy with aid.西方在援助上有点吝啬。外研社新世纪〔stingy〕The West is stingy with aid.西方在援助上有点吝啬。柯林斯高阶〔stingy〕The country, with its own economic problems, has grown stingy with its financial aid.这个国家由于自身的经济问题,对经济援助越来越吝啬了。麦克米伦高阶〔tightfisted〕The company's tightfisted owner won't raise the workers' salaries.这家公司的老板很吝啬,是不会给工人加薪的。韦氏高阶〔ungenerous〕The company had a good pension scheme for the salaried employees and an ungenerous scheme for the hourly paid.公司给受薪员工提供了一套很好的养老金计划, 但给计时工提供的计划却很吝啬。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕The miser was untouched by the poor man's story.吝啬鬼对那穷人的叙述无动于衷。英汉大词典He blames government stinginess for the lack of money available to spend on new text books in schools.他指责政府吝啬,为学校新课本提供的资金不足。剑桥国际He is a precious miser. 他是个十足的吝啬鬼。译典通He's a mean old scrooge! 他是个老吝啬鬼!剑桥国际He's a real skinflint.他真是个吝啬鬼。剑桥国际He's as mean as they come (=extremely mean).他这个人非常吝啬。剑桥国际Her declination to lend you money showed her penurious nature. 她拒绝借钱给你就显露了她吝啬的本质。译典通Her husband is very mean about money. 她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬。译典通His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise. 他那吝啬的雇主不肯给他加薪。译典通I became tired of his penny-pinching friends.我厌倦了他那些吝啬鬼朋友。剑桥国际Knowing his closeness with money, I offered to pay the entire cost. 因为了解他对钱的吝啬,我提出由我来支付全部费用。译典通My Dad's such a cheapskate that he's put a lock on the telephone.我爸爸是个极吝啬的人,他甚至给电话上了把锁。剑桥国际My dad's always a bit parsimonious with the gin!.我老爸对那杜松子酒总是有点吝啬!(不愿给别人喝一点)!剑桥国际My landlord's very mean with the heating--it's only on for two hours each day.我的房东对于暖气很吝啬----每天只开2小时。剑桥国际Scrooge is a character in Charles Dickens' book ‘A Christmas Carol’who is famous for his meanness.斯克鲁奇是狄更斯的小说《圣诞颂歌》中的人物,以吝啬出名。剑桥国际Such stinginess came from my side of the family. 这种吝啬是我这边的祖先遗传下来的。译典通The firm's penny-pinching is putting workers' lives at risk.公司的吝啬使工人们的生命面临风险。牛津商务The old man is tight with his money. 老人对钱很吝啬。译典通The opposition party has called for less cheeseparing on the financing of the committee which supervises electricity companies.反对党要求给监督电力公司的委员会的拨款不要那样吝啬。剑桥国际The selfish old miser had a cold nature. 这个自私的老吝啬鬼生性冷酷。译典通




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