

单词 地位
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔800-pound gorilla〕Their company is the 800-pound gorilla of the computer industry.这家公司在计算机行业有举足轻重的地位。韦氏高阶〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The acquisition of Walker puts the company on a par with its rivals in France and Germany. 收购了沃克之后,公司就与在法国和德国的竞争对手处在同等的地位上。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕In the Middle Ages, priests and other religious figures had a very high status. 中世纪时,教士及其他神职人员享有很高的地位。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Growing environmental fears have made climate research all the more important, and Europe is forging ahead in this field. 对环境与日俱增的担心使气候研究格外重要,欧洲在这方面处于领先地位。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕The class system in Great Britain encourages people to be very aware of their social standing. 英国的等级制度促使人们对自己的社会地位非常在意。朗文写作活用〔anybody〕Is he anybody? 他是要人[有社会地位的人]吗?文馨英汉〔ascent〕An advancement, especially in social status.攀升:提升,尤指在社会地位上美国传统〔beneath〕Lower than, as in rank or station.低于…:如在等级或地位上低于美国传统〔blew〕That team blew the lead by making a bad play.那个队打得很差而失去了领先地位。21世纪英汉〔campaign〕They have been campaigning to improve the legal status of women.他们一直在为提高妇女的法律地位而奔走呼号。柯林斯高阶〔challenge〕The Prime Minister narrowly avoided a leadership challenge last year.去年首相侥幸避过了一次对其领导地位的挑战。朗文当代〔chart〕This album confirmed The Orb's status as national stars, going straight to Number One in the charts.这张专辑确立了The Orb作为全国明星的地位,销量直升至排行榜首位。柯林斯高阶〔chip〕The company's dominance of the market is gradually being chipped away.该公司对市场的统治地位正逐渐被削弱。麦克米伦高阶〔clarification〕I asked for clarification on the legal position.我要求明确法律地位。朗文当代〔cling〕Japan's productivity has overtaken America in some industries, but elsewhere the United States has clung on to its lead.在有些行业,日本的生产效率超过了美国,但在其他行业美国仍然保持着领先的地位。柯林斯高阶〔come〕He has really come down in the world.他在这个世界上真的失去了地位美国传统〔commercially〕They are the leading manufacturer in both defence and commercial products.在军工产品和民用产品的制造方面,他们都处于领先地位。柯林斯高阶〔connotation〕Advertising works largely by connotation, by attempting to associate the product with ideas such as 'coolness' and 'status'.广告主要通过暗示起作用, 即试图把产品和诸如“酷”、“地位”等概念联系起来。外研社新世纪〔consolidate〕The company has consolidated its position as the country's leading gas supplier.这家公司巩固了作为该国主要煤气供应商的地位。朗文当代〔dignity〕A man's dignity depends not upon his wealth or rank but upon his character.人高尚与否不取决于他的财富和地位,而取决于他的品格。英汉大词典〔discovery〕Our country continues to lead the world in scientific discoveries.我们国家在科学发现上继续处于世界领先的地位。麦克米伦高阶〔disestablishment〕Welsh Anglican disestablishment.威尔士圣公会国教地位的废除柯林斯高阶〔envied〕He envies her the position she has achieved in her profession.他妒忌她在她的职业中已取得的地位。21世纪英汉〔established〕He was well established as a painter.他的画家地位已很稳固。英汉大词典〔exalted〕Elevated in rank, character, or status.提升的:军衔、身份或地位提升的美国传统〔exalted〕You must decide how to make the best use of your exalted position.你必须弄清楚如何充分利用自己显要的地位。柯林斯高阶〔extortion〕Illegal use of one's official position or powers to obtain property, funds, or patronage.强求,逼取:不正当的运用政治地位或权力去获得财产、资金或官职美国传统〔fall〕The chairman fell in my opinion after he refused to take a vote.主席拒绝进行投票表决后,他的地位在我心目中降低了。21世纪英汉〔fatally〕He has been fatally undermined by his own finance minister.他的地位被自己的财政部长完全动摇了。朗文当代〔footing〕Smaller economies cannot compete on an equal footing with larger nations.较小的经济体无法以平等的地位与更大的国家竞争。麦克米伦高阶〔gentle〕To raise to the status of a noble.使高贵:取得贵族的地位美国传统〔gentry〕People of gentle birth, good breeding, or high social position.出身名门者:出身高贵的人,有良好的教养或高层社会地位的人美国传统〔grandee〕A person of eminence or high rank.显贵,显要人物:地位显赫或居高位的人美国传统〔gravitate〕Customers gravitate to the shops that best reflect their social status.顾客们总是被吸引到那些最能反映其社会地位的商店。麦克米伦高阶〔heritage〕He has a heritage of affluence and position.他生在一个富裕而有地位的人家。英汉大词典〔humbled〕Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean.斯皮罗斯·拉齐斯的第一份职业是爱琴海上一名地位卑贱的渔夫。柯林斯高阶〔inferior〕He regarded most men as his social, moral, and intellectual inferiors.他认为大部分人在社会地位、道德和智力上都低他一等。剑桥高阶〔jockey〕Several candidates are already jockeying for position.谋取最有利的地位麦克米伦高阶〔landgravine〕A woman holding the title to a landgraviate.女伯爵领主:拥有伯爵领主地位头衔的女性美国传统〔lap〕To lie partly on or over something; overlap.折叠,部分重叠:部分地位于某物之上;重叠美国传统〔limb〕I think, politically, we are out on a limb at the moment.我认为我们此刻在政治上处于孤立地位。外研社新世纪〔low-class〕She thought Rosa too low-class for her son.她认为罗莎的社会地位太低,配不上她儿子。英汉大词典〔low〕The baron has some poor, low relations.男爵有几个地位低微的穷亲戚。英汉大词典〔marriage〕She was the dominant partner in the marriage.她在婚姻关系中占主导地位。牛津搭配〔mould〕He was from the same mould as the men she had gazed at worshipfully when a child: rich, handsome, of impeccable social standing.他富有、英俊、有无可挑剔的社会地位, 是她孩提时就仰慕的那种男人。外研社新世纪〔partner〕She was the dominant partner in the relationship.她在两人的关系中处于支配地位。牛津搭配〔peasantry〕The condition, rank, or conduct of a peasant.农民的状况、地位或行为美国传统〔peer〕The defendant will be tried by a jury of his peers.该被告将由与他地位相等的陪审团审讯。英汉大词典〔penalize〕When a woman became pregnant, she was penalized in some way for having to leave the workforce.女性怀孕后就不得不离开工作岗位, 从而在某些方面处于不利地位。外研社新世纪〔piece out〕The growth of our position has been so incremental and so grudgingly pieced out.我们地位的提升是如此缓慢并且如此勉强。外研社新世纪〔place〕A new generation of artists is beginning to take its place on the gallery walls.新一代画家的作品在画廊壁上展出,开始有了自己的地位。英汉大词典〔place〕High rank or status.高等级或地位美国传统〔position〕If the President can stop the war, his domestic position will be enormously strengthened.如果总统能结束战争,他在国内的地位将大大加强。英汉大词典〔position〕Wealth and position(= high social status)were not important to her.财富与地位对她并不重要。牛津高阶〔priority〕An authoritative rating that establishes such precedence.建立这种居先地位的有权威的分级美国传统〔qualification〕The aim of the reform is to give more status to vocational qualifications.改革的目的就是要赋予职业资格更重要的地位。牛津搭配〔rank〕A relative position in a society.社会地位,社会阶层:在社会中所处的相对位置美国传统〔recognition〕Official acceptance of the national status of a new government by another nation.承认:某个国家对某个新政府作为国家代表之地位的官方接受美国传统〔research〕Ten years ago I began researching into the role of women in trade unions.十年前我开始研究妇女在工会里的地位。朗文当代〔restitution〕A return to or restoration of a previous state or position.恢复:原来状态或地位的复归或恢复美国传统〔rightful〕This will help them to regain their rightful place in Europe.这有助于恢复他们在欧洲的合法地位。外研社新世纪〔role〕He is looking for ways to strengthen his role in the business.他正在想方设法提升自己在企业中的地位。牛津搭配〔scale〕She gradually made her way up the social scale .她的社会地位逐渐提升。朗文当代〔secure〕I'm feeling secure about my place in the company.我认为自己在公司地位很稳固。韦氏高阶〔self-doubt〕They have inherited timidity and self-doubt from centuries of subordination.由于几百年来处于唯命是从的地位,他们从祖先那里继承了怯懦与自我怀疑。英汉大词典〔shrug sth off〕The city is trying to shrug off its industrial image and promote itself as a tourist centre.这个城市正在努力摆脱它的工业城市形象,力求提升它作为旅游中心的地位。剑桥高阶〔situation〕The defence of Britain is helped by its island situation.英国的岛国地位有利于其防务。英汉大词典〔sit〕To be in a very favorable position.处于非常有利的地位美国传统〔statehood〕The status of being a state, especially of the United States, rather than being a territory or dependency.州的地位:作为州存在不是以地区或依附体的地位存在的状态,尤指美国各州美国传统〔status symbol〕Exotic pets are the latest status symbol.养珍禽异兽是表现社会地位的最时髦方式。牛津高阶〔status〕As the daughter of the president, she enjoys high status among her peers.作为总统的女儿,她在同龄人中极有地位。剑桥高阶〔status〕India's non-aligned status 印度的不结盟地位英汉大词典〔status〕Owning the yacht has given them status.拥有这艘游艇给他们带来了地位。牛津搭配〔status〕The leaders were often more concerned with status and privilege than with the problems of the people.领导人往往更关心自己的地位和特权,而非民众的疾苦。剑桥高阶〔status〕They are still considered refugees. Their statuses have not changed.他们仍然被视为难民,地位没有改变。韦氏高阶〔status〕Women are still denied equal status in the company.在这家公司里,妇女仍然未能获得平等地位。牛津搭配〔stratum〕A level of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status.阶层:由社会、文化、经济地位相近的人组成的社会层次美国传统〔stratum〕A particular stratum of society may be politically dominant.社会的某一特定阶层可能在政治上占统治地位。麦克米伦高阶〔strengthen〕The development of new electronic products has strengthened the company's position as the leader in digital technology.新型电子产品的开发巩固了这家公司在数码技术领域的领导地位。韦氏高阶〔strengthen〕The success in the election strengthened the party's position considerably.在选举中获得成功大大地巩固了该党的地位。牛津搭配〔strength〕America values its economic leadership, and the political and military strength that goes with it.美国重视其经济领导地位以及随之而来的政治和军事实力。外研社新世纪〔territoriality〕The status of a territory.领土地位美国传统〔tip〕Three factors helped to tip the balance in favour of the Labour leadership.有三个因素促使天平向工党的领导地位倾斜。朗文当代〔township〕A subdivision of a county in most northeast and Midwest U.S. states, having the status of a unit of local government with varying governmental powers; a town.区:在大多数美国东北部和中西部的州中的一个县的再分区域,有相当于地方政府的地位,但有不同的政府权力;镇压美国传统〔troubling〕Some troubling questions remain about the legal status of frozen embryos.关于冷冻胚胎的法律地位,仍然存在一些令人忧虑的问题。剑桥高阶〔undermine〕Their trading position has been seriously undermined by the minister's remarks.他们的贸易地位由于部长的一席话而受到了严重损害。麦克米伦高阶〔vice chancellor〕Law A judge in equity courts ranking below a chancellor.【法律】 副首席法官:地位低于法庭审判官的衡平法庭法官美国传统He had tried hard to better his status, but failed. 他努力设法改善自己的地位,但未能成功。译典通He started as a clerk but gradually rose in the pecking order.他刚开始是个职员,但慢慢地地位升高了。剑桥国际Junior officials are too far down the pecking order to influence decisions.下级军官地位低下,无法影响决策。牛津商务She likes to keep herself in the foreground. 她喜欢让自己处于最引人注意的地位。译典通The Body Shop achieved iconic status in the 1980s.美体小铺在 20 世纪 80 年代确立了偶像地位。牛津商务The Vice President occupies an important position within the corporation.副总裁在这家大公司中占有重要的地位。剑桥国际The new girl is very good -- you'll have to look to your laurels! 新来的那个女孩子很出色,你要当心你的领先地位。剑桥国际They've more or less cornered the fast-food market--they're in every big city in the world.他们在快餐市场多少是处于垄断地位的----世界上各大城市都有他们的分店。剑桥国际We pride ourselves on moving fast, staying ahead of the pack.我们为自己进展快捷、居于领先地位而自豪。牛津商务Welsh has suffered badly at the hands of the dominant English language.占统治地位的英语语言使威尔士语大受压制。剑桥国际Within any conventional company there's a certain amount of jockeying for position.在任何传统的公司里,都有运用手段谋取有利地位的事情。剑桥国际You can take on extra projects to increase your standing in your company.你可以承担额外的项目以提高在公司的地位。牛津商务You need to work hard to keep ahead.你要努力才能保持领先地位。牛津商务




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