

单词 地产
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSINESS〕Wickes lost a lot of money on two large property deals. 威克斯在两大宗房地产交易中赔了许多钱。朗文写作活用〔INSTEAD〕In Languedoc, local wines are drunk in preference to wines from other parts of France. 在朗格多克,人们喜欢喝本地产的,而非法国其他地方产的葡萄酒。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The real estate agent showed them house after house, but they couldn't find one they liked. 房地产经纪人带他们看了一处又一处的房子,可他们就是找不到自己喜欢的。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕Besides her studio apartment, she also owns a valuable estate in Italy. 除了一套单室公寓,她还在意大利拥有一处值钱的地产。朗文写作活用〔WARN〕The rise and fall of this company is a cautionary tale for anyone investing in the property market. 这家公司的兴衰对于投资房地产市场的人是个警世的故事。朗文写作活用〔abut〕The site abuts property owned by the local council.该地址与一处属于当地议会的地产相邻。外研社新世纪〔abut〕Their property abuts on our property.他们的地产和我们的紧挨着。韦氏高阶〔acquire〕Halladale acquired the property in July 1999.哈拉戴尔于1999年7月获得这块地产。外研社新世纪〔adjoin〕Their property adjoins the lake.他们的房地产紧靠着湖泊。21世纪英汉〔apportion〕The allowable deduction is apportioned between the estate and the beneficiaries.减免的税额在地产和受益人之间分摊。外研社新世纪〔appreciate〕The value of property may appreciate.房地产的价格可能上涨。牛津同义词〔arise〕New problems arose imperceptibly.新问题不知不觉地产生。21世纪英汉〔become〕We became interested in the property last year.去年,我们开始对这块房地产有了兴趣。韦氏高阶〔bijou〕The agent described the flat as a bijou residence.房地产经纪人将那套公寓描述为玲珑别致的住处。剑桥高阶〔bottom〕The bottom had fallen out of the city's property market.该市的房地产市场已陷入极度低迷。柯林斯高阶〔closing〕A meeting for completing a transaction, especially one at which contracts are signed transferring ownership of real estate.转移会议:要完成交易的会议,特别是在其中有签订合约来转移房地产的所有权美国传统〔co-〕He is now co-partner in a new property company.他现在是一家新房地产公司的合伙人。柯林斯高阶〔collapse〕There were fears that property prices would collapse.人们担心房地产价格会暴跌。朗文当代〔cool off〕The housing market continues to cool off.房地产市场继续低迷。外研社新世纪〔corner〕A post marks the corner of the property.一根柱子标示该地产的一角。韦氏高阶〔creep〕A slight feeling of suspicion crept over me.我渐渐地产生了一丝疑虑。牛津高阶〔declaration〕A statement of taxable goods or of properties subject to duty.申报:纳税品或房地产上税的声明美国传统〔deed〕Law A document sealed as an instrument of bond, contract, or conveyance, especially relating to property.【法律】 契约,证书:加封盖印的文件,尤指与地产有关的契约、合同或转让证书美国传统〔demarcate〕He demarcated a piece of property.他给一块地产划界。21世纪英汉〔demise〕Law To transfer (an estate) by will or lease.【法律】 转让(产业):通过遗嘱或租约转让(地产)美国传统〔detective〕We had to do some detective work to find out who used to own the property.我们要做些调查工作找出这处地产以前的主人。韦氏高阶〔disentail〕To release (an estate) from entail.使(地产)免于限定继承,撤销对(不动产)的继承权限制美国传统〔dotted〕Once you sign on the dotted line you are committed to that property.一旦你签字同意,这份地产就交由你照管了。柯林斯高阶〔drive out〕The family was driven out of the neighborhood by rising real estate prices.由于房地产价格不断上涨,这家人被迫离开了这个街区。韦氏高阶〔encroachment〕The problem was to safeguard sites from encroachment by property development.问题是要保护遗址免受房地产开发商的侵占。柯林斯高阶〔encroach〕Housing developments continue to encroach on wildlife habitats.房地产的发展继续蚕食着野生动物的栖息地。麦克米伦高阶〔enfeoff〕To invest with a feudal estate or fee.授予封建采邑(世袭地产)或封地美国传统〔entrepreneur〕He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made their money in property.他是80年代靠做房地产生意赚钱起家的企业家之一。剑桥高阶〔erect〕They plan to erect an apartment house on that property.他们打算在那片地产上建造一座公寓楼。英汉大词典〔evade〕By his own admission, he evaded taxes as a Florida real-estate speculator.他亲口承认自己在佛罗里达从事房地产投机生意时逃过税。柯林斯高阶〔fee simple〕Private ownership of real estate in which the owner has the right to control, use, and transfer the property at will.产业的私有权:产业的所有者有控制和使用地产并按自己的意愿转让给他人的权力美国传统〔floor〕Property prices have dropped through the floor.房地产价格骤降。柯林斯高阶〔fluctuate〕He reported some fluctuation in/of real estate values.他报道了房地产价格波动的行情。韦氏高阶〔frontage〕The property has about two miles of river frontage.该地产包括两英里长的临河地皮。剑桥高阶〔gazillion〕He made a gazillion dollars in real estate.他做房地产发了大财。韦氏高阶〔gazumping〕During the 1980s property boom, gazumping was common.在20世纪80年代的房地产繁荣时期, 抬价毁约是司空见惯的。外研社新世纪〔generative cell〕A cell of the male gametophyte or pollen grain in seed plants that divides to give rise directly or indirectly to sperm.生殖细胞:雄性配子体的一个细胞或种子植物中的花粉颗粒,分裂后直接或间接地产生精子美国传统〔greenfield〕A piece of usually semirural property that is undeveloped except for agricultural use, especially one considered as a site for expanding urban development.市郊绿区:一片通常为半乡下的地产,除了当农地使用外均未经开发,尤其是指被认为以扩充都市发展为目的的土地美国传统〔hand〕The property is ideally located with all local amenities close at hand.这处房地产的位置很理想,离当地的福利设施都近。牛津高阶〔hardening〕Property prices are just beginning to harden again.房地产价格刚开始重新趋于稳定。柯林斯高阶〔holding〕Sid's amazing wealth comes from holdings in oil, gas, land and property.锡德惊人的财富来自他在石油、天然气和房地产领域持有的股份。柯林斯高阶〔improve〕Millions of pounds have been spent on improving the estate.已经花费了数百万英镑来使这块地产升值。外研社新世纪〔improve〕To increase the productivity or value of (land or property).提高价值:提高(土地或地产)的生产力或者价值美国传统〔investment〕He was making a living from his real estate investments.他靠房地产投资的收益维生。牛津搭配〔investment〕We plan to buy some property as an investment.我们打算买些房地产作为投资。朗文当代〔join〕The two estates join at this point.两块房地产在这儿邻接。英汉大词典〔keel〕Such measures would help get the housing market back on an even keel.这些举措将有助于恢复房地产市场的稳定。外研社新世纪〔kick-start〕The housing market needs a kick-start.房地产市场需要刺激。外研社新世纪〔knight〕Sir Giles's only daughter was married to a knight who held land in Devon.贾尔斯爵士唯一的女儿嫁给了一个在德文郡拥有地产的爵士。外研社新世纪〔know about〕Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate.雇一个有经验、了解房地产业的人。外研社新世纪〔lighten up〕Sharon believed it would help to lighten up the business of real estate.莎伦认为这将有助于活跃房地产行业。外研社新世纪〔lock〕Their capital is all locked up in property.他们把所有资金都搁死在地产上了。牛津高阶〔of right〕The estate belongs of right to him.这块地产按理属于他。韦氏高阶〔perpetuity〕The condition of an estate that is limited so as to be inalienable either perpetually or longer than the period determined by law.永久所有权,永久不得转让权:房地产被限制以致于可永久地或比法律规定时间长的不得转让的状态美国传统〔poach〕To trespass on another's property in order to take fish or game.偷猎,偷捕:为捕鱼或捕猎非法进入他人的地产美国传统〔prestige〕Owning landed property confers prestige.拥有地产给人以声望。牛津搭配〔prior〕We have a prior claim to the estate.我们对这处房地产有优先权。韦氏高阶〔produce〕The changes have not consistently produced the desired results.这些变化未能一以贯之地产生预期的效果。牛津搭配〔property〕Property prices have shot up recently.最近房地产价格暴涨。朗文当代〔property〕Should we invest in property or shares?我们应当投资房地产还是股市?外研社新世纪〔pull ... down〕He's been pulling down US $20 000 a year dealing in property.他经营房地产,一年赚取了2万美元。21世纪英汉〔real estate〕My father sold real estate.我父亲经营过房地产。牛津高阶〔redevelop〕A portion of the property is being redeveloped into condos.这处房地产的一部分正在被改造成公寓。韦氏高阶〔rise〕There has been a sharp/dramatic rise in property values.房地产价值已迅速/急剧上涨。韦氏高阶〔riverfront〕The land or property along a river.河边地区,河边陆地:沿河的土地或地产美国传统〔shaded〕The shaded area on the map represents his property.地图上的阴影部分表示他的地产。外研社新世纪〔shake〕He'll look for bargains after the real estate market shakes out.等到房地产市场稳定下来之后,他要去找找便宜的房子。朗文当代〔sign〕Commercial property markets are now showing definite signs of life .商业地产市场现在出现了明显的复苏迹象。朗文当代〔speculate〕The banks made too many risky loans which now can't be repaid, and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped.各银行贷出去太多高风险贷款,目前无法收回,他们还进行地产投机,而地产的价值目前已经下跌了。柯林斯高阶〔stewardship〕He has won awards for the stewardship of his estate.他因为照管他的地产而获得嘉奖。外研社新世纪〔strong〕The college has strong links with local industry.这所学院同当地产业界有牢固的联系。牛津高阶〔synergy〕Of course, there's quite obviously a lot of synergy between the two companies.当然,这两家公司间非常明显地产生了巨大的协同效应。柯林斯高阶〔tie sth up〕All my money is tied up in property.我所有的资金都投在房地产上了,无法动用。剑桥高阶〔transaction〕The president had entered into fraudulent property transactions.总裁参与了欺诈性的房地产交易。牛津搭配〔turf war〕The estate is at the centre of a bitter turf war between rival drug gangs.该地产正处于两伙敌对的毒品犯罪团伙激烈火拼的中心地带。柯林斯高阶〔tycoon〕He's a self-made Irish property tycoon.他是个白手起家的爱尔兰房地产巨头。外研社新世纪〔unsaleable〕Most developers reserve the right to turn down a property they think is virtually unsaleable.大多数开发商会保留权利, 拒绝接手他们认为基本没可能卖出去的地产。外研社新世纪〔vendor〕Remember, the estate agent is working for the vendor.记住,房地产代理商是为房地产卖方服务的。柯林斯高阶〔warranty〕A covenant by which the seller of land binds himself or herself and his or her heirs to defend the security of the estate conveyed.地产契约:土地卖主作出的他(她)本人及他(她)的继承人受法律约束以保护转让地产的安全契约美国传统〔yeoman〕A farmer who cultivates his own land, especially a member of a former class of small freeholding farmers in England.自耕农:耕作自己土地的农民,尤指英格兰历史上自由保有自己地产的小农阶层美国传统A fear of unemployment is one of the main factors behind the current stagnation in the property market.如今房地产市场停滞背后的一个主要因素是对失业的害怕。剑桥国际He invested all his money in real estate. 他把钱全部投资房地产。译典通He made a considerable sum of money in real estate. 他做房地产生意赚了大笔钱。译典通He made his first fortune as a property developer.他从房地产开发中赚了第一桶金。牛津商务If you wish to sell the property, you will first have to prove your title to it.如果你想要出售房地产,你首先必须证明你对它拥有所有权。剑桥国际In the village market, the stalls are piled high with local vegetables.在村庄的市场中,摊位上高高地堆着当地产的蔬菜。剑桥国际It was a shrewd move to buy your house just before property prices started to rise.在房地产价格上涨之前买下房子是明智之举。剑桥国际She made a fortune from investing in property.她投资房地产赚了一大笔钱。牛津商务She scanned the job / property advertisements in the paper.她扫视了一下报纸上的招聘/房地产广告。剑桥国际The estate agent described the flat as a bijou residence.房地产经纪人将那套公寓描写成玲珑别致的住宅。剑桥国际The price of property has risen enormously.房地产的价格已大幅上升。牛津商务The property crash led to his ruin.房地产崩盘使他破了产。牛津商务The site has been sold to a local property developer.这块地卖给了当地的一个房地产开发商。牛津商务The two estates join at the foot of the hill. 这两处房地产在山脚下相毗连。译典通We shall continue to hope for a return to sanity (= sensible behaviour) in the housing market.我们仍然希望房地产市场能恢复正常。剑桥国际




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