

单词 呼气
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREATHE〕Ballet dancers are taught to breathe in before they leap, and to breathe out after they land. 芭蕾舞演员受过训练,知道跃起前要吸气,落地后则呼气。朗文写作活用〔BREATHE〕The doctor told her to breathe out slowly. 医生叫她缓缓地呼气。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕The rate of respiration is the number of times the patient breathes in and out during a given period. 呼吸率是指病人在一定时间内吸气和呼气的次数。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕He got pulled over on the way home and had to take a breath test. 他在回家的路上被拦下来做呼气测醉试验。朗文写作活用〔Valsalva maneuver〕Expiratory effort against a closed glottis, which increases pressure within the thoracic cavity and thereby impedes venous return of blood to the heart.佛萨瓦氏压力均衡法:对着关闭的声门做的呼气努力,以增加胸腔内的压力并且由此阻止静脉血倒流回心脏美国传统〔be in the clear〕The police breathalysed Andy last night, but he was in the clear.警察昨晚对安迪进行了呼气酒精检测,不过他没有问题。剑桥高阶〔breath test〕It is understood he failed a breath test and was taken to a police station for further checks.据了解, 他未能通过呼气测醉试验, 已被带至警察局接受进一步检查。外研社新世纪〔breath test〕She was banned from driving for refusing to take a breath test.她由于拒绝接受呼气测醉试验而被禁驾。外研社新世纪〔breath-test〕He was breath-tested.他接受了呼气测醉试验。外研社新世纪〔breathalyse〕Both drivers were breathalysed at the scene of the accident.两方司机均在事故现场接受了呼气酒精检测。牛津高阶〔breathalyse〕It's the second time he's been breathalysed.这是他第二次受到呼气测醉检验。英汉大词典〔breathalyse〕She was breathalyzed.她接受了呼气测醉检验。外研社新世纪〔breathalyze〕She was breathalysed and found to be over the limit.她接受了呼气测醉检查,结果超过了限定值。柯林斯高阶〔breathe out〕Breathe out and ease your knees in toward your chest.呼气,膝部放松向胸部靠拢。柯林斯高阶〔breathe out〕Breathe out and ease your knees in towards your chest.呼气, 慢慢将膝盖朝胸部靠拢。外研社新世纪〔breathe〕Breathe out through your nose.用鼻子呼气。韦氏高阶〔breathe〕He began to breathe in and out normally.他正常呼气和吸气。21世纪英汉〔breathe〕Now breathe out slowly.现在慢慢呼气。麦克米伦高阶〔breathe〕The doctor told the patient to lie still and breathe out.医生让病人躺着别动,并作呼气动作。英汉大词典〔breathe〕The whale breathed on me at close range.鲸在近距离内对着我呼气。英汉大词典〔breathe〕To inhale and exhale air, especially when naturally and freely.呼吸:呼气和吸气,尤指自然地和任意地美国传统〔breath〕Let your breath out slowly.慢慢地呼气。朗文当代〔cachou〕A pastille used to sweeten the breath.口香糖:用于使呼气甜润的糖片美国传统〔count〕Hold your breath for a count of five, then slowly breathe out.屏住气息数五下,然后慢慢地呼气。柯林斯高阶〔driving〕He was banned from driving for six months after failing a breath test.他因没有通过呼气测醉试验而被禁驾 6 个月。牛津搭配〔exhalation〕Hold your breath for a moment and exhale.屏住呼吸片刻,然后呼气。柯林斯高阶〔exhale〕He sat back and exhaled deeply.他仰坐着深深地呼气。牛津高阶〔exhale〕Hold your breath for a moment and exhale.屏息一会儿然后呼气。外研社新世纪〔exhale〕She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, trying to relax.她深深地吸气,再慢慢呼气,试图让自己放松。韦氏高阶〔exhale〕To emit air or vapor.呼气:发出空气或蒸汽美国传统〔expel〕When you breathe out, you expel air from your lungs.呼气的时候,把肺里的空气排出。剑桥高阶〔expiration〕The act of breathing out; exhalation.呼出;呼气美国传统〔expiratory〕Of, relating to, or involving the expiration of air from the lungs.呼气的:呼气的,关于或涉及呼出肺中空气的美国传统〔expire〕The whales expired with a rushing sound.那些鲸鱼呼气时发出一种急促的声音。21世纪英汉〔expire〕To exhale; breathe out.呼气;呼出美国传统〔gargle〕To force exhaled air through a liquid held in the back of the mouth, with the head tilted back, in order to cleanse or medicate the mouth or throat.漱喉:呼气时通过含在口腔后部的液体,头向后倾斜,以达到清理或治疗口腔或咽喉的目的美国传统〔limiting〕If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban.如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验,发现我饮酒过量,我将会被禁驾很长时间。柯林斯高阶〔limit〕If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban and a crippling fine.如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验, 发现我饮酒过量, 我将会面临很长时间的禁驾以及巨额罚款。外研社新世纪〔mist〕Blanche's breath misted the mirror.布兰齐的呼气使镜子蒙上了一层水汽。麦克米伦高阶〔nose〕Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.用鼻子吸气,用嘴呼气。牛津搭配〔puff〕A short, forceful exhalation of breath.喘息:短促而有力的呼气美国传统〔puff〕A short, sibilant sound produced by a puff.发出咝咝声:由呼气造成的短促的咝咝声美国传统〔puff〕An amount of vapor, smoke, or similar material released in a puff.烟,蒸汽量:在一次呼气中散发出的蒸汽、烟雾或类似物质的量美国传统〔respire〕To breathe in and out; inhale and exhale.呼吸:吸气和呼气;吸入和呼出美国传统〔stridor〕Pathology A harsh, high-pitched sound in inhalation or exhalation.【病理学】 喘鸣:呼气或吸气时尖锐的高音美国传统〔voluptuous〕She paints voluptuously, breathing through her nostrils.她兴奋地画着,从鼻孔里呼气。柯林斯高阶An arresstee was requested to take a breathalyser test. 一个被捕者被要求去做呼气测醉的测试。译典通When you breathe out, you expel air from your lungs.你呼气时从肺里排出空气。剑桥国际




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