

单词 合演
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕Annette Bening co-starred in movies such as ‘Valmont’, ‘Postcards from the Edge’ and ‘Regarding Henry’. 安妮特·贝宁与人合演过《最毒妇人心》、《来自边缘的明信片》和《意外的人生》等影片。朗文写作活用〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕Capucine, the French movie actress whose leading roles included one with Peter Sellers in ‘The Pink Panther’, died after falling from a window. 法国女演员卡普西尼从窗口坠落而死,她主演的影片包括与彼得·塞勒斯合演的《粉红豹》。朗文写作活用〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕I eventually became more self-confident as a public speaker. 我在公众场合演说终于自信多了。朗文写作活用〔buzz〕I get a buzz out of public speaking.在公共场合演讲让我感到兴奋。剑桥高阶〔costar〕A starring actor or actress given equal status with another or others in a play or film.合演明星:在一出戏剧或电影中与其他某一个人或某些人具有相同地位的明星男演员或女演员美国传统〔costar〕To act or present as a costar.作为合演明星演出或出场美国传统〔ensemble〕A group of supporting musicians, singers, dancers, or actors who perform together.联合演出人员:一群在一起演出的伴奏乐师、歌手、舞蹈者和演员美国传统〔ensemble〕Foote's most recent play, 'Dividing the Estate,' is an ensemble piece.福特的最新戏剧《分房产》是个合演剧目。柯林斯高阶〔ensemble〕The strength of the ensemble playing makes it difficult to praise any one actor in particular.合演的效果让人很难只单独夸赞哪一个演员。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕US forces took part in joint exercises with the British Navy.美军参加了与英国海军的联合演习。牛津搭配〔fitted〕She was well fitted to the role of tragic heroine.她很适合演悲剧女主角。牛津高阶〔limelight〕She accused her co-star of trying to hog the limelight.她指责合演的明星企图抢风头。牛津搭配〔melody〕The clarinet carries the melody.单簧管适合演奏这首乐曲。牛津搭配〔practice〕It will be good practice for later, when you have to make speeches in public.这对你以后在公共场合演讲是一种很好的练习。牛津搭配〔speaker〕She was a brilliant public speaker.她很擅长在公开场合演讲。牛津高阶〔trio〕American songs from a Texas trio一个得克萨斯三人组合演唱的美国歌曲外研社新世纪〔vaudeville〕A theatrical performance of this kind; a variety show.杂耍表演:这类的戏剧演出;综合演出美国传统〔winkle〕After much searching, I winkled out an old suit of armour for the play.我东寻西找,才找出一副适合演戏用的古盔甲。英汉大词典Rodriguez, being an older and more experienced singer, is better suited to the more mature roles.罗得里格斯作为一个年龄较长、经验较丰富的歌手更适合演更成熟的角色。剑桥国际The actor's bearish bulk makes him ideal for certain types of strong silent heroes.男演员熊一般的庞大身躯很适合演某种沉默寡言的硬汉形象。剑桥国际




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