

单词 合成
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARTIFICIAL〕Many old herbal remedies have disappeared and been replaced by synthetic drugs. 许多过去的草药都已不再使用,被合成药物所取代。朗文写作活用〔DHEA〕A synthetic preparation of this hormone used as a nutritional supplement.青春素,活力激素:用作营养补充的此类荷尔蒙的合成制剂美国传统〔Dacron〕A trademark used for a synthetic polyester fabric or the fiber from which it is made.涤纶,的确良:一商标名,用于人工合成的涤纶织物或由此制成的纤维织物美国传统〔MIX〕When the two chemicals combine, they form an explosive compound. 这两种化学品能化合成一种会爆炸的化合物。朗文写作活用〔Mingus〕American jazz bassist and composer of complex works that knitted together elements of jazz, classical, and gospel.敏格斯,查尔斯:将爵士、古典及福音的元素融合成复杂的音乐作品的美国爵士低音贝斯手及作词作曲家美国传统〔RNA polymerase〕A polymerase that catalyzes the synthesis of RNA from a DNA or RNA template.核糖核酸聚合酶:一种聚合酶,对核糖核酸从氧核糖酸或核糖核酸膜板合成起催化作用美国传统〔acronym〕The committee's name has been acronymed NACA.该委员会的名称被缩合成NACA。21世纪英汉〔amalgamate〕The editors will amalgamate all the information into one article.编辑将把所有的资料综合成一篇文章。朗文当代〔anabolism〕The phase of metabolism in which simple substances are synthesized into the complex materials of living tissue.合成代谢:简单的物质被合成为复杂的活组织物质的代谢过程美国传统〔batter〕A liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, milk, and eggs, used in cooking.牛奶鸡蛋面糊:一种液体或半液体混合物,是牛奶、面粉、鸡蛋混合成的,用作烹调美国传统〔blend〕Blend the ingredients (together) into a smooth paste.把各种原料混合成细腻的糨糊。21世纪英汉〔buna〕A synthetic rubber made from the polymerization of butadiene and sodium.布纳橡胶:由丁二稀和钠聚合而成的合成橡胶美国传统〔butanol〕Either of two butyl alcohols derived from butane and used as solvents and in organic synthesis.丁醇:由丁烷制得的两种丁醇的任何一种,用作溶剂和用于有机物的合成美国传统〔carbon fiber〕An extremely strong thin fiber made by pyrolyzing synthetic fibers, such as rayon, until charred. It is used to make high-strength composites.碳纤维,碳化纤维:一种极其坚韧的细纤维,通过热解合成纤维直到烧焦而制成,如人造丝。该种纤维用于制作高强度的复合材料美国传统〔cephalexin〕A semisynthetic analogue of cephalosporin used especially in the treatment of respiratory and urinary tract infections.头孢氨苄:一种半人工合成的头孢菌素代用物,尤用于治疗呼吸道和尿道感染美国传统〔ciprofloxacin〕A semisynthetic analogue of fluoroquinolone that is administered orally and has a broad spectrum of antibiotic activity.环丙沙星,环丙氟派酸:半合成的口服氟喹啉酮类似物,具有广谱抗药性美国传统〔cloxacillin〕A semisynthetic antibiotic of the penicillin group that is used primarily to treat infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci, or pneumococci.氯洒西林,邻氯青霉素:一种青霉素类的半合成抗菌素,主要用于治疗葡萄球菌、链球菌或肺炎球菌导致的感染美国传统〔combine〕To join (two or more substances) to make a single substance, such as a chemical compound; mix.使化合:使(两个或两个以上物质)合成为单一的物质,如化学合成;混合美国传统〔combo〕Informal The product or result of combining; a combination.【非正式用语】 合成的产物或结果;合成物美国传统〔component〕Being or functioning as a constituent or an ingredient.合成的:是或作为一个组成部分或成分的美国传统〔composition〕The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole.组成:将不同的部分和元素结合成为一个整体美国传统〔composition〕The result or product of composing; a mixture or compound.合成物:合成的结果或产物;混合物或化合物美国传统〔conception〕The entity formed by the union of the male sperm and the female ovum; an embryo or a zygote.合子:精子与卵子结合成的物体;胚胎或合子美国传统〔conglomeration〕An accumulation of miscellaneous things.混合成团:混杂物的堆积美国传统〔contain〕The movie contains something for both children and adults.这部电影既适合儿童又适合成人观看。韦氏高阶〔corticosteroid〕Any of the steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex or their synthetic equivalents, such as cortisol and aldesterone.皮质甾类:由肾上腺或其合成的同类物,如氢化皮质酮和醛固酮美国传统〔cosmid〕A hybrid vector that has been spliced with plasmid DNA for cloning large genes or gene fragments.黏粒,装配型质粒:为合成的遗传媒介,结合克隆大基因或大基因碎片的质粒脱氧核糖核酸载体美国传统〔cyproterone〕A synthetic steroid that inhibits the secretion of androgens.去乙酰环丙氯地孕酮:一种用来抑制雄性激素分泌的合成类固醇美国传统〔dexamethasone〕A synthetic glucocorticoid used primarily in the treatment of inflammatory disorders.地塞米松:主要用于治疗人体机能失调的一种合成葡萄糖酸美国传统〔diamond〕He formed his hands into the shape of a diamond.他双手合成菱形。柯林斯高阶〔diphosphoglyceric acid〕A diphosphate of glyceric acid that is an important intermediate in various metabolic processes, such as photosynthesis, glycolysis, and fermentation.二磷酸甘油酸:甘油酸的二磷酸脂,在各种新陈代谢过程中,例如光合成、糖酵解和发酵过程中是一种重要的中间体美国传统〔edit〕He is editing together excerpts of some of his films.他正将自己一些电影的片断进行剪辑合成。外研社新世纪〔elastic〕A flexible, stretchable fabric made with interwoven strands of rubber or an imitative synthetic fiber.弹性织物:由橡皮线或类似的合成材料织成的柔韧的容易拉伸的织物美国传统〔entity〕Good design brings a house and garden together as a single entity .优秀的设计能把房子和花园组合成一个统一的实体。朗文当代〔erepsin〕An enzyme complex found in intestinal and pancreatic juices that functions in the breakdown of polypeptides into amino acids.肠肽酶:肠内分泌物和胰液中的一种酶合成物,在将多肽分裂成氨基酸的过程中起作用美国传统〔essential〕Biochemistry Being a substance that is required for normal functioning but cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be included in the diet.【生物化学】 元素:人体某一功能所必需,又不能由身体合成的物质,必须由食物含这种物质美国传统〔fabricate〕Their plan is to fabricate the house out of synthetic materials.他们的计划是用合成材料来建造房子。韦氏高阶〔finasteride〕A synthetic androgen inhibitor used primarily in men for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and androgenetic alopecia.非纳斯特胺:合成雄激素抑制剂,主要用于治疗良性前列腺肥大和雄激素性脱发美国传统〔fix〕Leaves of many plants take up carbon dioxide and fix it in organic acids.许多植物的叶子吸收二氧化碳,并使之化合成有机酸。21世纪英汉〔freezing point〕The temperature at which the liquid and solid phases of a substance of specified composition are in equilibrium at atmospheric pressure.凝固温度:特定合成物的液态和固态在大气压力下处于平衡时的温度美国传统〔fuse〕Atoms of hydrogen are fused to make helium.氢原子可熔合成氦。牛津高阶〔gather〕To come together in a group; assemble.集合:集合成为一组;聚集美国传统〔grenadine〕A thin, loosely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or synthetic fiber.紧捻纱罗织物:一种由丝、棉或合成纤维织成的又薄又松的织物美国传统〔horn〕A natural or synthetic substance resembling this material.角状物:天然的或合成的,类似于角质物的物质美国传统〔hydrochloride〕A compound resulting or regarded as resulting from the reaction of hydrochloric acid with an organic base.氯化氢:一种合成物,是或被认为是盐酸与一种有机碱的反应的结果美国传统〔hydrocortisone〕A preparation of this hormone obtained from natural sources or produced synthetically and used to treat inflammatory conditions and adrenal failure.肾上腺皮质素制剂:这种荷尔蒙的制剂,从自然资源中制得或合成,用来治疗发炎和肾虚美国传统〔ill-assorted〕The action concerns the assorted coupling of three ill-assorted couples.故事情节涉及3对怨偶的撮合成婚经过。英汉大词典〔indophenol〕Any of various synthetic blue or green dyes.靛酚染料:任何一种人造合成的蓝色或绿色染料美国传统〔integrate〕Little attempt was made to integrate the parts into a coherent whole.在把各个部分结合成一个连贯的整体方面几乎未作任何尝试。外研社新世纪〔integrator〕One that integrates.综合者;合成者美国传统〔justifiable〕The cutbacks are justifiable on the grounds of cost.这些削减符合成本方面的考虑。牛津搭配〔lake〕A pigment consisting of organic coloring matter with an inorganic, usually metallic base or carrier, used in dyes, inks, and paints.色淀:一种由有机颜料物质同无机的通常是金属的底基或载体合成的色素沉淀,用于制作染料、墨水和油漆美国传统〔latex〕An emulsion of rubber or plastic globules in water, used in paints, adhesives, and various synthetic rubber products.胶乳:橡胶或塑胶溶于水而制成的乳胶,用于油漆、粘合剂和多种合成橡胶产品美国传统〔lune〕A crescent-shaped portion of a plane or sphere bounded by two arcs of circles.球面二角形:由圆的两弧合成的球,或飞机的月牙形的那部分美国传统〔melt〕The distance melts the varied colours into one.远处几种不同的颜色会融合成一种颜色。英汉大词典〔merge〕The two roads merged into one.那两条路汇合成一条路。21世纪英汉〔metallurgy〕The science that deals with procedures used in extracting metals from their ores, purifying and alloying metals, and creating useful objects from metals.冶金术:研究从金属矿中提炼金属、提纯与合成金属,以及用金属制造有用物质过程的技术美国传统〔micelle〕A coherent strand or structure in natural or synthetic fibers.胶束,胶囊:天然或合成纤维中的黏谷束或聚合结构美国传统〔mineral water〕Naturally occurring or prepared water that contains dissolved mineral salts, elements, or gases, often used therapeutically.矿泉水:含有溶解的无机盐,矿物成分或气体的天然水或人工合成的水,通常用于治疗某些疾病美国传统〔multifarious〕Spain is a composite of multifarious traditions and people.西班牙是多种传统和多个民族的合成体。外研社新世纪〔multifarious〕Spain is a composite of multifarious traditions and people.西班牙是多种传统和多个民族的合成体。柯林斯高阶〔nylon〕Any of a family of high-strength, resilient synthetic polymers, the molecules of which contain the recurring amide group CONH.尼龙,尼纶:高强度,有弹性的合成聚合物,其分子含有反复出现的酰胺原子团美国传统〔nylon〕Cloth or yarn made from one of these synthetic materials.尼龙织品:由这种合成材料制成的布或纱美国传统〔pair〕To join in a pair; mate.使配对:结合成一对;使配对美国传统〔particleboard〕A structural material made of wood fragments, such as chips or shavings, that are mechanically pressed into sheet form and bonded together with resin.碎料板:由碎木,如木屑或创花制成的一种结构材料,用合成树脂粘合在一起并用机器压成板状美国传统〔photomontage〕The technique of making a picture by assembling pieces of photographs, often in combination with other types of graphic material.集锦照相术:通过将数张照片拼合成一张照片的技术,常常是与其它类型的图表资料拼合美国传统〔polyimide〕A synthetic polymeric resin of a class resistant to high temperatures, wear, and corrosion, used primarily as a coating or film on a substrate substance.聚酰亚胺:一种抗高温、磨损和腐蚀性的合成聚合树脂,主要用作敏作用物质的覆面或覆膜美国传统〔producer〕Ecology A photosynthetic green plant or chemosynthetic bacterium, constituting the first trophic level in a food chain; an autotrophic organism.【生态学】 生产者,自养有机体:构成食物链上的第一级营养层次的可进行光合作用的绿色植物或化能合成的细菌;自养有机体美国传统〔program〕The cells have been programmed to synthesize haemoglobin.这些细胞已接受编码指令序列以合成血红蛋白。英汉大词典〔radioisotope〕A naturally or artificially produced radioactive isotope of an element.放射性同位素:天然存在或人工合成的某种元素的有放射性的同位素美国传统〔remix〕He remixed the song for the new album.他为新专辑重新合成了这首歌。韦氏高阶〔rifampin〕A semisynthetic antibiotic derived from a form of rifamycin that interferes with the synthesis of RNA and is used to treat bacterial and viral diseases.利福平:一种半合成抗生素,从参与核醣核酸合成的利福霉素的一种形态中提取,用于治疗细菌性和病毒性疾病美国传统〔saturated〕Combined with or containing all the solute that can normally be dissolved at a given temperature.饱和的:在给定温度下,合成或含有通常所能溶解的最多溶剂的美国传统〔secondary color〕A color produced by mixing two primary colors in approximately equal proportions.合成色:将两种原色以大约相同的比例混合而成的颜色美国传统〔section〕The siding comes in five-foot sections.壁板是用五英尺长的散件组合成的。韦氏高阶〔sketch〕Police released a composite sketch of the suspect.警方公布了一张合成的嫌疑人画像。牛津搭配〔spandex〕A synthetic fiber or fabric made from a polymer containing polyurethane, used in the manufacture of elastic clothing.氨纶:一种由含聚氨脂聚合物制成的合成纤维或纤维物质,用以制造弹性衣物美国传统〔spinneret〕A device for making rayon, nylon, and other synthetic fibers, consisting of a plate pierced with holes through which plastic material is extruded in filaments.喷丝头:用来制造人造丝、尼龙及其他合成纤维的装置,由一钻有小孔的金属片组成,塑料物质就从小孔中以细丝的形式喷出美国传统〔synchronize〕Synchronize the score with the film action.将配乐和电影情节进行同步合成。外研社新世纪〔synfuel〕A liquid or gaseous fuel derived from coal, shale, or tar sand, or obtained by fermentation of certain substances, such as grain.合成燃料:从煤、页岩或沥青砂岩中或某些物质,如谷物的发酵中得到液体或气体燃料美国传统〔synthesis〕Chemistry Formation of a compound from simpler compounds or elements.【化学】 合成:从更简单的化合物或元素中形成化合物美国传统〔synthesis〕This kind of lighting encourages vitamin D synthesis in the skin.这种光照会促进皮肤中维生素 D 的合成。柯林斯高阶〔synthesis〕This kind of lighting encourages vitamin D synthesis in the skin.这种灯光有助于皮肤中维生素D的合成。外研社新世纪〔synthesized〕If the vehicle is going too fast, a synthesized voice tells the driver to slow down.如果车速过快, 合成声音会告诉驾驶员减速。外研社新世纪〔synthesized〕The drumbeat is synthesized.那种鼓声是合成的。韦氏高阶〔synthesize〕A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body.维生素是一种人体无法合成的化合物。外研社新世纪〔synthesize〕A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body.维生素是一种人体无法合成的化合物。柯林斯高阶〔synthetic〕The drug is a synthetic.这种药是合成品。韦氏高阶〔synthetic〕The fabric is made of synthetics.这种布是合成纤维织的。韦氏高阶〔thalassemia〕An inherited form of anemia occurring chiefly among people of Mediterranean descent, caused by faulty synthesis of part of the hemoglobin molecule.地中海贫血:主要发生于地中海后裔中的遗传性贫血,由血红蛋白分子部分错误合成引起美国传统〔thermosetting〕Permanently hardening or solidifying on being heated. Used of certain synthetic resins.热固的:加热后永久性硬化或固化的。用于某些合成树脂美国传统〔united〕Combined into a single entity.联合的:联合成一个整体的美国传统〔use〕The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs.这种治疗不会使用任何人工合成药物。外研社新世纪〔word〕The portmanteau word 'synergy' combines 'synthesis' and 'energy'.synergy (协同作用)这个缩合词是由 synthesis (合成)和 energy (能量)这两个词缩合而成的。牛津搭配George Martin did the production on the Beatles records.乔治·马丁制作了披头士乐队唱片的混响合成。剑桥国际He is trying to knit the various opposition groups into an effective political party.他试图将各个反对团体联合成一个有效的政党。剑桥国际Iridium is often combined with platinum to create a strong and highly corrosion-resistant alloy.铱常和白金混合成高度防腐的坚硬合金。剑桥国际Plants need sunlight for the synthesis of their food from carbon dioxide and water.植物需要阳光,才能将二氧化碳和水合成养料。剑桥国际Sails were traditionally made of canvas, but now they are usually made of synthetic material.过去帆都是用帆布做的,但现在通常用合成材料做。剑桥国际They are made of a common plastic resin. 它们是用一种普通的塑胶合成树脂做成的。译典通




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