

单词 合并
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Moldo-Wallachian〕the Moldo-Wallachian union 摩尔多瓦和瓦拉几亚两公国的合并英汉大词典〔UNITE〕the amalgamation of several small farms into one large agricultural unit 几家小农场合并成一个大型农业单位朗文写作活用〔acquisition〕the number of mergers and acquisitions made by Europe's 1,000 leading firms. 欧洲1,000家龙头企业的合并和收购案例的数目柯林斯高阶〔amalgamate〕amalgamate ten committees into two 把10个委员会合并作两个英汉大词典〔amalgamate〕an amalgamation between two companies 两家公司的合并朗文当代〔amalgamate〕the amalgamation of the two companies 两家公司的合并韦氏高阶〔amalgamation〕amalgamation of two corporations 两家公司的合并英汉大词典〔amalgamation〕the amalgamation of several large businesses 几项大企业的合并文馨英汉〔amalgamation〕the amalgamation of several large businesses几家大公司的合并外研社新世纪〔combine〕an announcement by Steetley and Tarmac of a joint venture that would combine their operations斯特尔里和塔马克两家公司合并业务成立合资公司的声明外研社新世纪〔concurrent〕be sentenced to serve three concurrent life terms 被判处合并执行的三个无期徒刑英汉大词典〔consolidate〕consolidate four small farms into a vast cattle ranch 把4个小农庄合并为一个大牧场英汉大词典〔consolidate〕consolidated five separate agencies into a single department. 将五个分公司合并为一个部门美国传统〔corporate〕a corporate merger 公司合并剑桥高阶〔foot〕plans to close or merge foot regiments裁撤或合并各步兵团的计划外研社新世纪〔integrate〕the challenge of integrating the two systems successfully 将两个系统成功合并的挑战麦克米伦高阶〔mail-merge〕a mail-merge letter一份合并邮件外研社新世纪〔megamerger〕generate a spate of megamergers and spinoffs 引发一系列巨型合并和资产分流英汉大词典〔merger〕a merger between Dynron and Energee 戴伦与埃纳杰两家企业的合并牛津搭配〔merger〕a merger between the two banks 两家银行的合并牛津高阶〔merger〕talk of a pending merger between the two companies 两家公司之间关于待定合并事宜的谈判牛津搭配〔merger〕the proposed merger of two Japanese banks提议中两家日本银行的合并外研社新世纪〔merge〕merge small firms into one large company 把几家小公司合并成一家大公司英汉大词典〔merge〕merging two sets of data. 将两组数据合并美国传统〔merge〕proposals to merge the three existing health authorities into one 把现有的三个卫生机构合并成一个的提议朗文当代〔panel〕an independent panel on takeovers and mergers 负责收购合并的独立调查小组牛津搭配〔problem〕the inherent problems of merging two very different companies 要合并两个截然不同的公司会遇到的固有问题牛津搭配〔ripe〕another oil company ripe for takeover另一个适合并购的石油公司外研社新世纪〔unconsolidated〕unconsolidated subsidiaries. 未合并的子公司美国传统a debt consolidation loan 债务合并贷款牛津商务a loan to help you consolidate your debts (= replace smaller debts with one big debt) 帮助你合并债务的贷款(用一笔大债务代替小债务)牛津商务a partial sale/merger/payment 部分出售/合并/支付牛津商务a synergistic merger with another business 与另一家公司进行的协同式合并牛津商务merge/purge software 名单的合并与筛选软件牛津商务merger talks to save the debt-ridden company 为挽救这家负债累累的公司而进行的合并谈判牛津商务mergers, acquisitions and divestitures 合并、收购和撤资牛津商务the commingling of funds 资金的合并牛津商务the company's union with a big media empire 这家公司与一家传媒巨头的合并牛津商务the company's withdrawal from the merger agreement 这家公司退出合并协议牛津商务the rapid consolidation of the industry into a few large companies 这行业迅速合并为几家大公司牛津商务




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