

单词 如某些昆虫
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anthophilous〕Living or growing on flowers, as certain insects.虫媒的,花媒的:住在花中或长于花中的,如某些昆虫美国传统〔dimerous〕Consisting of two parts or segments, as the tarsus in certain insects.由两部分组成的:由两个部分组成的,如某些昆虫的跗节美国传统〔masked〕Having the anatomy of the next developmental form outlined beneath the integument, as in certain insect pupae.有覆盖物的:具有在外皮下成形的下一进化形式的骨骼的,如某些昆虫的蛹美国传统〔scopula〕A dense, brushlike tuft of hairs, as on the feet of certain insects.花粉刷:浓密的、刷状毛丛,如某些昆虫的脚美国传统〔sting〕To pierce or wound painfully with or as if with a sharp-pointed structure or organ, as that of certain insects.叮,螫:被或象被一个尖的物体或器官(如某些昆虫的)极痛地刺或伤美国传统〔stridulate〕To produce a shrill grating, chirping, or hissing sound by rubbing body parts together, as certain insects do.发出刺耳的叫声:发出刺耳,鸣叫般的或嘶嘶的声音,如某些昆虫一起摩擦身体部位产生的声音美国传统〔tetrapterous〕Having four wings, as certain insects.四翅的:有四个翅膀的,如某些昆虫美国传统〔xylophagous〕Feeding on wood, as certain insects or insect larvae.食木的:以木头为食的,如某些昆虫或昆虫幼虫美国传统




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