

单词 填充
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Canopic〕Relating to or being an ancient Egyptian vase, urn, or jar used to hold the viscera of an embalmed body.礼葬瓷的:关于或是一个用来盛放一具填充了香料的尸体内脏的一种古埃及瓶、瓮或罐的美国传统〔aggrade〕To fill and raise the level of (the bed of a stream) by deposition of sediment.使填积;使淤高:通过沉淀淤积而填充或升高(河床)的高度美国传统〔blanc fixe〕Powdered barium sulfate used as a base for watercolor pigments and as a filler in paper.硫酸钡粉:硫酸钡粉,用于水彩色素主要原料和纸张填充物美国传统〔block in〕We can start by blocking in the sky.我们可以从填充天空的颜色开始。外研社新世纪〔bolster〕The large and heavily bolstered leather driver's seat gives fabulous comfort and support.填充厚实的宽大皮驾驶座给人非凡的舒适和支撑。外研社新世纪〔brim〕To fill to the brim.装满,注满:填充到边沿美国传统〔carbo-loading〕Carbohydrate loading.碳水化合物填充美国传统〔cloze〕Based on or being a test of reading comprehension in which the test taker is asked to supply words that have been systematically deleted from a text.填充测验法的:建立于阅读理解考试基础的或阅读理解考试的,要求考试参加者补充已从文章中有计划地删掉的单词美国传统〔cushioning〕The padded insert in the sneaker provides extra cushioning.运动鞋里的填充软垫让鞋子穿起来更舒适。韦氏高阶〔dry-clean〕Natural-filled duvets must be dry-cleaned by a professional.天然填充的羽绒被必须交由专业人士干洗。柯林斯高阶〔dry-clean〕Natural-filled duvets must be dry-cleaned by a professional.天然材料填充的羽绒被必须由专业人员干洗。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕A stuffed or pasteboard figure used as a target.人像靶,人形靶:填充或用硬纸板制的人形靶美国传统〔dummy〕Football A heavy stuffed cylindrical bag used for blocking and tackling practice.【橄榄球】 沙袋:橄榄球中用于阻挡和擒捉练习的重的圆柱形填充袋美国传统〔dynamite〕To charge with dynamite.装炸药:填充炸药美国传统〔enchilada〕A tortilla rolled and stuffed usually with a mixture containing meat or cheese and served with a sauce spiced with chili.玉米卷饼:一种卷肉的辣薄玉米饼,通常包卷及填充混有肉、奶酪的馅,且常蘸着辣酱食用美国传统〔entrails〕The sofa's entrails (= pieces of material from inside) were sticking out in places.沙发有些地方的填充物鼓了出来。剑桥高阶〔excavate〕A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.雇了一个承包商把水库抽干, 挖掉一处的泥土, 然后再用黏土填充。外研社新世纪〔farce〕To stuff, as for roasting.填充:填料,可供烤炙美国传统〔fiberfill〕Lightweight synthetic fiber used as filling or insulation, as in comforters, pillows, and outerwear.纤维填料:一种用作填充材料或绝缘材料的轻人造纤维,如做棉被、枕头或外套美国传统〔filler〕Architecture An element, such as a plate, used to fill the space between two supporting members.【建筑学】 填料:用来填充两个支撑物之间的空间的结构物,例如横木板美国传统〔fill〕The material, such as earth or gravel, used for fill.筑堤用的材料:例如土或砂石,用来填充的物质美国传统〔firm〕Use extra stuffing to make the cushions firmer.再添些填充料让垫子硬一点儿。牛津搭配〔flauta〕A tortilla rolled around a filling such as beef, chicken, or cheese into a flutelike shape and sometimes deep-fried.玉米饼卷:一种把未经发酵的玉米饼卷在牛肉、鸡肉或干酪等填充物外面做成长笛形的食品,有时需长时间煎烤美国传统〔gasket〕Any of a wide variety of seals or packings used between matched machine parts or around pipe joints to prevent the escape of a gas or fluid.圆形或带形填塞物:各种各样的填充物或包装物的一种,安于已装配的机器部件之间或管道接通处周围,以免气体或液体泄漏美国传统〔gland〕A device, such as the outer sleeve of a stuffing box, designed to prevent a fluid from leaking past a moving machine part.密封装置,密封套:一种装置,比如填充函的外套,设计出来以防止液体从一移动的机器零部件中渗漏出来美国传统〔grout〕A thin mortar used to fill cracks and crevices in masonry.薄灰浆:用来填充砖石建筑中缝隙的薄灰浆美国传统〔gummy〕Covered or clogged with or as if with gum.涂有树胶的:用或似乎用树胶覆盖或填充的美国传统〔gum〕To cover, smear, seal, fill, or fix in place with or as if with gum.以树胶粘合:用或似乎用树胶覆盖、涂抹、封上、填充或固定住美国传统〔gâteau〕A cake or pastry, especially a light one filled with custard, fruit, or nuts.饼,糕:一种蛋糕或糕点,尤其指较轻的,填充有牛奶蛋糊、水果或果仁美国传统〔hem〕A short cough or clearing of the throat made especially to gain attention, warn another, hide embarrassment, or fill a pause in speech.哼:轻咳或者清嗓子声,尤指用于引起别人注意、警告他人、隐藏尴尬或者填充讲话过程中的停顿美国传统〔identify by〕The police hope to identify the body by the gold fillings in the teeth.警方希望通过死者牙齿里的黄金填充物来辨认其身份。21世纪英汉〔infill〕If the port company was permitted to go ahead with the proposed infill, it would increase the industrialization of the bay.如果这家港口公司获准进行拟议中的填充作业, 该海湾的工业化程度将会有所提高。外研社新世纪〔infill〕The concrete infill is beginning to be laid down.开始放置混凝土填充物了。外研社新世纪〔inflatable〕A large helium or hot-air balloon constructed so as to resemble a figure or an object when inflated.大型气球:大型的填充氦气或热气的气球,充满气后模拟某个形象或物体美国传统〔inflated〕Filled or expanded by or as if by gas or air.充了气的:用或好象用空气或其他气体填充或扩大的美国传统〔jog in〕They will jog in another piece of scenery to fill the space.他们会另外加一块布景填充空间的。21世纪英汉〔landfill〕To fill in or reclaim (land) by this method.用这种方法填充或开垦(土地)美国传统〔line〕To fill plentifully, as with money or food.填充:用钱或食物填满美国传统〔loading〕A substance added to something else; a filler.填充物:加之于他物的物质;填料美国传统〔lode〕The metalliferous ore that fills a fissure in a rock formation.矿脉:在固体结岩中用于填充裂缝的金属矿床美国传统〔neck〕Geology Solidified lava filling the vent of an extinct volcano.【地质学】 岩颈:填充死火山的硬化的火山岩美国传统〔niche〕Small companies can do extremely well if they can fill a specific market niche.如果能填充特定的市场空白,小公司可以发展得相当出色。柯林斯高阶〔point〕To fill and finish the joints of (masonry) with cement or mortar.以灰泥填抹:用水泥或灰泥来填充和覆盖(石匠活的)结合部美国传统〔pug〕To fill in with clay or mortar.涤塞:用黏土或灰浆填充美国传统〔replace〕To take or fill the place of.取代:取代或填充…的位置;代替美国传统〔root canal〕A treatment in which diseased tissue from this part of the tooth is removed and the resulting cavity is filled with an inert material.牙根管填充手术:一种治疗术,把牙根管部的不健全组织除去并在剩下的龋洞中填充一种隋性物质美国传统〔salt dome〕An anticlinal fold with a columnar salt plug at its core.盐穹,盐丘:背斜的岩石皱褶,核心部有柱状盐填充美国传统〔sealant〕A plastic resin used in dentistry to coat the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to prevent the growth of cavity-causing bacteria.密封填充物:一种塑料合成脂,修牙时用作后牙咀嚼面的加封层,来抑制导致虫牙细菌的生长美国传统〔seal〕A quick way to seal awkward gaps is to use a foam filler.封闭难弄的裂缝的快捷办法就是用泡沫填充剂。朗文当代〔seal〕The caulk gives the window an airtight seal.缝隙填充材料把窗户封得密不透风。韦氏高阶〔septarium〕An irregular polygonal system of calcite-filled cracks occurring in certain rock concretions.龟背石,凝岩球:发生在特定的岩石结核体中,由方解石填充的不规则多边形裂缝形成的系统美国传统〔shading〕The lines or other marks used to fill in outlines of a sketch, an engraving, or a painting to represent gradations of color or darkness.影线:用于填充素描、雕刻或油画的线条或其它痕迹以展示颜色或暗度的梯度美国传统〔silex〕Finely ground tripoli used as an inert paint filler.硅石:用作惰性颜料填充物的磨得很细的硅石土美国传统〔slush〕To fill (joints in masonry) with mortar.给…灌沙浆:用胶泥填充(砖石结构的接缝处)美国传统〔stop〕To close (an opening) by covering, filling in, or plugging up.关闭:用覆盖、填充或堵塞的办法封闭(一个开口)美国传统〔store〕To fill, supply, or stock.填充、供应或贮存美国传统〔stroke〕Fill in gaps by using short, upward strokes of the pencil.用铅笔向上短短地勾画几道来填充空白。柯林斯高阶〔stuffing box〕An enclosure containing packing to prevent leakage around a moving machine part.填料函,填充函:装有用来防止一运转中的机器部件周围出现渗漏的填充料的盒子美国传统〔stuff〕It's cheaper to stuff the pillows with foam than with feathers.用泡沫材料填充枕头比用羽毛便宜。麦克米伦高阶〔stuff〕We made felt animals and stuffed them with feathers.我们做了毛毡动物玩偶, 里面填充了羽毛。外研社新世纪〔teddy bear〕A child's toy bear, usually stuffed with soft material and covered with furlike plush.泰迪玩具熊:儿童玩具熊,通常用松软的材料填充并用毛皮状的长毛绒覆盖美国传统〔undercharge〕To load (a firearm) with an insufficient charge.未给…装足火药:给(火器)填充弹药不足美国传统〔upholstery〕Fabric, stuffing, and other materials used in upholstering.家具装饰品:家俱装璜业中所用的织物,填充料和其它材料美国传统〔vacancy〕A position, an office, or a place of accommodation that is unfilled or unoccupied.空缺:未被填充或占有的工作、职位或住宿之处美国传统〔wadding〕A soft layer of fibrous cotton or wool used for padding or stuffing.软填料:用于垫衬或填充的纤维棉花或羊毛的一个软层美国传统〔wad〕A small mass of soft material, often folded or rolled, used for padding, stuffing, or packing.填充物:一块软的物体,常叠着或卷着,用于垫料、填充或包装美国传统〔weld〕To join (metals) by applying heat, sometimes with pressure and sometimes with an intermediate or filler metal having a high melting point.焊接:通过加热,有时加压或有时用媒介物或有很高熔点的填充金属来连接(金属)美国传统Line filling closes gaps in the market and keeps competitors out.产品线填充弥补了市场的缺口,并阻止竞争者打入市场。牛津商务The uneven floor can be treated with a substance which fills in small holes and irregularities.不平的地板可以用一种能够填充小孔及凹凸不平处的物质处理。剑桥国际




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