

单词 向我袭来
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assail〕Brief whiffs of mowed grass assailed my nostrils.刈倒的草叶香气一阵阵地向我袭来。英汉大词典〔come〕A wave of sleepiness came over me.一阵倦意向我袭来。朗文当代〔heaviness〕A terrible heaviness comes upon me when I think of going back to work.当想到要回去工作时, 一阵强烈的低落情绪向我袭来。外研社新世纪〔icy〕She opened the window and I was hit by an icy blast of air.她打开窗户,一阵刺骨的寒风向我袭来。剑桥高阶〔overpower〕The heat/smell of gas overpowered me as I went into the house.我进屋的时候,一股热气/煤气味向我袭来。剑桥高阶〔rush〕I had my first cigarette for a year and felt a sudden rush (of dizziness).这是我一年以来第一次抽烟,直感到一阵(晕乎乎的)腾云驾雾的感觉向我袭来。剑桥高阶〔set〕The bandit set on me with a knife.盗匪持刀向我袭来。英汉大词典〔sweep〕A feeling of isolation swept over me.忽然有一种孤独的感觉向我袭来。朗文当代〔wash over〕A deep sadness suddenly washed over me.一种深切的伤感突然向我袭来。韦氏高阶〔wave〕A wave of nausea swept over me.一阵恶心向我袭来。朗文当代〔whoosh〕Cool air whooshed past me.冷空气“嗖”的一下向我袭来。外研社新世纪She opened the window and I was hit by an icy (=extremely cold) blast of air.她打开了窗,一股寒气向我袭来。剑桥国际This great savage dog came at/for me with its teeth bared.这条凶恶的大狗张着大嘴,向我袭来。剑桥国际




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