

单词 向性
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔angle〕angle one's story 使报道带上倾向性英汉大词典〔angle〕angled the story in such a way as to criticize the candidate. 使故事带有这种倾向性来批评候选人美国传统〔angle〕journalists who write heavily angled columns for national papers为全国性报纸撰写极具偏向性专栏的新闻记者外研社新世纪〔biased〕an extremely biased statement 偏向性极强的说法韦氏高阶〔directivity〕the directivity of the receiving antenna 接收天线的方向性英汉大词典〔loaded〕very loaded experiments carried out by General Bobby Marshall. 博比·马歇尔将军搞的有严重倾向性的试验柯林斯高阶〔loaded〕very loaded experiments carried out by General Bobby Marshall博比·马歇尔将军搞的那些带有严重倾向性的试验外研社新世纪〔load〕load a question 使提问带有倾向性 (或哄骗性) 英汉大词典〔mood〕the mood of Congress on trade 国会在贸易问题上的倾向性英汉大词典〔negative〕a negative tropism. 阴向性美国传统〔prejudiced〕prejudiced information 带有倾向性的消息英汉大词典〔push poll〕allegations of push polling 关于导向性民意调查的指控牛津高阶〔slanted〕a biased and slanted view of events 对事件有失公正、带倾向性的观点牛津高阶〔slant〕slant an article 带着倾向性写文章英汉大词典〔slant〕slant the news 倾向性地报道新闻英汉大词典〔slant〕slanted news coverage. 带有倾向性的新闻报道柯林斯高阶〔spin〕a positive/favorable spin 正面/赞许的导向性说辞韦氏高阶〔unidirectional〕a unidirectional microphone. 单向性的麦克风美国传统




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