

单词 嘴中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bubble-Jet Printer〕A trademark for a printer consisting of a grid of ink-containing nozzles that forms an image when the ink is heated and expanded, forcing it out onto the page.喷墨打印机:由含墨喷嘴字模板构成的打印机的商标,当喷嘴中的墨被加热并膨胀时就喷到纸张上形成图像美国传统〔bolus〕A soft mass of chewed food within the mouth or alimentary canal.一团咀嚼过的食物:嘴中或消化道中的一团软的咀嚼过的食物美国传统〔cacuminal〕Articulated with the tip of the tongue turned back and up toward the roof of the mouth; retroflex.卷舌音的:舌尖在嘴中前后上下运动而发出清晰的声音;卷舌音的美国传统〔mouthpiece〕A part, as of a musical instrument or a telephone, that functions in or near the mouth.吹口,送话口:作为乐器或电话的一部分,它可在嘴中或嘴附近发挥其功能美国传统〔out of〕She couldn't get a word out of him all evening.整个晚上她什么也没从他嘴中问出来。外研社新世纪〔secrete〕Saliva is a liquid secreted by glands in or near the mouth.唾液是由嘴中或嘴部周围的腺体分泌的一种液体。剑桥高阶〔shovel〕He shoveled the food into his mouth.他把食物胡乱塞进嘴中美国传统〔sputter〕To spit out or spray particles of saliva or food from the mouth in noisy bursts.喷溅唾沫或食物:迸发地从嘴中喷射出唾沫或食物美国传统〔sputum〕Matter coughed up and usually ejected from the mouth, including saliva, foreign material, and substances such as mucus or phlegm, from the respiratory tract.唾沫,痰:通常从嘴中咳出的杂物,包括唾液、异物和象粘液和痰等来自呼吸道的东西美国传统Saliva is a liquid secreted by glands in or near the mouth.唾液是由嘴中或嘴部周围的唾液腺分泌的一种液体。剑桥国际




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