

单词 在赛马
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bettor〕Thousands of bettors were at the race track last weekend.上个周末,成千上万的投注者聚集在赛马场上。韦氏高阶〔book〕A record of bets placed on a race.登录赌注:压在赛马上的赌注记录美国传统〔by a nose〕Secretariat won the race by a nose! 一代骄马在赛马比赛中险胜!韦氏高阶〔cert〕There's no such things as a cert in horse racing.在赛马中,没有什么可以打包票。柯林斯高阶〔clean〕He cleaned up at the races yesterday.他昨天在赛马场上赢了大钱。朗文当代〔daily double〕A bet won by choosing both winners of two specified races on one day, as in horse racing.双赌法:需在一天内通过选择两次指定比赛都赢的赢者的赌法,如在赛马中美国传统〔dark horse〕A little-known, unexpectedly successful entrant, as in a horserace.黑马:实力不为人所知却意外获胜的参赛者,如在赛马中美国传统〔fettle〕The horse is in fine fettle and will surely win the race.这匹马体力充沛,在赛马中定会获胜。英汉大词典〔flutter〕Auntie Paula likes to have a bit of a flutter on the horses.葆拉姨妈喜欢在赛马上下一点儿小赌注。剑桥高阶〔horsey〕We watched her show-jumping at a gymkhana, in her horsey phase.她热衷于马的时候, 我们看过她在赛马会上的越障表演。外研社新世纪〔jockey〕Sports One who rides horses in races, especially as a profession.【体育运动】 赛马骑师:在赛马中骑马的人,尤指以此作为职业的人美国传统〔long shot〕She always bets on long shots at the racetrack.她在赛马场上总是赌冷门。韦氏高阶〔lose at〕He lost 600 dollars at the race.他在赛马中输掉了600美元。21世纪英汉〔make〕To accept bets on a race, game, or contest.在赛马、比赛或竞赛中接受赌注美国传统〔mark〕Leather overshoes were put on the horses' hooves to stop them marking the turf.马蹄上套了皮套子, 以免在赛马场上踩出印子。外研社新世纪〔monkey〕He won a monkey at the horse races.他在赛马中赢了500镑。英汉大词典〔off-track betting〕A system of placing bets away from a racetrack.场外赛马赌博:在赛马场外下赌的赌博系统美国传统〔race away〕They raced all their money away.他们所有的钱都在赛马中输光了。21世纪英汉〔race〕He spent a day at the races.他在赛马场花了一天的时间。文馨英汉〔racing〕He has ridden horses all his life, but he was a late starter in the racing game.他骑了一辈子的马,但在赛马方面却起步很晚。牛津搭配〔racing〕He's known in racing circles as a fierce competitor.他的凶悍无畏在赛马圈里广为人知。牛津搭配〔recoup〕The clerk recouped his losses at the racecourse by embezzling funds from his bank.那行员盗用银行公款来弥补他在赛马场赌输的损失。英汉大词典〔ride〕He's ridden six winners so far this year(= in horse racing).他今年到目前为止已六次在赛马中夺标。牛津高阶〔run away from〕That white horse is running away from other horses in the horse-race.那匹白马在赛马中遥遥领先于其他马。21世纪英汉〔saddlecloth〕A cloth placed under the saddle of a racehorse and bearing its number.鞍布:放在赛马的马鞍下边写有赛马的号码的布美国传统〔scratch〕The horse was scratched on the day of the race.这匹马在赛马的当天被撤出比赛。英汉大词典〔show〕Sports Third place at the finish, as in a horserace.【体育运动】 第三名:到达终点时位于第三的位置,如在赛马中美国传统〔show〕Sports To finish third or better in a horserace or dog race.【体育运动】 在赛马或赛狗中获得第三名或更好的名次美国传统〔spend〕He spent his fortune on horse racing.他把他的钱财全花在赛马赌博上了。英汉大词典〔wager〕She put a cash wager of £50 on the race.她在赛马会上下了50英镑钞票的赌注。剑桥高阶Aunty Paula likes to have a bit of a flutter on the horses.波拉婶婶喜欢在赛马上下点小赌注。剑桥国际He gambled heavily on the horses. 他在赛马上大下赌注。译典通He is still seen as a parvenu in the aristocratic world of the Jockey Club.在赛马总会权贵们眼里,他仍被看作是个暴发户。剑桥国际He often has a day at the races.他常在赛马会上呆一天。剑桥国际He said he'd lost his shirt on that race.他说在赛马中输了很多钱。剑桥国际His name is well-known on the turf. 他在赛马场上很有名气。译典通Mr Smith won several hundred pounds at the bookmaker's by backing his party's chances.以对自己方的机会下赌注,史密斯先生在赛马会赢了几百英镑。剑桥国际The chestnut, Strike It Lucky, is being retired after a 31-race career in which she won six races.名叫“好运气”的栗色马将要退休了,她在赛马生涯中参加了31场比赛,赢了其中的6场。剑桥国际The horse ran a cracker of a race.这匹马在赛马比赛中表现出色。剑桥国际We met at the racetrack.我们在赛马场见面。剑桥国际




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