

单词 合伙人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORING/BORED〕We spent a dull afternoon with some of Harold's business associates. 我们一下午都和哈罗德的一些生意合伙人在一起,非常无聊。朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕Trachtenberg is charged with attempting to defraud his business partner. 特拉亨伯格被控企图骗取公司合伙人的钱。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕He and his partner were charged with taking $300,000 in kickbacks in exchange for their political influence. 他与合伙人因收受30万美元贿赂以换取其政治影响而受起诉。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕As there is no formal documentation of your business partnership, it has no legal status. 因没有能证明你是生意合伙人的正式文件,故此它不具备合法地位。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕I am a partner in one of Cleveland's oldest and most prestigious law firms. 我是克利夫兰的一家历史最悠久、最有威望的法律事务所的合伙人。朗文写作活用〔START〕Kate and her partner are setting up their own printing business. 凯特和她的合伙人正要开办自己的印刷公司。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Our partners are demanding full participation in the decision-making process. 我们的合伙人要求全面参与决策过程。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕We called a meeting with Russco, our partners in the construction project. 我们和拉斯科公司召开了一次会议,他们是我们建筑项目的合伙人。朗文写作活用〔abscond〕Unfortunately, his partners were crooks and absconded with the funds.不幸的是,他的合伙人都是些骗子,已卷款逃之夭夭了。柯林斯高阶〔adverse〕We deeply regret any adverse effect today's action will have on our associates and business partners.对于今天的行动将对我们的合伙人和商业伙伴产生的任何不利影响, 我们深表歉意。外研社新世纪〔approval〕I can't agree to anything without my partner's approval.没有合伙人的认可我什么也不能答应。牛津高阶〔arrange〕Please arrange a meeting with your partners.请安排我跟你的几位合伙人见个面。韦氏高阶〔associate〕A person united with another or others in an act, an enterprise, or a business; a partner or colleague.合伙人:一个在一次行动中,一个企业里,或一种业务上与另一人或其他人连在一起的人;伙伴或同事美国传统〔associate〕To join as a partner, ally, or friend.合伙,合营:作为合伙人,同盟或朋友加入美国传统〔bail〕His partner bailed out before the business got on its feet.商店尚未站住脚跟,他的合伙人就撒手不管了。英汉大词典〔belly〕Last year the business went belly up after one of the partners resigned.去年一位合伙人退出后,这家企业就垮掉了。牛津高阶〔better〕He's the partner I chose, for better or for worse.不管怎样他是我选择的合伙人。麦克米伦高阶〔booster〕A former associate of Mr Pierce's was among the project's boosters.皮尔斯先生的一个前合伙人是这个计划的热心支持者之一。外研社新世纪〔break〕Elliot claims that his business partner broke her contract.埃利奥特声称他的生意合伙人违约了。麦克米伦高阶〔break〕The partners broke over a financial matter. One hates to break with an old friend.合伙人在财政问题上分裂了。人们不愿意和老朋友断绝关系美国传统〔build〕Don't allow resentment to build up between you and your partner.别让你与合伙人之间的怨恨越积越深。麦克米伦高阶〔build〕He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company.他和一位合伙人靠着自己的力量创建了一家成功的时装公司。外研社新世纪〔buy out〕She bought out her partners so that she could manage the company the way she wanted to.她买下了合伙人所持有的股份以便可以按照自己的想法管理公司。韦氏高阶〔buy out〕The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners.银行不得不花钱买下过去200名合伙人手中的大部分股权。柯林斯高阶〔capital〕Wealth in the form of money or property, used or accumulated in a business by a person, partnership, or corporation.资本:以货币或财产形式存在的财富,被一个人、一群合伙人或一个公司在其商业活动中使用或聚集美国传统〔co-〕He is now co-partner in a new property company.他现在是一家新房地产公司的合伙人。柯林斯高阶〔cohort〕A companion or an associate.同伴,合伙人美国传统〔company〕Lee Rogers and Company.李·罗杰斯与其合伙人美国传统〔connection〕It didn't take long for us to make the connection between the missing money and our partner's new car.我们很快就发现钱的丢失与我们的合伙人购买新车有关。韦氏高阶〔consociate〕An associate or partner.伙伴,合伙人美国传统〔consult〕We are consulting closely with our partners.我们正在同合伙人密切磋商。牛津搭配〔copartner〕A joint partner, as in a business enterprise; an associate.合伙人:合伙人,如在工商企业中的;同事美国传统〔cost〕As he is a partner in the firm, he is allowed to buy wines at cost.由于他是公司的合伙人,他可以按成本价格买酒。英汉大词典〔defer to〕She deferred to her partner in everything.她事事都听从她的合伙人的意见。21世纪英汉〔difficulty〕The partners have been unable to iron out their difficulties. = They haven't been able to resolve their difficulties.合伙人一直都没能解决他们之间的分歧。韦氏高阶〔directness〕The house was built under the direction of John's partner.这座房子是在约翰的合伙人的指导下盖起来的。柯林斯高阶〔diverge〕When the aims of the partners begin to diverge, there's trouble.合伙人目标不一致时就会有麻烦。外研社新世纪〔divide between〕Equally divide profits between the partners.在合伙人之间平均分配利润。21世纪英汉〔doubly〕She now felt doubly guilty; she had embarrassed Franklin and she had cost her partner money.她现在心里倍感内疚:她既让富兰克林丢了面子,又让自己的合伙人损失了钱。柯林斯高阶〔duo〕My father and his business partner were a formidable duo.我父亲和他的生意合伙人是一对令人生畏的搭档。麦克米伦高阶〔formerly〕Mr Owen was formerly a partner in a London firm.欧文先生以前是伦敦一家公司的合伙人。麦克米伦高阶〔fort〕His business partner is holding the fort while he is away.他不在的时候, 他的生意合伙人代为处理日常事务。外研社新世纪〔general partnership〕A partnership in which each of the partners is liable for all of the firm's debts, and the actions of one partner are binding on each of the other partners.一般合伙:每一位合伙人都对公司所有的债权负法律责任的合伙制度,其中任何一位合伙人的行为都与其它每一位合伙人的行为有密切的关系美国传统〔go〕I wonder if you would consider going in with me as a partner? 我不知道你是否愿意考虑作为合伙人和我合作?英汉大词典〔inconvenient〕It is doubly inconvenient for both partners to be bankrupt at the same time.两个合伙人同时破产更是雪上加霜。外研社新世纪〔incur〕They are not personally liable for debts incurred by a partner.他们个人没有义务偿还合伙人欠下的债务。麦克米伦高阶〔infidelity〕George ignored his partner's infidelities.乔治没有理会合伙人的背信行为。外研社新世纪〔joint venture〕The website was a joint venture between him and his partner.这个网站是他和合伙人的合资公司。剑桥高阶〔junior〕She is a junior partner in the law firm.她是这家法律事务所的初级合伙人。韦氏高阶〔liable〕Partners are jointly and severally (= together and individually) liable for a partnership's debts.合伙人共同连带承担合伙公司的债务。牛津搭配〔limited partnership〕A partnership in which some of the partners have a limited liability to the firm's creditors.有限责任股份公司:部分合伙人对公司债权人承担有限责任的合伙关系美国传统〔look〕We are looking for a partner in a new business venture.我们希望能找到一位合伙人开办新的风险投资企业。麦克米伦高阶〔majority〕He became a partner in the family firm on reaching his majority.他到达法定年龄后便成为家族企业的合伙人。朗文当代〔marry〕He married his daughter to his partner's son.他把自己女儿嫁给了他的合伙人的儿子。韦氏高阶〔member firm〕A securities firm with officers or partners who are members of an organized exchange.成员证券所:办事员或合伙人为一联合证券交易所之成员的证券所美国传统〔nothing〕His own importance seemed to be a mere nothing against the grandness in his partner.他的合伙人十分显赫,相形之下他就显得微不足道了。英汉大词典〔option〕If one partner dies, the others have the option to buy back their shares.如果一个合伙人死了,其他的人有权买回他们的股票。麦克米伦高阶〔partnership〕The state of being a partner.作为合伙人的状态美国传统〔partner〕He has recently been made a junior partner in the family business.他最近成了家族生意中的次要合伙人。牛津搭配〔partner〕He is a general partner in a consulting firm.他是一家咨询公司的普通合伙人。牛津搭配〔partner〕He was made a full partner in his father's firm.他被定为他父亲公司的正式合伙人。牛津搭配〔partner〕He's a partner in a Chicago law firm.他是芝加哥一家法律公司的合伙人。外研社新世纪〔partner〕She and her husband became limited partners in the team's ownership.在球队的所有权上,她和丈夫是有限责任合伙人。牛津搭配〔partner〕She was a senior partner at the Wall Street firm.她是这家华尔街公司的主要合伙人。韦氏高阶〔partner〕She's a partner in a law firm.她是一家律师事务所的合伙人。朗文当代〔partner〕The government is technically a silent partner with almost no control over contractor spending.从技术层面上说,政府是一种隐名合伙人,对承包人的财务支出几乎没有控制。牛津搭配〔partner〕To bring together as partners.使合伙:作为合伙人而聚在一起美国传统〔plan〕The partners created a business plan for their new store.合伙人为新商店制订了经营计划。韦氏高阶〔polish sb off〕He was accused of polishing off his former partner.他被控杀死了以前的合伙人。剑桥高阶〔practice〕A new partner has joined the practice.一位新的合伙人加入了事务所。牛津搭配〔proceeding〕John is taking legal proceedings against his ex-partner.约翰正对他的前合伙人提起法律诉讼。朗文当代〔procure〕He was accused of procuring women for his business associates.他被指控为其生意合伙人招妓。21世纪英汉〔rank〕He rose to the rank of partner in the law firm.他在律师事务所中升为合伙人。韦氏高阶〔secret partner〕A partner whose participation in a business partnership is hidden from the public.匿名合伙人:参与公司运营却不为公众所知的合伙人美国传统〔sell〕The partners sell textiles.合伙人经销纺织品美国传统〔senior〕He recently became a senior partner in the accounting/consulting firm.最近,他成为了会计事务所/咨询公司的高级合伙人。韦氏高阶〔slander〕The doctor is suing his partner for slander.那名医生将控告他的合伙人诽谤。剑桥高阶〔snipe〕His former associates have been sniping at him in the press.他从前的合伙人在报上诽谤他。朗文当代〔thence〕He was promoted to manager, thence to a partnership in the firm.他被提升为经理,然后又成了公司的合伙人。牛津高阶〔throw someone to the wolves〕He threw his partner to the wolves by exposing his involvement in the scandal.他揭发他的合伙人与这个丑闻有牵连,从而使其身处困境。韦氏高阶〔voice〕But your partners will have no voice in how you operate your company.但是你的合伙人对你如何经营公司不会有发言权。柯林斯高阶〔worm〕He is trying to worm his partner out of the business.他在设法把合伙人排挤出公司。英汉大词典Each partner got a split of the profits. 每个合伙人得到一份利润。译典通Each partner has a cut of the profits. 每个合伙人都可分到一份利润。译典通Each partner receives his slice of profits. 每一个合伙人得到他的一份利润。译典通Father and his partner launched into a new business. 父亲与他的合伙人开办了一家新商号。译典通He's the junior partner in the business.他是公司地位较低的合伙人。剑桥国际It is implicit in our agreement that she will be a partner. 我们的协议中含有她将成为合伙人这一意思。译典通NBC had agreed to be an equity partner in the purchase of the movie studio.全国广播公司已同意成为购买电影制片厂的股票合伙人。剑桥国际Nissan, the Japanese partner of French carmaker Renault 尼桑 ── 法国汽车制造商雷诺的日本合伙人牛津商务She insinuated to us that her partner had embezzled funds. 她旁敲侧击地指出她的合伙人盗用了资金。译典通She was offered a partnership in the law firm.她获得了在这间律师行的合伙人地位。牛津商务She's a senior partner in a firm of solicitors.她是一家律师事务所的高级合伙人。牛津商务The airline is currently having talks with an unidentified partner about the possible takeover of the company.航空公司目前正与一名不愿透露姓名的合伙人协商公司可能被兼并的事。剑桥国际The bank fears it would be the junior partner in any merger with Lloyds.这银行担心与劳埃德合并可能会使它成为次要合伙人。牛津商务The firm, which has been racked by resignations, is losing five more partners.该公司一直受员工辞职的困扰,现又失去五名合伙人。剑桥国际The partners were held personally liable for the debts of the firm.合伙人对公司的债务承担个人责任。牛津商务The two partners split after a quarrel. 这两个合伙人吵了一架之后分道扬镳了。译典通Two of the partners were charged with corruption.两个合伙人被指控贪污。牛津商务Vivendi Universal is seeking investment partners.威望迪环球公司正在寻找投资合伙人。牛津商务




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