

单词 周边
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Avar〕A member of a traditionally Muslim people of southern Dagestan and neighboring areas of Azerbaijan.阿尔瓦人:达吉斯坦南部和阿塞拜疆共和国周边地区的传统穆斯林民族中一员美国传统〔Basotho〕A Sotho-speaking people of Lesotho and adjacent parts of South Africa.巴索托族:赖索托及南非周边地区讲索托语的民族美国传统〔DAMAGE〕If the river is not controlled, it will erode its banks as well as the surrounding farmland. 如不对这条河加以控制,它就会侵蚀两岸及周边的耕地。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕The convention, signed by the six states bordering the Black Sea, aims to reduce current pollution levels. 黑海周边六国签署的这份公约旨在降低目前的污染程度。朗文写作活用〔East Africa〕A region of eastern Africa including southern Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, and often other nearby areas.东非:非洲东部地区,由索马里南部、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚组成,通常也包括周边地区美国传统〔Estremadura〕A historical region and former province of western Portugal surrounding Lisbon.埃斯特雷马杜拉:历史名地,位于里斯本周边,原属葡萄牙西部中心的一省美国传统〔ORGANIZATION〕Belfast City Airport Forum is a new advisory body set up to discuss environmental issues affecting the airport and the surrounding area. 贝尔法斯特市机场论坛是一个新的顾问团体,其目的是探讨影响机场及其周边地区的环境问题。朗文写作活用〔Pacific Rim〕His family immigrated from the Pacific Rim.他家是从太平洋周边国家移民过来的。韦氏高阶〔Pacific〕Of or concerning countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, especially those of Asia and North America.太平洋国家的:与太平洋临界或周边的国家的,尤指位于亚洲与北美的国家美国传统〔SPOIL〕The proposed building would detract from the character of the surrounding area. 拟建中的楼房将会破坏周边地区的特色。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕In the area around London, house prices rose by an astounding 200 per cent in three years. 伦敦周边地区三年内房价涨了200%,令人惊讶。朗文写作活用〔area〕I went on a tour of Vancouver and the surrounding area.我去了趟温哥华及其周边地区。麦克米伦高阶〔area〕The storms hit Boston and the surrounding area.暴风雨袭击了波士顿及周边地区。牛津搭配〔around〕I peered around the edge of the shed — there was no sign of anyone else.我仔细察看了棚子周边,没有其他人。柯林斯高阶〔bank up〕Soil should be banked up around the sides of the barrel to form a slope.土壤应该在圆桶的周边堆积起来, 形成一个斜坡。外研社新世纪〔base〕Line the base and sides of the tin with paper.用纸将罐子的底部和周边包起来。外研社新世纪〔beef up〕Security around the city will be beefed up during the event.盛会期间,城市周边的安全措施会得到加强。韦氏高阶〔blend into〕The animal's dark fur enables it to blend into its surroundings.这种动物的深色皮毛使它能够和周边环境融为一体。韦氏高阶〔blend in〕The fish settles on the sandy ocean bottom where it blends in perfectly.那条鱼停在海底的沙子上,与周边环境完全融为了一体。韦氏高阶〔blur〕This creates a spectrum of colours at the edges of objects which blurs the image.这引起物体周边形成色谱, 图像因此变得模糊不清。外研社新世纪〔border〕A decorative strip around the edge of something, such as fabric.装饰边:事物周边作装饰性的条块,如织花边美国传统〔but also〕The festivals take place not only in the city but also in the surrounding rural areas.不仅城里人庆祝这些节日,周边乡村也庆祝。韦氏高阶〔catchment area〕The surrounding area served by an institution, such as a hospital or school.服务范围:如医院或学校等机构所服务的周边地区美国传统〔catch〕An intruder breached the perimeter but was caught.一名闯入者冲入周边区域, 但被抓住了。外研社新世纪〔circumference〕He jogged around the circumference of the reservoir.他绕着水库周边慢跑。外研社新世纪〔circumference〕The lamps threw deep shadows beyond the circumference of the pit.灯光在这个坑的周边之外投下很深的影子。麦克米伦高阶〔cold calling〕He got his first lessons in cold calling, following his uncle as he sold sewing machines around the island.他跟着叔叔在小岛周边销售缝纫机, 获得了上门销售的最初经验。外研社新世纪〔commanding view〕The hill provides a commanding view of the surrounding countryside.从那座小山上可以俯瞰周边乡村的景色。韦氏高阶〔concentrate〕Most development has been concentrated in and around cities.土地开发主要集中在城市及周边地区。柯林斯高阶〔countryside〕We are surrounded by lots of beautiful countryside.我们周边是大片美丽的乡村地区。柯林斯高阶〔county〕London and its surrounding counties 伦敦及周边各郡牛津搭配〔crib〕A bed with high sides for a young child or baby.有栏小卧床:一种周边有高栏的婴儿用小床美国传统〔dance〕The boxer danced around his opponent.拳击手在他的对手周边快速来回移动脚步。韦氏高阶〔defence〕Perimeter defences around airports and government buildings should be strengthened.机场和政府大楼周边的环形防御应予以加强。牛津搭配〔defensive〕The city began building a defensive wall around its borders.这座城市开始在周边建一道防御墙。韦氏高阶〔degradation〕Computer Science The state in which a computer operates when some of its memory or peripherals are not available.【计算机科学】 降级:计算机在其储存器或周边设备不能使用时继续运转的状态美国传统〔disfigured〕Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape.风力涡轮机个头大、噪音响,还会破坏周边风景。柯林斯高阶〔disfigure〕Wind turbines are large and noisy, and they disfigure the landscape.风力涡轮机个头大, 噪音响, 还会破坏周边风景。外研社新世纪〔district〕Fire crews from all the surrounding districts helped to fight the fires.来自周边各区的消防人员参与扑火。牛津搭配〔duty〕There were 2,250 policemen on duty in and around the stadium.体育馆内部及周边有2,250名警察执勤。外研社新世纪〔duty〕There were 2,250 policemen on duty in and around the stadium.在体育场内及周边有 2,250 名警察在值勤。柯林斯高阶〔edge〕A breeze shook the tall trees that edged the garden.微风吹动了花园周边的大树。麦克米伦高阶〔encampment〕Many people are living in encampments around the city with no electricity or running water.很多人生活在城市周边一些没有电力和自来水供应的临时营地里。剑桥高阶〔encircle〕Villaverde is one of the high-rise districts that encircle Madrid.马德里周边有很多高层建筑区,维拉维尔德就是其中一个。剑桥高阶〔environs〕The town and its environs are inviting, with recreational attractions and art museums.那座小镇及其周边地区建有休闲胜地和艺术馆,很吸引人。柯林斯高阶〔ethnic cleansing〕In late May, government forces began the 'ethnic cleansing' of the area around the town.5月底,政府军对该镇周边地区开始实施“种族清洗”。柯林斯高阶〔frontier〕The rebels control the frontier and the surrounding area.叛军控制了边境及其周边地区。牛津搭配〔greenness〕A Swiss company offers to help environmental investors by sending teams round factories to ascertain their greenness.一家瑞士公司表示愿意向工厂周边派遣小组进行环境检测以协助环境投资者。柯林斯高阶〔hawk〕Most of the women were hawking food around the various prisons.其中大多数妇女在各个监狱周边兜售食品。柯林斯高阶〔hem〕The market place is hemmed in by shops and banks.市场周边布满商店和银行。朗文当代〔in the vicinity of〕He lives in the general/immediate vicinity of the school.他住在学校周边/附近。韦氏高阶〔inch by inch〕Detectives searched the area around the murder scene inch by inch.侦探们一点一点仔细搜查了谋杀现场周边地区。剑桥高阶〔infertile〕The polluted waste is often dumped, making the surrounding land infertile.被污染的废物经常被随意倒掉,周边土地因此而变得很贫瘠。柯林斯高阶〔inland〕Many of the hotels and villas are inland, in the area around Ronda.许多酒店和别墅都位于内地, 在龙达周边地区。外研社新世纪〔inside〕Edinburgh is an American city turned inside out: the rich in the middle, the poor around the outside.爱丁堡与美国城市相反:富人住在中心,穷人住在周边。柯林斯高阶〔integrate〕Care will also be taken to integrate the buildings with surrounding architecture.还要注意将这些建筑与周边建筑融为一体。麦克米伦高阶〔mileage〕Most of their mileage is in and around town.他们开车大多数时候是在城里和城市周边转悠。柯林斯高阶〔mutiny〕Units stationed around the capital mutinied because they had received no pay for nine months.驻扎在首府周边的部队因9个月没有领到军饷而哗变。柯林斯高阶〔mutiny〕Units stationed around the capital mutinied because they had received no pay for nine months.驻扎在首都周边的部队因九个月没领到军饷而哗变。外研社新世纪〔neighbouring〕Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring countries next week.卢旺达下周将与周边国家的领导人举行会谈。柯林斯高阶〔neighbouring〕Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring countries next week.卢旺达将于下周和周边国家的领导人举行会谈。外研社新世纪〔or thereabouts〕He lives on Maple Street or thereabouts.他住在梅普尔街或者周边一带。韦氏高阶〔paravane〕A device equipped with sharp teeth and towed alongside a ship to cut the mooring cables of submerged mines.破雷卫,扫雷器:一种尖锐的锯齿,装在轮船周边用来牵引切断水下鱼雷系泊索的装置美国传统〔parietal bone〕Either of two large, irregularly quadrilateral bones between the frontal and occipital bones that together form the sides and top of the skull.顶骨:位于额骨和枕骨之间并与它们一起构成头骨的周边和顶部的两块大且不规则四边形骨中的任一块美国传统〔perimeter〕A perimeter is used to measure peripheral vision.视野计用于测量周边视力。外研社新世纪〔perimeter〕Many of the offices are located on the perimeter of the site.许多办公室位于那个地方的周边。牛津搭配〔peripheral vision〕He saw in his peripheral vision that a car was trying to pass him.他看到周边有辆汽车正试图超过他。韦氏高阶〔peripherally〕The condition allows him only to see peripherally.当时的情况只允许他向周边看一看。外研社新世纪〔periphery〕Houses have been built on the periphery of the factory site.厂区的周边地区盖起了房子。剑桥高阶〔polluted〕Many of the beaches are polluted with waste from the nearby chemical plants.许多海滩受到了周边化工厂所排放的废弃物的污染。外研社新世纪〔pollution〕The fine was for the company's pollution of the air near its plants.罚款是因该公司对厂房周边空气造成了污染。柯林斯高阶〔privilege〕The country should extend trade privileges to its poorer neighbours.那个国家应该把贸易优惠扩展到更贫困的周边国家。麦克米伦高阶〔quarter〕Quarter the tomatoes and place them round the dish.把这些番茄切成四瓣,摆放在盘子周边。朗文当代〔radius〕The new museum is expected to draw people from a wide radius.新博物馆有望吸引周边大范围的民众。韦氏高阶〔radius〕There are three restaurants within a one-block radius of our apartment.我们公寓周边一个街区的范围内有三家餐馆。韦氏高阶〔remote〕Slabs of rock had slipped sideways in the remote past, and formed this hole.在久远的过去,岩石板滑落到周边,从而形成了这个洞。柯林斯高阶〔rent〕Rents near the college have risen.大学周边的租金已经上涨。韦氏高阶〔say〕The appearance of the place and the building says something about the importance of the project.从周边环境和这幢大楼的外观可以看出这个项目的举足轻重。柯林斯高阶〔shell〕Artillery and mortar shells were landing in the outskirts of the city.大炮和迫击炮弹落在城市周边地区。剑桥高阶〔shoreline〕The edge of a body of water.岸线地带:一片水域的周边美国传统〔skyscraper〕The skyscraper towered over the surrounding buildings.这座摩天大楼远远高出周边的建筑。牛津搭配〔sniff around〕A couple of plain-clothes men had been sniffing round his apartment.几名便衣男子一直在他的公寓周边打探。柯林斯高阶〔spate〕Police are investigating a spate of burglaries in the Kingsland Road area.警方正在调查最近在金斯兰德路周边地区接连发生的多起入室盗窃案。剑桥高阶〔spillover〕We are now witnessing a spillover of the war into neighbouring regions.我们现在亲眼看到战争影响到周边地区。剑桥高阶〔spill〕Unrest has spilt over into areas outside the city.骚乱已经波及城市的周边地区。牛津高阶〔sprocket wheel〕A wheel rimmed with toothlike projections, used to engage the links of a chain in a pulley or drive system.链轮:一种四周边缘为牙状凸物轮,用于连接滑轮中驱动系统的链条美国传统〔spy out the land〕We drove around the area where our new house is to spy out the land.我们驾车在新房子的周边地区转了一圈,了解一下环境。剑桥高阶〔subjugate〕The emperor's armies subjugated the surrounding lands.皇帝的军队征服了帝国周边的疆土。韦氏高阶〔surrounding〕The hotel is ideally located for visiting the city and the surrounding area.要想游览城市和周边地区,这家宾馆所在的地点很理想。麦克米伦高阶〔surround〕The small churchyard was surrounded by a rusted wrought-iron fence.不大的教堂墓地周边围着一圈生锈的熟铁栅栏。柯林斯高阶〔suspension〕US troops around Fallujah, who have been held in suspension waiting for the election result, now know that an assault is imminent.费卢杰周边地区的美军部队一直在按兵不动等待选举结果, 现在明白即将发起攻击。外研社新世纪〔take sth into account〕A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings.一位好的建筑师会考虑到建筑物的周边环境。剑桥高阶〔talent〕The team has recruited some of the best talent around.该队招募了一些周边最优秀的人才。韦氏高阶〔tighten〕The authorities tightened security around the embassy.当局加强了该使馆周边的安保工作。外研社新世纪〔whisper〕The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him, whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting.冷飕飕的风从他周边的灌木丛吹过, 沙沙声刚好盖过了吟唱声。外研社新世纪〔whisper〕The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him, whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting.冷飕飕的风吹动着他周边的矮树丛,沙沙声刚好盖过了吟唱的声音。柯林斯高阶Margaritas are usually served in glasses with salt round the rim.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒的酒杯周边常撒着一些盐。剑桥国际My aunt used to have a rust-coloured tablecloth with a fringe around it.我姨妈过去有一块周边有流苏的赭色台布。剑桥国际There has been a build-up of troops on both sides of the border in recent weeks.最近几周边境两侧都集结了大量部队。剑桥国际We need some packing (= protective material) to put round these plates.我们需要一些垫料包在这些盘子周边。剑桥国际




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