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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIGH〕I was amazed that he could sing such high notes. 我很惊奇他能唱出这么高的音。朗文写作活用〔Low Mass〕A Mass of simple ceremony that was recited rather than sung by the priest. No longer in official use.平时小弥撒:简单仪式的弥撒,是由牧师背诵而不是唱出来的。现在不再被正式使用美国传统〔Requiem〕The nightingale is singing a high requiem for him.夜莺正为他唱出挽歌。英汉大词典〔bawl〕She bawled her senseless ditties to the audience.她声嘶力竭对听众唱出她那无意义的小曲。21世纪英汉〔blast〕The tenor blasted out the high C's.男高音歌手唱出C高音。英汉大词典〔breathe (new) life into〕The singer managed to breathe life into some tired old songs.这位歌手把老土的歌唱出了新意。韦氏高阶〔drumbeater〕These drumbeaters sounded a different note.这些鼓吹者唱出不同的调子。英汉大词典〔low〕She finds it difficult to reach the low notes.她发现要唱出这些低音很难。麦克米伦高阶〔note〕Sing this note.把这个音唱出来。外研社新世纪〔redolent〕The album is a heartfelt cry, redolent of a time before radio and television.这张专辑唱出了人们的心声,将人们带回到没有收音机和电视的时代。剑桥高阶〔shrill〕The locust shrills his song of heat.蝉儿唱出炎热季节的欢歌。英汉大词典〔sing〕He almost seemed to sing his lines from the play.他几乎像是唱出剧中的台词。文馨英汉〔strain〕I really had to strain (= try very hard) to reach those top notes.我确实得铆足了劲儿才能唱出那些最高的音。剑桥高阶〔yodel〕A song or cry that is yodeled.真假嗓音变换唱出的歌或发出的叫喊声美国传统I really had to strain (= try very hard) to reach those top notes.我真的得用尽力气才能够唱出那些最高音符。剑桥国际In this piece, he has to sing the highest notes falsetto.在这一段中,他必须用假声唱出最高的音符。剑桥国际Sing (Br and Aus) up / (Am) out, we can't hear you.唱出声/大声,我们听不见你。剑桥国际The locust shrills his song of heat. 蝉儿唱出炎热季节的欢歌。译典通




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