

单词 唯一的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ADVANTAGE〕the only good feature of something 某事物唯一的好处朗文写作活用〔across〕the only bridge across the river 这条河上唯一的一座桥朗文当代〔chance〕our only chance of escape 我们唯一的逃脱机会朗文当代〔channel〕the only serious current affairs programme on either channel. 两个频道唯一的严肃时事节目柯林斯高阶〔contemptible〕the one contemptible action of sb.'s life 某人一生中唯一的可鄙行为英汉大词典〔exclusive〕your exclusive function. 你唯一的责任美国传统〔grasp〕as if that was the only word sb. grasped 似乎那是某人所听懂的唯一的单词英汉大词典〔inbuilt〕the only answering machine with inbuilt fax and printer. 唯一的一部具有传真、打印功能的电话应答机柯林斯高阶〔joy〕their only child, their pride and joy. 他们唯一的孩子是他们的骄傲和欢乐美国传统〔lone〕a lone survivor 唯一的幸存者剑桥高阶〔lone〕the lone doctor in the county.See Synonyms at single 县里唯一的一个医生 参见 single美国传统〔lone〕the lone survivor 唯一的生存者文馨英汉〔omnipotent〕the influence of Judaism and Christianity, with their insistence on a single, omnipotent God坚信唯一的全能上帝的犹太教和基督教的影响外研社新世纪〔only〕an only son [daughter] 唯一的儿子[女儿]文馨英汉〔only〕my only true friend 我唯一的忠实朋友韦氏高阶〔scale〕the only pair of scales in the shop 店里唯一的一台秤英汉大词典〔season〕the only region of Brazil where all four seasons are clearly defined巴西唯一的一个四季分明的地区外研社新世纪〔slather〕slathered gifts and attention on their only child. 过多地给予他们唯一的儿子礼物和关心美国传统〔sole〕the sole American in the room 房间里唯一的美国人朗文当代〔solitary〕a solitary evening; solitary pursuits such as reading and sewing. 唯一的夜晚;独自的追求如阅读及缝制美国传统〔solitary〕a solitary exception 唯一的例外英汉大词典〔survive〕the only surviving member of her family 她家里唯一的幸存者牛津搭配〔trouble〕the only trouble with sb/sth is that …某人/某物唯一的缺陷是…外研社新世纪




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