

单词 售货
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(from) under your nose〕She stole the shoes from under the assistant's nose.她在售货员的眼皮子底下把鞋偷走了。剑桥高阶〔ANYTHING/ANYBODY〕I had so many different jobs while I was a student: waiter, sales clerk, bartender -- you name it. 我在求学时期干过许多不同的工作:服务员、售货员、酒吧男招待等等,凡你说得出的,我都干过。朗文写作活用〔Automat〕A trademark used for automated restaurant services in which food is dispensed from vending machines.自动售货机:一种商标,用于自动售货饭馆服务,该饭馆的食品由自动售货机分送美国传统〔FRONT〕A man at the head of the line was arguing with the sales lady. 排在最前面的那个男人正跟女售货员吵架。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕I'm working weekends as a sales clerk. 我周末当售货员。朗文写作活用〔agreement〕They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。牛津高阶〔answer〕All sales clerks answer to the store manager.所有售货员都向商店经理负责。牛津高阶〔bargain〕I made a bargain with the salesman.我和售货员做了生意。牛津同义词〔bargain〕Something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer.廉价货:以对买者有利的价格出售货物美国传统〔barrow〕At the top of Randolph Avenue there was a barrow selling fruit and flowers.在伦道夫大街的起始处曾有辆卖水果和鲜花的流动售货车。外研社新世纪〔bate of〕The salesman won't bate a penny of it.售货员一分钱也不肯减少。21世纪英汉〔bill of goods〕A consignment of items for sale.已售货物的清单美国传统〔booth〕A small stall or stand for the display and sale of goods.货摊:一个陈列和出售商品的小摊或售货台美国传统〔busily〕The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.两位女售货员忙不迭地努力满足顾客的需求。外研社新世纪〔busily〕The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.那两名女售货员正忙着接待顾客。柯林斯高阶〔canned〕The salesperson kept using the same canned phrases.售货员不断重复着那些陈词滥调。韦氏高阶〔clerk〕Take your purchases to the clerk, and he will wrap them for you.把你买的东西交给售货员,他会帮你包好。剑桥高阶〔commissary〕A supermarket for military personnel and their dependents, usually located on a military installation.补给库;为军人服务的自动售货店:军人及其受赡养者的超级市场,通常位于军事设施美国传统〔compact〕The saleslady compacted a neat package out of all my wife's purchases.那位女售货员把我妻子所购买的全部东西齐齐整整扎成一包。英汉大词典〔complaint〕The sales assistants are trained to deal with customer complaints in a friendly manner.售货员都受过培训以友好的态度处理顾客的投诉。朗文当代〔conduce〕His affability conduces to success as a salesman.他的态度和蔼使他成为一个成功的售货员。21世纪英汉〔count ... out〕She counted out seven £5 notes and passed them to the salesclerk.她数出7张5英镑的钞票递给售货员。21世纪英汉〔counter〕The assistant behind the counter gave a curt nod.柜台后的售货员匆匆地点了下头。牛津搭配〔creamery〕An establishment where dairy products are prepared or sold.牛奶制品工厂;牛奶制品售货店:制作或出售牛奶制品的地方美国传统〔customer〕The two assistants carried on chatting, taking no notice of the customers.两名售货员继续聊天, 丝毫没有注意顾客。外研社新世纪〔demonstrate〕The salesperson plugged in and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner.售货员插上电源,示范真空吸尘器的操作美国传统〔denomination〕I need coins of the right denomination for the slot machine.我需要面额合适的硬币来使用自动售货机。牛津同义词〔dupe into〕The salesman duped her into buying a faulty computer.那个售货员骗她买下了一台有毛病的电脑。21世纪英汉〔embedded system〕Vending machines, turnstiles and meters will come with embedded systems that will communicate with big computers over the web. 自动售货机、检票口和汽车停放计时器都装有嵌入式系统,通过网络跟大型计算机交流。剑桥高阶〔fraud〕The salesman was a fraud.那售货员是个骗子。牛津同义词〔hello〕The salesperson greeted me with a warm hello.售货员热情地和我打招呼。柯林斯高阶〔income〕They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services.他们一部份的收入来自出售货品和各种服务所得。牛津高阶〔infuriated〕The sales clerk was being shouted at by an infuriated customer.一名愤怒的顾客冲着售货员大吼。韦氏高阶〔installment plan〕A credit system by which payment for merchandise is made in installments over a fixed period of time.分期付款销售货法:一种使货款在固定的一段时期内分期偿还的信用体系美国传统〔keep ... back〕The salesman always keeps the best items back for customers who often come to their store.那位售货员总是把最好的商品留给经常光顾他们商店的人。21世纪英汉〔kiosk〕I was getting cigarettes at the kiosk.我正在售货亭买烟。柯林斯高阶〔lay away〕She asked the salesgirl to lay away the rest of the knitting wool.她让女售货员将剩下的毛线留下。21世纪英汉〔machine〕You can get a cup of coffee out of the machine.你可以从那台自动售货机里买一杯咖啡。麦克米伦高阶〔make sth up〕He asked the man behind the counter to make up a box with a selection of chocolates.他请售货员选择了一系列巧克,放好在盒子里。剑桥高阶〔measure off〕The salesman measured off two metres of the wood.售货员量出了二米木材。21世纪英汉〔measurement〕The assistant took my measurements and showed me what was available in my size.售货员给我量了一下尺寸,然后拿来适合我尺寸的衣服。朗文当代〔newsstand〕An open booth or stand at which newspapers and periodicals are sold.报摊,报刊柜:对外出售报纸和期刊的摊点或售货台美国传统〔pull〕She dropped in a quarter and pulled the slot machine's lever.她投进25美分硬币后,扳下了自动售货机的控制杆。韦氏高阶〔raffle〕A lottery in which a number of persons buy chances to win a prize.抽奖售货法:一种抽彩给奖法,一些人购买彩券以获得奖品美国传统〔range〕The salesclerks ranged the goods in good order in the shop-windows.售货员将橱窗中的商品排列得很整齐。21世纪英汉〔read ... out〕The new salesgirl was read out of the shop.新来的女售货员从商店开除了。21世纪英汉〔rebukable〕The manager rebuked the salesgirl sharply for being rude to customers.经理严厉斥责女售货员的对顾客无礼。21世纪英汉〔refer ... to〕The salesman referred me to the manager.售货员让我去找经理。21世纪英汉〔reflect〕Your sales figures reflect well on your ability as a salesman.你的售货数字说明你作为销售员的才干出色。英汉大词典〔replace〕The salesgirl said she would replace the TV set if we were not satisfied.女售货员说如果我们对这台电视机不满意,她可以给换一台。21世纪英汉〔reproach〕The manager reproached the new salesgirl for her carelessness.经理斥责新来的女售货员工作上粗心大意。21世纪英汉〔rep〕Our rep will call on Monday.我们的推销员将在星期一来兜售货物。英汉大词典〔ring ... up〕The bill came to $60,but the salesgirl rang up $90 by mistake.账单为60美元,但女售货员在打现金收入记录机时误记为90美元。21世纪英汉〔ring〕The supermarket clerk rang up her purchases and told her she owed $54.超市售货员将她几笔所购记入收银机,告诉她一共应付54美元。英汉大词典〔row with〕The young salesgirl rowed fiercely with the manager yesterday morning.昨天上午这位年轻的女售货员与经理大吵大闹。21世纪英汉〔saleslady〕A saleswoman.女售货员美国传统〔salesman〕He was the company's best salesman last year.他是公司去年的最佳售货员。韦氏高阶〔salespeople〕Persons who are employed to sell merchandise in a store or in a designated territory.售货员:在商店或指定地区卖东西的人的总称美国传统〔salesperson〕A salesman or a saleswoman.售货员:一个男售货员或女售货员美国传统〔saleswoman〕A woman who is employed to sell merchandise in a store or in a designated territory.女售货员:受雇在一个商店或指定地区销售货物的女子美国传统〔sale〕Activities involved in selling goods or services.销售活动:销售货物或服务的活动美国传统〔slot machine〕A vending or gambling machine operated by the insertion of coins into a slot.自动贩卖机,吃角子老虎:通过将硬币塞入投币口来操作的自动售货机或赌博机美国传统〔slug〕A small metal disk for use in a vending or gambling machine, especially one used illegally.假硬币:自动售货机或赌博机上用的一种小金属盘,尤指非法使用的那种美国传统〔telemarketing〕Use of the telephone in marketing goods or services.电话销售:使用电话销售货物或销售服务美国传统〔tempt〕The saleswoman tried to tempt us into buying a more expensive model.女售货员使劲怂恿我们买更贵的一款。韦氏高阶〔than〕He was no more than a shop assistant.他不过是名售货员。英汉大词典〔tick off〕She was ticked off by the rude salesclerk.她被那个粗鲁的售货员惹恼了。韦氏高阶〔to〕These people go from house to house selling goods (=visit many different houses) .这些人挨家挨户兜售货物。朗文当代〔undercharge〕The shop assistant has undercharged us.售货员向我们要价很低。21世纪英汉〔unhelpful〕The shop assistant was rude and unhelpful.那个售货员态度很差,不愿帮忙。剑桥高阶〔unionization〕It is hard to unionize shop assistants.使商店售货员组织工会是很困难的。21世纪英汉〔unkindly〕The salesgirl took the remark unkindly.女售货员听了这句话很不服气。英汉大词典〔vender〕A vending machine.投币或自动售货机美国传统〔vending machine〕A coin-operated machine that dispenses merchandise.投币式自动售货机:分发货物的一种投入硬币后自动操作的机器美国传统〔vending machine〕The vending machine in the office dispenses really tasteless coffee.办公楼里的投币式自动售货机售出的咖啡真是一点儿味道都没有。剑桥高阶〔vending〕He had his street vending licence taken away.他在街上售货的执照被没收了。剑桥高阶〔vend〕To engage in selling.出售货物,从事贩卖美国传统〔vend〕To sell by means of a vending machine.贩卖:用售货机出售美国传统A throng of children was/were surrounding the ice-cream van.一群儿童围着冰淇淋售货车。剑桥国际He asked the man behind the counter to make up a box with a mixed selection of chocolates.他要售货员准备一盒不同类型的巧克力。剑桥国际He bought a packet of rubber johnnies from a slot machine in the pub.他从小酒店的自动售货机里买了一盒橡胶避孕套。剑桥国际He got a job as a door-to-door salesman with a double-glazing company.他找到了为一家双层玻璃公司上门兜售货物的工作。剑桥国际He resells the goods at a profit.他转售货物盈利。牛津商务I got a magazine and some cigarettes from a kiosk on the station platform.我在火车站月台的售货亭里买了一份杂志和一些香烟。剑桥国际I put 50p in the machine, but I didn't get anything out of it (drinks/vending machine) 我往自动售货机里投了50便士,但什么也没拿到。剑桥国际Our vending service operates over 50 machines around the campus.我们的销售服务部门在校园经营 50 多台售货机。牛津商务She flashed her credit cards and the salesperson suddenly became very helpful.她闪了闪信用卡,售货员忽然变得十分热情。剑桥国际The TV programme merely confirmed all my prejudices about salespeople.这个电视节目只是坚定了我对售货员的成见。剑桥国际The farmers are forming a combination to market their goods at fair prices. 农场主结成联盟,以便用合理的价格销售货物。译典通The more powerful companies usually get most retail shelf space.实力较强大的公司往往获得大部份零售货架空间。牛津商务The new salesgirl is accurate at figures. 新来的女售货员计算正确无误。译典通The sales assistant made a mistake and undercharged me by £2.售货员出错了, 少收了我两镑钱。剑桥国际The sales manager gave the salesmen a rousing pep talk before the sale. 减价开始之前,业务经理向售货员讲话,激励士气。译典通The salesman hurried the customer to make a choice. 售货员催促顾客作出选择。译典通The shop assistant helped Mary put the fruit into a plastic shopping bag. 售货员帮玛丽把水果装入一个塑胶购物袋里。译典通The shop assistant said that he needed to get his supervisor (= the person who was in charge of him) to authorize my refund.商店的售货员说他必须让主管人批准我的退款。剑桥国际The supermarket withdrew thousands of chocolate bars from their shelves after an anonymous caller claimed to have laced them with a deadly poison.在一个匿名电话声称在巧克力糖里放了致命的毒药后,超市将数千块巧克力从售货架上撤了下来。剑桥国际The vendor is out of order again. 这台自动售货机又坏了。译典通They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services.他们一部分的收入来自出售货物和各种服务。牛津商务They sold the goods at a loss. 他们亏本出售货物。译典通




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