

单词 anatomy
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔anatomy〕a college-level course in anatomy and physiology 大学解剖生理学课程牛津搭配〔anatomy〕a professor of anatomy 解剖学教授朗文当代〔anatomy〕a professor of anatomy 解剖学教授韦氏高阶〔anatomy〕an anatomy of how a city becomes so cankered 对一座城市何以腐败至此的原因所作的分析英汉大词典〔anatomy〕an anatomy of the current recession 对当前衰退的剖析牛津高阶〔anatomy〕an essay on the anatomy of Communism 一篇剖析共产主义的文章麦克米伦高阶〔anatomy〕head of the university's anatomy department大学解剖学系的主任外研社新世纪〔anatomy〕human anatomy 人体解剖牛津高阶〔anatomy〕human anatomy 人体解剖学英汉大词典〔anatomy〕human anatomy and physiology 人体解剖生理学韦氏高阶〔anatomy〕learning about the anatomy of an earthquake 研究地震的成因韦氏高阶〔anatomy〕the anatomy of a crime.对罪行的分析美国传统〔anatomy〕the anatomy of a leaf 叶子的结构剑桥高阶〔anatomy〕the anatomy of birds 鸟的身体构造韦氏高阶〔anatomy〕the anatomy of the horse 马的身体构造牛津高阶〔anatomy〕the anatomy of the nervous system 神经系统的解剖构造朗文当代〔anatomy〕the female anatomy 女性人体解剖构造剑桥高阶〔anatomy〕the peculiar anatomy of a duckbill 鸭嘴兽的独特结构英汉大词典〔atomy〕respelling of anatomy anatomy的重新拼写美国传统〔comparative〕comparative anatomy 比较解剖学英汉大词典〔descriptive〕descriptive anatomy 系统解剖学英汉大词典〔examination〕an examination on human anatomy 人体解剖学考试牛津搭配〔pathological〕pathological anatomy 病理解剖英汉大词典〔phalanx〕pl. phalanges Anatomy A bone of a finger or toe. Also called phalange 【复数】 phalanges 【解剖学】 指骨,趾骨 也作 phalange美国传统〔physiology〕the department of anatomy and physiology 解剖生理学系牛津高阶〔rotator〕pl. ro.ta.tor.es[rō'tə-tôrʹēz, -tōr-] Anatomy A muscle that serves to rotate a part of the body.【复数】 ro.ta.tor.es[rō'tə-tôrʹēz, -tōr-] 【解剖学】 回旋肌:使身体某个部位转动的肌肉美国传统




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