

单词 在求学
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANYTHING/ANYBODY〕I had so many different jobs while I was a student: waiter, sales clerk, bartender -- you name it. 我在求学时期干过许多不同的工作:服务员、售货员、酒吧男招待等等,凡你说得出的,我都干过。朗文写作活用〔DEVELOP〕We need to help young people develop a sense of responsibility while they're still at school. 我们要在年轻人还在求学的时候就培养他们的责任感。朗文写作活用〔instinct〕Even at school, he showed he had an instinct for(= was naturally good at)business.他早在求学时期就表现出经商的天赋。牛津高阶〔passion〕At school, his early interest in music developed into an abiding passion.他早年对音乐萌发的兴趣在求学时期发展成了一种始终不渝的热爱。剑桥高阶〔problem〕Most students face the problem of funding themselves while they are studying.大多数学生在求学期间都会面临经济来源的问题。牛津高阶〔razz〕Konrad was getting the razz in school about being German.康拉德在求学时因自己是个德国人而不断受到嘲弄。英汉大词典




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