

单词 在比赛中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROBABLY〕I think Bart's design stands a really good chance of winning the competition. 我认为巴特的设计很有可能在比赛中获胜。朗文写作活用〔account〕The team gave a good account of themselves in the match.这个队在比赛中表现出色。牛津高阶〔archrival〕She lost the race to her archrival.她在比赛中输给了主要竞争对手。外研社新世纪〔artistry〕John McEnroe beat Jimmy Connors with the most complete display of artistry the game had ever seen.约翰·麦肯罗将球技发挥得淋漓尽致,从而击败了吉米·康纳斯,这在比赛中前所未见。柯林斯高阶〔better〕England had the better of the game, but they lacked the fighting spirit that would have secured them victory.英格兰队在比赛中占据优势,但他们缺少确保他们取得胜利的斗志。麦克米伦高阶〔calm〕The coach was able to keep his calm during the game.教练能在比赛中保持平和的心态。韦氏高阶〔chalk up〕We need someone to chalk up the scores during the match.我们需要有人在比赛中用粉笔记分数。外研社新世纪〔clean〕They kept a clean sheet in the match(= no goals were scored against them).他们在比赛中保持了未失一分的纪录。牛津高阶〔closer〕Baseball A relief pitcher called upon to protect a lead late in a game.【棒球】 后援投手:在比赛中被要求上场来保护领先的地位美国传统〔concede〕Reiner, 56, has all but conceded the race to his rival.56岁的赖纳在比赛中几乎已经向对手认输了。外研社新世纪〔concede〕Reiner, 56, has all but conceded the race to his rival.56岁的赖纳在比赛中几乎已经向对手认输了。柯林斯高阶〔consistency〕The team must find consistency in its game.球队必须在比赛中发挥出稳定状态。牛津搭配〔dead heat〕A race in which two or more contestants compete evenly or finish at the same time.同时到达终点:在比赛中,两个或多个竞争者同时获胜或同时完成美国传统〔dead heat〕The race ended in a dead heat between two horses.两匹马在比赛中同时到达终点。外研社新世纪〔defend〕Bournemouth defended well throughout the game.伯恩茅斯队在比赛中自始至终防守得很出色。朗文当代〔dominate〕She dominated the match.她在比赛中占绝对优势。韦氏高阶〔dwindle〕Her hopes of success in the race dwindled last night as the weather became worse.随着昨晚天气的恶化,她在比赛中获胜的希望减小了。剑桥高阶〔eliminate〕To remove from consideration by defeating, as in a contest.淘汰:通过击败对方而不予考虑,例如在比赛中美国传统〔execution〕The quarterback's execution of the play was perfect.四分卫在比赛中表现得好极了。韦氏高阶〔exult over〕It's unkind to exult over a person one has beaten in a race.在被自己在比赛中击败的对手面前欢跃是不好的。21世纪英汉〔fifth〕She finished fifth in the race.她在比赛中获得第五名。韦氏高阶〔fight〕The team put up a good fight (= they played well) but were finally beaten.这个队在比赛中表现很好,但最终还是输了。牛津搭配〔first〕Tom came first in the race.汤姆在比赛中获得第一。剑桥高阶〔fixing〕Seven jockeys were arrested and charged with race fixing.七名赛马骑师被捕并被指控在比赛中作弊。剑桥高阶〔fourteenth〕I finished fourteenth in the race.我在比赛中排第十四名。韦氏高阶〔fourth〕Daniel was/came fourth in the race.丹尼尔在比赛中获得了第4名。剑桥高阶〔fourth〕She finished fourth in the race.她在比赛中获得第四名。韦氏高阶〔goal〕Paul scored three goals in the game.保罗在比赛中射入3球。麦克米伦高阶〔hard〕The Chinese team have worked very hard to get this far in the competition.中国队努力拼搏,才在比赛中取得这样的成绩。麦克米伦高阶〔herald〕An official who formerly made proclamations and conveyed challenges at a tournament.传令员:从前在比赛中发布公告并传达挑战的官员美国传统〔hip〕Oakes suffered a hip injury during the match.奥克斯在比赛中髋部受伤。外研社新世纪〔hitter〕Davis is expected to see action primarily as a designated hitter (= a player who regularly hits instead of another player, usually instead of the pitcher, each time it is the other player's turn to hit).戴维斯在比赛中主要担任指定击球手(即每次轮到其他选手击球时,他代为击球)。剑桥高阶〔juke〕To deceive or outmaneuver (a defending opponent) by a feint; fake.做…的假动作:做佯攻动作蒙蔽或智胜(对方防守球员);(在比赛中)做假动作美国传统〔kink〕Pete still needs to iron out a few kinks in his game.皮特在比赛中有几个毛病仍需改正。剑桥高阶〔land〕He landed four goals in the game.他在比赛中射进4个球。英汉大词典〔lane〕Sports One of a set of parallel courses marking the bounds for contestants in a race, especially in swimming or track.【体育运动】 跑道:在比赛中表明竞赛者界线的一组平行路线,尤其是游泳或田径运动中美国传统〔lapse〕I had a lapse of concentration in the middle of the race.我在比赛中途走神了。外研社新世纪〔last〕My horse was/finished last in the race.我的马在比赛中得了最后一名。韦氏高阶〔loose〕I tried to stay loose during the game, but I was too nervous.在比赛中我尽力保持冷静,但还是太紧张了。韦氏高阶〔midway〕He crashed midway through the race.他在比赛中途撞车了。外研社新世纪〔neck and neck〕Nip and tuck, as in a race.并驾齐驱:在比赛中不相上下的美国传统〔ninth〕He came ninth in the race.他在比赛中跑了第九名。外研社新世纪〔ninth〕He finished ninth in the race.他在比赛中得了第九名。韦氏高阶〔one-up〕To keep one step ahead of (a competitor or an opponent, for example).胜…一筹:领先一步(例如在比赛中或对抗赛中)美国传统〔open up〕The team won after opening up a 20-point lead in the game.这个队在比赛中以20分的优势获胜。韦氏高阶〔orienteering〕A cross-country race in which competitors use a map and compass to find their way through unfamiliar territory.越野识途比赛:一种参赛人在比赛中运用地图和罗盘在不熟悉的地区找到前进道路的越野比赛美国传统〔pair up〕In the contest he was paired up with an opponent about his equal.在比赛中他被安排跟一个与他势均力敌的人对垒。21世纪英汉〔pair〕In the contest he was paired up with an opponent about his equal.在比赛中,他被安排跟一个与他实力不相上下的人对阵。英汉大词典〔parody〕One of the papers is running a competition in which you have to parody a well-known author.有一家报纸正在举行一场竞赛,在比赛中你得滑稽地模仿一位著名作家的风格写些东西。剑桥高阶〔partner〕Bob partnered his father well at the tournament.在比赛中鲍勃与他父亲结为很好的一对。21世纪英汉〔peak〕We saw a victory by an athlete at the very peak of her fitness and career.我们见证过一位运动员在她的体能和运动生涯的顶峰时期在比赛中取得胜利。剑桥高阶〔performer〕The British boat was the star performer in the race.英国赛船在比赛中是佼佼者。剑桥高阶〔physical〕No physical contact with other players is allowed in the game.参赛选手们在比赛中不能发生身体接触。韦氏高阶〔physical〕We decided that in the game we would be physical and aggressive.我们拿定主意, 要在比赛中积极拼抢并主动进攻。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕He pitched a good game.他在比赛中球投得好。文馨英汉〔place〕To arrive among the first three finishers in a race, especially to finish second.在比赛中取得前三名之一,尤指第二名美国传统〔plus〕He plused two more points in the game.他在比赛中又得两分。英汉大词典〔pull〕The horse pulled away and took the lead in the race.这匹马向前冲并在比赛中取得领先美国传统〔pull〕To rein in (a horse) to keep it from winning a race.勒制马匹:拉马缰绳使(马)在比赛中无法获胜美国传统〔satisfying〕It is highly satisfying for him to beat a formidable rival in the match.他在比赛中击败一名强大对手,大为得意。英汉大词典〔score〕His abiding passion was ocean racing, at which he scored many successes.他一直酷爱海上赛艇,并多次在比赛中获胜。柯林斯高阶〔score〕John scored five for that play.约翰在比赛中的那一击一举得了5分。英汉大词典〔server〕Sports The player who serves, as in court games.【体育运动】 发球的队员:在比赛中发球的队员,如在场地游戏中美国传统〔shot〕A stroke in a game, as in golf or billiards.击球:在比赛中,比如高尔夫球或台球比赛中的一击美国传统〔show〕The team put on a good show in the competition.这支队伍在比赛中有上佳表现。牛津高阶〔sink〕Informal To defeat, as in a game.【非正式用语】 击败:击败,例如在比赛中美国传统〔sixth〕I finished in sixth place in the competition.我在比赛中获得了第六名。韦氏高阶〔snare〕They snared first place in the contest.他们在比赛中幸运夺冠。韦氏高阶〔some〕Some lucky person will win more than $1,000,000 in the competition.某个幸运者将在比赛中赢得100多万美元的奖金。剑桥高阶〔soundly〕He played soundly.他在比赛中表现还不错。牛津高阶〔start〕Despite his late start, he managed to take the lead in the race.尽管他起跑晚了,他还是设法在比赛中领先了。韦氏高阶〔step〕She's one step ahead of the game.她在比赛中稍胜一筹。外研社新世纪〔strand〕The team stranded 10 runners during the game.这个队在比赛中使10名跑垒员残留垒上。韦氏高阶〔suffer〕She suffered an injury during the game.她在比赛中受伤了。韦氏高阶〔tell〕His weight is bound to tell against him in a game.在比赛中他的体重必然对他不利。英汉大词典〔test〕Neither player was seriously tested in the contest.两名选手在比赛中都没有受到严峻考验。牛津搭配〔tie〕The two players were tied for the first place in the game.两位选手在比赛中并列第一。21世纪英汉〔twelfth〕Our son finished twelfth in the race.我们的儿子在比赛中获得了第十二名。韦氏高阶〔unbelievable〕Williams played an unbelievable match(=she played very well).威廉姆斯在比赛中打得棒极了。麦克米伦高阶〔up〕He was up four times in the game.他在比赛中4次上场击球。英汉大词典〔victorious〕The club emerged victorious from the match.这个俱乐部在比赛中脱颖而出获得了胜利。麦克米伦高阶〔weight〕Sports To assign to (a horse) the weight it must carry as a handicap in a race.【体育运动】 指定负重量:指定(马)在比赛中必须负载的作为障碍的重量美国传统〔whiff〕The pitcher had eight whiffs during the game.那名投手在比赛中使对方八次三击不中出局。韦氏高阶〔win〕To achieve victory or finish first in a competition.赢,获胜:在比赛中获胜或第一个到达终点美国传统At the halfway stage, they're up with the clock(= have not used more time than they should).在比赛中途阶段,他们没有超出时间。剑桥国际He got hurt during the game. The coach asked him to step down, but he haughtily shook his head. 虽然他在比赛中受了伤,但当教练叫他下场时,他高傲地摇头。译典通Her hopes of success in the race dwindled last night as the weather became worse.昨晚天气变得更糟了,她在比赛中成功的希望也变得渺茫。剑桥国际His poem won the first prize in the contest. 他的诗作在比赛中获得第一名。译典通If an athlete makes a false start in a race, the race must be restarted.如果一个运动员在比赛中抢跑,比赛就得重新开始。剑桥国际Our chances of winning the competition have virtually disappeared.我们在比赛中取胜的机会实际上已经没有了。剑桥国际The Americans have so far won four track gold medals in the competition.到目前为止美国已经在比赛中赢得了4枚径赛金牌。剑桥国际The British boat was the star performer in the race.英国船在比赛中是佼佼者。剑桥国际The boy fell behind his compeers in the race. 在比赛中,这小男孩落到了他同伴的后面。译典通The couple skated/danced spectacularly throughout the competition.这一对在比赛中引人入胜地溜着冰/跳着舞。剑桥国际The football players started slanging each other in the middle of the game.在比赛中足球运动员开始互相谩骂。剑桥国际The team is/is lying ninetieth in the competition so far.到目前为止,该队在比赛中排名第九十。剑桥国际The team knew that they were capable of ousting the cupholders from the competition.这支球队知道他们能够在比赛中击败奖杯卫冕者。剑桥国际There are various points to look out for when you're judging dogs in a competition.在比赛中对狗作出判断时,要注意各方面的特点。剑桥国际They won the game hands down. 他们在比赛中轻而易举地获胜。译典通This team stands no chance of winning the match. 这个队不可能在比赛中获胜。译典通




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