

单词 在此
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PLACE〕in another place, not here 在别的地方,不在此地朗文写作活用〔Supreme Court〕supreme court The highest court in most states within the United States. Also called In this sense, also called high court supreme court 最高法院:美国国内大多数州的最高法院 也作 在此意义上也可称作 high court美国传统〔antenna〕pl. an.ten.nas A metallic apparatus for sending or receiving electromagnetic waves. Also called In this sense, also called aerial 【复数】 an.ten.nas 天线:用于放射或接收电磁波的金属仪器 也作 在此意义上也可称作 aerial美国传统〔bifurcate〕to bifurcate your computer program at this point把你的电脑程序在此点分成两部分21世纪英汉〔bulwark〕bastion is a projecting section of a fortification from which defenders have a wide range of view and fire. Bastion 指防御工事上突出的部分,在此防御者可以有一个开阔的观察和射击范围。美国传统〔demimonde〕the literary demimonde of ghost writers, hacks, and publicists. Also called In this sense, also called demiworld 由代人写作的人、雇佣文人或出版者组成的名声不好的文人阶层 也作 在此意义上也可称作 demiworld美国传统〔domination〕dominations Theology The fourth of the nine orders of angels. Also called In this sense, also called dominions dominations 【神学】 九等天使中的第四等 也作 在此意义上也可称作 dominions美国传统〔dustcart〕the tip where the dustcart would have dumped its load垃圾车本应在此倾倒垃圾的垃圾场外研社新世纪〔forefront〕in the forefront of the liberation movement. Also called In this sense, also called foreground 在解放运动的最前锋 也作 在此意义上也可称作 foreground美国传统〔glasswork〕glassworks (used with a sing. verb)An establishment where glass is manufactured. Also called In this sense, also called glasshouse glassworks (与单数动词连用)玻璃制作厂 也作 在此意义上也可称作 glasshouse美国传统〔hemorrhoid〕hemorrhoids The pathological condition in which such painful masses occur. Also called In this sense, also called piles hemorrhoids 痔疾:这些令人疼痛的病块出现的病理状态 也作 在此意义上也可称作 piles美国传统〔here〕near here 在此附近文馨英汉〔interim〕in the interim 在此期间文馨英汉〔pinch〕at the very pinch of death 在此生死关头英汉大词典〔plight your troth〕the garden where the lovers plighted their troth 恋人们在此许婚的花园韦氏高阶〔prevalent〕a custom that was once prevalent here 曾在此地盛行的风俗韦氏高阶〔principality〕principalities Theology The seventh of the nine orders of angels. Also called In this sense, also called princedoms principalities 【神学】 权天使:九级天使中的第七级 也作 在此意义上也可称作 princedoms美国传统〔publication〕two years after the publication of the book 在此书出版两年后英汉大词典〔rewrite〕the extraordinary West Country team that have rewritten all the record books in those three years. 在此3年间刷新了所有纪录的超级西南球队柯林斯高阶〔subject〕the president's own views on the subject. 总统在此问题上的个人观点柯林斯高阶〔unstuck〕a dangerous area of rock where many climbers come unstuck 许多攀登者在此落马的危险岩石地带朗文当代〔woman〕a woman teacher [pl. women teachers] 女教师(在此类用法中,比lady受欢迎; female现已比较少用)文馨英汉




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