

单词 密信
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ptolemaist〕An adherent of or a believer in the Ptolemaic system.托勒密信徒:托勒密系统的拥护者或信仰者美国传统〔classified〕He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information.他获得了安全许可,可以接触机密信息。柯林斯高阶〔classified〕The part of the report that includes classified information was removed before the report was made public.报告中的涉密信息在公布之前已被删除。韦氏高阶〔clearance〕He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information.他持有安全许可, 可以接触机密信息。外研社新世纪〔clearance〕He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information.他持有安全许可,可以接触机密信息。柯林斯高阶〔clearance〕She has a security clearance that allows her to see the classified information.她有接触机密的官方许可,可以看这些机密信息。韦氏高阶〔clear〕The head of the agency has cleared her to see classified information.部门负责人已准许她查阅机密信息。韦氏高阶〔code〕The general sent a coded message.将军发了一条加密信息。韦氏高阶〔come under〕These matters come under the heading of classified information.这些问题属于机密信息。韦氏高阶〔confidential〕Containing secret information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a threat to national security.机密的:包含机密信息的,未经授权泄露可能会危及到国家的安全的美国传统〔consent〕The information should generally be considered private unless there is explicit consent to disclose it.该信息一般应被视为私密信息,除非得到明确同意可以披露。牛津搭配〔espionage〕The act or practice of spying or of using spies to obtain secret information, as about another government or a business competitor.间谍行为:密探或使用间谍去得到一个政府或商业竞争者的秘密信息美国传统〔graymail〕A defensive tactic in an espionage trial whereby the accused threatens to reveal secret information unless the charges are dropped.灰函:在间谍案审判中的一种保护性策略,除非指控被撤消,否则揭露秘密信息的威胁美国传统〔hacker〕One who illegally gains access to or enters another's electronic system to obtain secret information or steal money.黑客:用非法手段接近或进入别人的电子系统去获取秘密信息或偷钱美国传统〔identity theft〕Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.要保护自己个人身份信息免遭盗用,就要把所有的个人与财务文档视为绝密信息。柯林斯高阶〔identity theft〕Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.要防止自己的身份被盗, 关键在于把自己的私人及财务文件看成绝密信息。外研社新世纪〔information〕I don't like having to reveal personal/private information when I fill in a job application.填工作申请表的时候,我不喜欢被迫透露个人/私密信息。韦氏高阶〔pass〕From time to time he passed on confidential information to him.他时不时告诉他一些机密信息。柯林斯高阶〔privileged〕The data is privileged information, not to be shared with the general public.这些数据是特许保密信息, 不对公众公开。外研社新世纪〔prohibition〕Companies are under strict prohibitions about divulging confidential information.严格禁止各公司泄露机密信息。牛津搭配〔proprietary〕The journalist tried to get access to proprietary information.记者试图获取私密信息。韦氏高阶〔relate to〕He revealed certain classified information relating to terrorism.他透露了一些与恐怖主义相关的机密信息。外研社新世纪〔security clearance〕He has full security clearance and access to classified information.他已通过了全部的忠诚审查, 可以接触机密信息。外研社新世纪〔spy〕An agent employed by a state to obtain secret information, especially of a military nature, concerning its potential or actual enemies.间谍:受雇于一个国家的间谍,专门搜集关于潜在或实际敌人的情况的秘密信息,特别是军事情况美国传统〔spy〕One employed by a company to obtain confidential information about its competitors.密探:受雇于公司获取竞争对手秘密信息的人美国传统〔unprecedented〕The government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence.政府迈出史无前例的一步,公开了机密信件。麦克米伦高阶Secret letters were quilted in his belt. 密信缝入他的腰带。译典通




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