

单词 寄生
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔asexually〕asexual parasites. 无性器官的寄生虫柯林斯高阶〔asexual〕asexual parasites无性寄生虫外研社新世纪〔barnacle〕a barnacle friend 寄生性很强的友人英汉大词典〔biology〕the biology of the honeybee (parasitic worms) 蜜蜂(寄生虫)的生活规律和现象英汉大词典〔bot〕bots (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A disease of mammals, especially cattle and horses, caused by infestation of the stomach or intestines with botfly larvae. bots (与单数或复数动词连用)蝇蛆病:由马蝇幼虫寄生于胃肠中而引起的哺乳动物,尤其是牛和马的一种疾病美国传统〔bot〕bots (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A disease of mammals, especially cattle and horses, caused by infestation of the stomach or intestines with botfly larvae. bots (与单数或复数动词连用)马胃肠蝇蛆,牛胃肠蝇蛆:哺乳动物(尤指牛或马)的疾病,由寄生于胃肠的马蝇卵所引起美国传统〔freeloader〕a lazy freeloader 懒惰的寄生虫韦氏高阶〔host〕a host plant 主木,寄主植物(对寄生木而言)文馨英汉〔intestinal〕intestinal worms 肠内寄生虫英汉大词典〔leech〕a celebrity who is surrounded by leeches who only want his money 被众多图谋他的钱财的寄生虫所包围的名人韦氏高阶〔malarial〕malarial parasites. 疟疾寄生虫柯林斯高阶〔menagerie〕a wonderful menagerie of royal hangers-on 无奇不有的一群过寄生生活的皇亲国戚英汉大词典〔microscopic〕a microscopic parasite 只有在显微镜下才看得见的寄生物英汉大词典〔mite〕an itching skin disorder caused by parasitic mites. 寄生螨虫引起的皮肤瘙痒柯林斯高阶〔mite〕an itching skin disorder caused by parasitic mites寄生螨引起的皮肤瘙痒外研社新世纪〔parasite〕a parasite on society 社会的寄生虫英汉大词典〔parasite〕the most common intestinal parasite found in humans 在人类身上发现的最常见的肠道寄生虫牛津搭配〔parasite〕the parasite that causes malaria 引发疟疾的寄生虫牛津搭配〔parasitic〕a parasitic disease 寄生性疾病剑桥高阶〔parasitic〕a parasitic disease 寄生性病害英汉大词典〔parasitic〕a parasitic disease/infection 寄生物诱发的疾病╱感染牛津高阶〔parasitic〕a parasitic disease/infection 寄生虫病/感染韦氏高阶〔parasitic〕a parasitic plant 寄生植物英汉大词典〔parasitic〕be parasitic upon the labour of the masses 依靠大众的劳动过寄生生活英汉大词典〔parasitic〕her lazy, parasitic brother 她那懒得像寄生虫的哥哥韦氏高阶〔parasitic〕parasitic fungi 寄生真菌朗文当代〔parasitic〕parasitic insects 寄生的昆虫文馨英汉〔parasitic〕parasitic insects 寄生虫剑桥高阶〔parasitic〕parasitic plants/mites/worms 寄生植物/螨/蠕虫韦氏高阶〔piggyback on〕layabouts who piggyback on the toil of others寄生在辛勤劳动者身上的无业懒汉外研社新世纪〔plague〕parasites that plague deer 折磨鹿的寄生虫韦氏高阶〔sanguicolous〕a sanguicolous parasite. 血寄生的寄生虫美国传统〔subcutaneous〕a subcutaneous parasite 皮下寄生物英汉大词典〔tribe〕the whole tribe of parasites 整批寄生虫英汉大词典〔trichinous〕trichinous pork. 旋毛虫寄生的猪肉美国传统〔verminous〕an old verminous blanket 满是寄生虫的旧毯子剑桥高阶〔work-shy〕a work-shy parasite 怕干活的寄生虫英汉大词典〔worm〕a dog with worms 一条患有寄生虫病的狗英汉大词典〔worm〕a parasitic worm 寄生虫剑桥高阶〔worm〕worms Pathology Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites; helminthiasis. worms 【病理学】 寄生虫病:蠕虫或像蠕虫的寄生虫对于大小肠或身体其他部分的侵害;肠虫病美国传统




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