

单词 各点
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔composition〕This should be taken in composition with other points.这点应和其他各点一并考虑。英汉大词典〔contour line〕A line on a map that joins points of equal elevation.等高线:地图上将海拔相等的各点连接起来的线条美国传统〔correspond〕The numbers correspond to points on the map.这些数字与地图上的各点相对应。朗文当代〔corymb〕A usually flat-topped flower cluster in which the individual flower stalks grow upward from various points of the main stem to approximately the same height.伞房花序:一种通常平顶的花序,指从主茎各点上长出的单个花柄都达到几乎相同的高度美国传统〔equidistant〕All points on a circle are equidistant from the centre.圆周上各点离圆心的距离相等。牛津高阶〔equidistant〕Points on a circle are equidistant from its center.圆周上的各点到圆心的距离相等。韦氏高阶〔equidistant〕Points on a circle are equidistant from its centre.圆周上各点与圆心等距。英汉大词典〔equipotential〕Physics Having the same electric potential at every point.【物理学】 等势:在各点的电势都相同美国传统〔homeomorphism〕Mathematics A one-to-one correspondence between the points of two geometric figures that is continuous in both directions.【数学】 同态:向两边延伸的两个几何图形在各点上的一一对应美国传统〔isodynamic〕Connecting points of equal magnetic intensity.等磁力的:联结磁力强度相等各点的美国传统〔isogonic line〕A line on a map connecting points of equal magnetic declination.等磁偏线:地图上连结具有相同磁偏角各点的一条联线美国传统〔isohel〕A line drawn on a map connecting points that receive equal amounts of sunlight.等日照线:地图上连结接受相同数量日照的各点的一条联线美国传统〔isohyet〕A line drawn on a map connecting points that receive equal amounts of rainfall.等雨量线:地图上所画的一条连结接受相同数量降水的各点的联线美国传统〔isomagnetic〕Of, relating to, or being lines connecting points of equal magnetic force.等磁力的:属于或与等磁力有关的,或为结等磁力各点联线的美国传统〔isometric〕A line connecting isometric points.等距线:连结等距各点的线美国传统〔isotherm〕A line drawn on a weather map or chart linking all points of equal or constant temperature.恒温线;等温线:气象地图或图表上所画的一条连结同温或恒温各点的线美国传统〔occlude〕To close so that the cusps fit together. Used of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws.上下齿咬合:关闭以使各点能咬合。用于上下腭的牙齿美国传统〔omit〕Minor points may be omitted.次要各点可以删去。英汉大词典〔separate〕Make a list of points and separate them into ‘desirable’ and ‘essential’.列出各点,把它们分成“渴望拥有的”和“绝对必要的”两类。牛津高阶〔spot〕Lookouts were spotted all along the coast.瞭望哨被部署在沿海各点。英汉大词典〔stand〕Four points stand out as being more important than the rest.有四点比其余各点更为重要。牛津高阶




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