

单词 各派
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IN/INSIDE〕Different factions within the party are fighting for overall control. 党内各派正在争夺全面控制权。朗文写作活用〔against〕The Pope has sent a message appealing for unity in his homeland, against a background of divisions in the Solidarity movement.团结运动中各派搞分裂,在此情况下教皇发出号召,呼吁祖国保持团结。柯林斯高阶〔augur〕Conflicts among the various groups do not augur well for the future of the peace talks.各派之间的冲突对和平谈判不是一个好兆头。牛津高阶〔collage〕Rego's work is a rich collage of 20th-century painting styles.雷戈的作品是20世纪各派绘画风格的混搭。外研社新世纪〔conference〕Ministers from all four countries involved will meet at the conference table this week.有关四国将各派部长于本周开会协商。牛津高阶〔disparate〕Scientists are trying to pull together disparate ideas in astronomy.科学家们正试图将天文学中的各派观点整合在一起。柯林斯高阶〔divide〕The leader's speech aimed to close the embarrassing divide in party ranks.领导人的讲话旨在缩小党内各派令人尴尬的分歧。牛津搭配〔ecumenical〕He was deeply involved in the ecumenical movement.他积极参与了促进基督教各派大联合的运动。柯林斯高阶〔ecumenism〕A movement promoting unity among Christian churches or denominations.普世教会运动:促进基督教会或各派别大联合的运动美国传统〔faction〕The warring factions are nearing agreement on a peace plan.交战各派即将就和平计划达成协议。麦克米伦高阶〔hock〕It is almost impossible for the prime minister to stand above the factions. He always seems in hock to one or another.总理想要不受各派系的影响几乎是不可能的。他好像总是为某一派所牵制。柯林斯高阶〔invite〕Leaders of the warring factions were invited to attend peace talks in Geneva.交战各派的领导人被邀请到日内瓦参加和谈。麦克米伦高阶〔opposing〕It is time for opposing factions to unite and work towards a common goal.现在是对立各派联合起来、为共同目标而奋斗的时候了。牛津高阶〔peace〕The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions.谈判者正努力使交战各派议和。牛津高阶〔return〕The election returns produced a confusing picture of gains and losses.选举结果显示参选各派各有得失,局势扑朔迷离。剑桥高阶〔reunite〕As leader, his main aim is to reunite the party.作为领导,他的主要目标就是要使党内各派团结起来。牛津高阶〔settle〕We hope the factions will be able to settle their differences (=agree to stop arguing) by peaceful means.我们希望各派系能用和平的方式来解决分歧。朗文当代〔shootout〕A means of resolving a tie after overtime in a soccer game, in which five players from each side alternately take individual shots on goal.点球决胜负:在足球比赛中,在决胜期以后决定胜负的一个方法,双方各派五个选手,分别射一次门美国传统〔strand〕We heard every strand of political opinion.各派的政治观点我们都听到了。牛津高阶〔unified〕The plan has been for the rival armies to demobilise, to unify, and then to hold elections to decide who rules.这个计划是要让各派敌对武装遣散军队、联合起来,然后通过选举决定谁来统治。柯林斯高阶〔unify〕If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.如果新领导人能将党内互相争斗的各派力量整合起来,那将是个了不起的成就。剑桥高阶〔unify〕The plan has been for the rival armies to demobilize, to unify, and then to hold elections to decide who rules.该计划是要让各派敌对武装遣散军队, 联合起来, 然后通过选举决定由谁当政。外研社新世纪〔unify〕They're trying to find a candidate who will unify all factions.他们正试图寻找一位能联合各派系的候选人。麦克米伦高阶The troika of European Union foreign ministers has so far failed to persuade the warring factions to accept a ceasefire.欧盟三大外交部长至今为止没能说服敌对各派接受停火。剑桥国际




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